Part 3 & 4: What we used to watch and what we used to have
Part 1: We used to eat
Part 2: We used to play
What we used to watch...Part 1: We used to eat
Part 2: We used to play
(Though I do think this is more of an early 90s cartoon)

Dragonball. I don't watch these.

Nothing in Power Rangers is cool. Especially after you watched your brothers re-enact those battle scenes.

Hikhikhik. Til today if there is Doraemon on tv, I would watch it. "Doraemon and Poket Ajaibnye". Love it. Especially the comic. Though the cartoonist kinda a paedo pervert for his persistent drawing of Sizuka in the bath or changing clothes.
It also make me always excited to see dorayaki. I will be always... OMG, OMG, Doraemon favorite food!

He-Man. Yeah. It was one of those cartoons muscle clad heroes wearing speedos loincloth waving around their sword.
Also I much prefer She-Ra. I was a feminist, even back then.

A tune that will forever emblazoned in your mind. Also I believe the only cartoons that make children wants to eat spinach willingly even though they grimaced whenever they are downing it.
I am one of those person. But I am also the type of child who have to clean her plates, so in order to do that I will imagine that those vegetables are something else altogether. e.g. Broccoli and cauliflower - I imagine I am a giant and I am eating trees as snack.

I used to love TMNT. But I always have difficulties in accepting them as heroes and salivating after April because they are turtles. And why are there turtles in the sewage again.

I never really care about it. When I was small I was always annoyed whenever there is Transformers on. I would think why, why they keep on showing this while they could show Jem!

Little Smurfs. I could not remember why the villain keep on trying to catch them little blue people.
I did like it. But not so much. It kinda bored me abit.

I love Tom & Jerry. I never think Tom is bad. I think he is cute. I especially love the Tom & Jerry Kids, when Tom is a kitten and Jerry... well a lil mouse.
Tom is the cutest cat ever.

Thunder... thunder.... thundercat!
Remembered waking up early when I was in Australia to watch this.
Special Mentions:
Gummy Bear!
Denver the Last Dinosaur
Gargoyles (I love that)
Jem and the Holograms
The Jetsons
The Flintstones (Hate the movie though)

Don't think so that I ever have the 'fruits' eraser as its a bit expensive.
I remember having the flag one. Slalu frust when you have to erase something cause it would ruin the eraser.

My pencil box was normal, but if a classmate have this pencil case, the kids would usually pinjam and menggodeh the pencil case opening up every nook and crannies.
I usually rearrange their things to places its not suppose to just to just annoy them. Heh.

Actually I am not too sure what this picture suppose to show. Pemadam pen yg hampes, yang hanya boleh koyakkan kertas? Or lousy metal pencil box that always dent and rust. Or those pencils? Or those little stickers which I admit I love.
Special Mention:
Autograph Books (I treasure my autograph book)
Name cards (Why would a 12 year old need a name card amaze me even now)
p/s: malas plak nak carik pics for the Special Mention.
A correction though, Its "Ding Dang" not "Ding Dong" =p. Tora and Ding Dang back then is like McD and KFC, Pepsi and Coke, Starbucks and Coffee Bean kinda thing. Whatever each one comes out with a new toys, the other will follow suit.
Love those days, can get anything i want.
Ah.. Ding Dang ye.. Ah well... Ding Dong seems much more appropriate for the insane type of lousy type of toys they bought. Huhu.
Yeps.. sometimes I thought both of these toys Tora and Ding Dang are strangely similar.
Eiiii.. wat list sendri la. Tak masuk dlm special mention sbb tak suke tgk.
i've beeen trying to find one for ages. wanna keep it for nostalgia sake!
Haha. That pencil box. Usually kalo sesape ade. Mesti one of the penutup slots tu tertanggal la, takleh tutup betul la.