Rejoice oh good people. As long weekend are here. Phew!
Not opting to balik kampung this weekend, rather stay here in KL. Got a few plans in mind, but nothing really worth spouting off here.
This week had been a bit blah. A few people pisses me off or kinda make me feel sad a bit. But also nothing worth to be spouting off here. Not in a rant mode maybe, but I do feel some people should be less of an arse a bit, or think a little before typing or doing anything. Ok? Paham sedara sedari? Ok. Tamoh cakap lebeh2.
So a picture laden post. Not my pics. Obviously.
First of all, fiance brought back from US...

As I said, it is expensive to buy Georgette Heyer books here. I love her book to bits. Hehe. I love Regency romance books. Its make a fun read. And he bought 5!~ I said only one lor. Not my fault he bought it all. And he bought Neil Gaiman's graphic novels. I was waiting for The Graveyard Book, not yet in stores unfortch, so he bought these instead. Inside of "The Last Temptations" is like rows and rows of strips of black and white comic drawing. (I will add the picture tonight ) Woohh. Macam pening je nak baca. But try je la. Though the last time I try to read a comic book like that, (Doraemon, Slam Dunk and Dr Slump tak kira), I end up puking. Pening lor.
Now... 2 weeks in a row, I had eaten at a very chio pizza place in KL. I am the type of person, who got arrested by weird cravings every day. So last week I found myself walking around dazedly in the back alley of KL to find that pizza place where I see everyday on my way to work. (Not really back alley la, but I rarely walked down that small roads pon). Fiance laughed at me and said I am obviously guided to go there by smell as he knows how terrible I am at finding a place and deciphering directions.
Well, my first trip, I had the half baked potatoes with sour cream and chives. It is also topped with bits of beef bacon. ( I may forget the exact name). A bit oily. Soak the oil with a paper towel, if you like. But really best eaten when hot. Especially topped with the cold sour cream. I like it. Though I did wish it left some of the isi potato a bit more. They scooped out the isi from the potatoes and filled it with cheese. Sape yang suke cheese mesti akan orgasmic. Even moi yang kureng dengan cheese admit that their cheese memang sedap.

I ordered the pizza to go because adalah sangat gile mentekedarah if I were to eat 6 of those potatoes halves and 1 whole pizza alone during lunch hour. So the pizza (Beef Pepperoni and Mushroom) re-baked telah dikongsi bersama at home, with my sis and her husband. I took the smallest size 10". Tapi after 2 slices telah cukup. 3 slices sangat kenyang. Their small size is comparable to Domino's regular one. So...
So the fiance pulak heard me gush, ask me to drag him towards the place yesterday. This time, I knew already the shortest route possible, I did not think twice to said yes. Was tempted to bought the potato halves it would be a tad too much. So we just ordered the pizza instead (The smallest size again. The fiance with a gleam in his eyes, of course wanted the one with the most topping so we ordered the NY Finest pizza (It have some green and red bell peppers, beef pepperoni, beef grounds, chicken ,onions dan tah hape2 lagi la).

Delicious. But I was really, really full. The topping adalah sangat banyak.
This time is an improvement from the last time I went, as there is now air-conditioning! Fuh... Ambience? He like the place because it played loads of old songs goodness. Don't expect fine dining experience, as they just gave you plastic cups and plates and self service aje. I couldn't care less though, but I like the exterior and interior. Yellow! Like my little car! It even have cute little yellow Vespa to deliver their pizzas. Kewl.
But macam dah muak sikit dengan pizza dah. Kenyang bangat semalam. But takpe, fasting month is coming in close. Lepas raya month maybe I would give it a try again. *grin*
Update: Aku NaK rant!!!! Macam celaka taw client ni. Labels beza 10 baris pon ko nak berkira. hangin tul aku. Dah la aku kena kaji 1500 baris labels per document. Ko taw ade brape document. 8. Tu baru 1 country. Belom lagi berpuluh country. So what la kalo ade yg tak termasuk. Bukan aku dah cakap ke... tak perlu... korang tak guna, takyah nk susahkan diri. Tapi degil tak mat salleh ni. Nak jugak masukkan... nak emo emo, knape tak translated.
Bile bagi document straight from system mengamuk plak. Cakap susah nak baca la. Ape la. Tahu pon ko kan. Yang ko ingat yg susun lawa2 tu sape? Pastu nak suh.. URGENT URGENT.
Eiii eiii.. geram geram...
Not opting to balik kampung this weekend, rather stay here in KL. Got a few plans in mind, but nothing really worth spouting off here.
This week had been a bit blah. A few people pisses me off or kinda make me feel sad a bit. But also nothing worth to be spouting off here. Not in a rant mode maybe, but I do feel some people should be less of an arse a bit, or think a little before typing or doing anything. Ok? Paham sedara sedari? Ok. Tamoh cakap lebeh2.
So a picture laden post. Not my pics. Obviously.
First of all, fiance brought back from US...
As I said, it is expensive to buy Georgette Heyer books here. I love her book to bits. Hehe. I love Regency romance books. Its make a fun read. And he bought 5!~ I said only one lor. Not my fault he bought it all. And he bought Neil Gaiman's graphic novels. I was waiting for The Graveyard Book, not yet in stores unfortch, so he bought these instead. Inside of "The Last Temptations" is like rows and rows of strips of black and white comic drawing. (I will add the picture tonight ) Woohh. Macam pening je nak baca. But try je la. Though the last time I try to read a comic book like that, (Doraemon, Slam Dunk and Dr Slump tak kira), I end up puking. Pening lor.
Now... 2 weeks in a row, I had eaten at a very chio pizza place in KL. I am the type of person, who got arrested by weird cravings every day. So last week I found myself walking around dazedly in the back alley of KL to find that pizza place where I see everyday on my way to work. (Not really back alley la, but I rarely walked down that small roads pon). Fiance laughed at me and said I am obviously guided to go there by smell as he knows how terrible I am at finding a place and deciphering directions.
Well, my first trip, I had the half baked potatoes with sour cream and chives. It is also topped with bits of beef bacon. ( I may forget the exact name). A bit oily. Soak the oil with a paper towel, if you like. But really best eaten when hot. Especially topped with the cold sour cream. I like it. Though I did wish it left some of the isi potato a bit more. They scooped out the isi from the potatoes and filled it with cheese. Sape yang suke cheese mesti akan orgasmic. Even moi yang kureng dengan cheese admit that their cheese memang sedap.

I ordered the pizza to go because adalah sangat gile mentekedarah if I were to eat 6 of those potatoes halves and 1 whole pizza alone during lunch hour. So the pizza (Beef Pepperoni and Mushroom) re-baked telah dikongsi bersama at home, with my sis and her husband. I took the smallest size 10". Tapi after 2 slices telah cukup. 3 slices sangat kenyang. Their small size is comparable to Domino's regular one. So...
- Pizza RM23++
- Potato Halves RM12++ (It's a bit expensive than I think necessary tapi I like it so much I forgive the price)
So the fiance pulak heard me gush, ask me to drag him towards the place yesterday. This time, I knew already the shortest route possible, I did not think twice to said yes. Was tempted to bought the potato halves it would be a tad too much. So we just ordered the pizza instead (The smallest size again. The fiance with a gleam in his eyes, of course wanted the one with the most topping so we ordered the NY Finest pizza (It have some green and red bell peppers, beef pepperoni, beef grounds, chicken ,onions dan tah hape2 lagi la).

Delicious. But I was really, really full. The topping adalah sangat banyak.
This time is an improvement from the last time I went, as there is now air-conditioning! Fuh... Ambience? He like the place because it played loads of old songs goodness. Don't expect fine dining experience, as they just gave you plastic cups and plates and self service aje. I couldn't care less though, but I like the exterior and interior. Yellow! Like my little car! It even have cute little yellow Vespa to deliver their pizzas. Kewl.
But macam dah muak sikit dengan pizza dah. Kenyang bangat semalam. But takpe, fasting month is coming in close. Lepas raya month maybe I would give it a try again. *grin*
Update: Aku NaK rant!!!! Macam celaka taw client ni. Labels beza 10 baris pon ko nak berkira. hangin tul aku. Dah la aku kena kaji 1500 baris labels per document. Ko taw ade brape document. 8. Tu baru 1 country. Belom lagi berpuluh country. So what la kalo ade yg tak termasuk. Bukan aku dah cakap ke... tak perlu... korang tak guna, takyah nk susahkan diri. Tapi degil tak mat salleh ni. Nak jugak masukkan... nak emo emo, knape tak translated.
Bile bagi document straight from system mengamuk plak. Cakap susah nak baca la. Ape la. Tahu pon ko kan. Yang ko ingat yg susun lawa2 tu sape? Pastu nak suh.. URGENT URGENT.
Eiii eiii.. geram geram...
i guess now you have something to gorge on during puasa downtime.
i went to a flea market and got a new paperback for 18. ok la.. cheaper than usual.
wow rants! cool!
Yeps. I do not have to trouble my messy little head on my expenses of books for this year! I got loads still unread.