I have a confession to make. I watched the Mummy Returns first then love, love, love it. Then I watch The Mummy and love even more of it. Brendan Fraser even for a while make me swoon a bit. Kinda like James McAvoy now ( I just have to bring him up, see. It is a compulsion) . Le sigh. But of course remembering the George of the Jungle (Yikes! That movie is just painful and I know that movie is earlier, but still it is bad.) and his hair plug, the idol phase is just for a little while. However if I am bored, I can watch and rewatch the Mummy and the Mummy Returns with enjoyment.
The Mummy third. How can I say this, it kinda bores me. I don't know it might be another external factors that make me feel restless and tired and sleepy. I woke up early that Saturday and had an outing with the family and carrying along my 7kg nephew around (ok, I only carry him around for a while) so I was kinda exhausted. I was thirsty and the line at TGV beverages and popcorns counter is much too long for me to bother. I was a tad bit pissed that we had to queue at the booking counter line for 20 minutes for no valid reason I can think of at all.
So all that does not make me a happy gal entering that cinema. Back to the Mummy 3 again. Let's start with what kinda make me go hmmm about it.
The nicer part
All in all, I think its the weakest of the three. The Mummy and The Mummy Returns was kick ass. Its fun and exhilarating the whole way through the movie. This movie kinda bore me a bit. Though I might want a second viewing of it, when I am less irritable and thirsty. I may change my mind, but I will prolly still think that its the lesser of the first 2 and I would still compare Rachel Weisz and Maria Bello to death (even though its not fair and she did her best).
And... who actually live at the Shangri-La? The monks and the yeti?
The Mummy third. How can I say this, it kinda bores me. I don't know it might be another external factors that make me feel restless and tired and sleepy. I woke up early that Saturday and had an outing with the family and carrying along my 7kg nephew around (ok, I only carry him around for a while) so I was kinda exhausted. I was thirsty and the line at TGV beverages and popcorns counter is much too long for me to bother. I was a tad bit pissed that we had to queue at the booking counter line for 20 minutes for no valid reason I can think of at all.
So all that does not make me a happy gal entering that cinema. Back to the Mummy 3 again. Let's start with what kinda make me go hmmm about it.
- - Alex is kinda kayu.
- - I was distracted on how much time had past since we last saw em that I spent 10 minutes during viewing time trying to guess the kid's possible age and Rick O'Connell possible age.
- - Maria Bello (The New Evie) does not seems like Evie. But she does look kick ass holding a gun. She however is not believable as an absent minded woman who loves history and mystery.
- - WTF with making Evie as an author of a M&B type of books? I only saw her love for history surface for like 5 minutes in the whole movie.
- - I miss Rachel Weisz immensely.
- - Also miss Oded Fehr.
- - Alex and Lin love side story feel forced.
The nicer part
- - Like the other part in the Mummy movies, I love the story-telling part at the start of the movie. If it were a HK movie, it would be even more kick ass, but nowadays they would probably try to make it all weepy and drama-ey. Blergh.
- - I still heart Michelle Yeoh and Jet Li, even though they are getting on the years now. Oh and Russell Wong is kinda hot.
- - Love the Imhotep club.
- - I like the battle scene between the terracotta warriors and the skeletal rebels. It is one of the fun part of the movie.
- - I still like Brendan Fraser. Though I don't heart him as before.
- - If only they would bring the butler along with em to their adventure.
- - I love the Yeti. I want them as pet.
All in all, I think its the weakest of the three. The Mummy and The Mummy Returns was kick ass. Its fun and exhilarating the whole way through the movie. This movie kinda bore me a bit. Though I might want a second viewing of it, when I am less irritable and thirsty. I may change my mind, but I will prolly still think that its the lesser of the first 2 and I would still compare Rachel Weisz and Maria Bello to death (even though its not fair and she did her best).
And... who actually live at the Shangri-La? The monks and the yeti?
no oded fehr! how can. the Magi is one of the reasonw hy i like mummy. its bad enuff they killed his character in resident evil. now he does not even get call back for the new mummy
i think Alex is included to fill Oded's character. shame.
And I was kinda pissed that they killed him off in Resident Evil 3.
Oded Fehr is hawt!
Alex is more like replacing Rick O Connell.