I got the below from an email and although I kinda detest copy and pasting lame jokes onto blog, these I cannot resist (and its not even a joke anyway). It just make me smile.
It is so long and there would be some finger-scrolling exercises to do but it is all in pictures! So don't lose heart! Update: As it is quite long, I think I am going to divide it to 3 parts. 1 part per post. This would be easier for moi to update.
Also I couldn't be bothered to edit it nicely to put the pictures in 1 nice row and I rather want to put own comments next to the pictures...
I remembered a whole lots of junk foods that we would just shuddered if we would want to eat it now, but selalu berulang alik kedai makcik, scraping at our tabung to buy some of these stuffs.
It is so long and there would be some finger-scrolling exercises to do but it is all in pictures! So don't lose heart! Update: As it is quite long, I think I am going to divide it to 3 parts. 1 part per post. This would be easier for moi to update.
Also I couldn't be bothered to edit it nicely to put the pictures in 1 nice row and I rather want to put own comments next to the pictures...
I remembered a whole lots of junk foods that we would just shuddered if we would want to eat it now, but selalu berulang alik kedai makcik, scraping at our tabung to buy some of these stuffs.

I love gums. I love them even today. I have a whole 'container' filled with gums in work place.
These 'bear' gums is da best when blowing bubbles. Always bought them at show off my skills in blowing bubble to my little brother who then had not yet master the skill.

*confession* I penah stole that 'grape gum' from a supermarket. *shamefaced*

Coklat ni masa kecik-kecik macam best biler dimakan. Sebab die slightly mahal sikit dari biasa. And it tasted a whole lot better than Tora.

*I even volunteered at the "Free Food for Poor Children" scheme in giving out food for the poor kids every recess time as volunteer gets to eat the food too* :D Even when I was small I was an opportunist and like to eat.

Put it in a freezer to make an ice lollies! It is too sweet, but nice only when it is chilled or frozen.

How do I eat my biscuit icing (What do you call this?)
1. I grabbed a handful.
2. I ate all the colorful 'icing' first.
3. Then I proceed to eat the biscuit

I have no idea what this is nor do I ever had seen it. Anyone knows?
Special Mention: These are not in the email I received, but I love these junk foods to bits except for Choki Choki.

I never like sweet chocolate. I like my chocolates kinda bitter. But these are my friend's favorite. But after they finished with it, UGH. Looks yucky meh.

One of my all time favorites. The amount of coloring and whatever stuffs in there can make a health freak, freaks. But this is seriously nice. I indulge in it too once in a while. When the mood strikes, selalu beli from bai roti.

Second favorite: Asam boi
Heavenly especially after coming back from school in that harsh afternoon sun. Dan juga time-time ponteng puasa di belakang rumah makcik makan aiskrim beramai-ramai di tepi longkang.
Note: Serias, I took your aiskrim picture from your Fotopages yar. Her mom is one of these entrepreneur. Slalu suke amik satu dalam fridge whenever we singgah at her home.
p/s: Part 2 coming in tomorrow. Malas dah menaip. It would be nice to make this into a tag, but the amount of copying and pasting pictures would put people off for sure. But it would be nice to read what is their memories on this junk food.
tapi sampai sekarang suke makan. sampai muak, as previous boss at HP suke beli.
Tataw bad for health... belikan banyak2. Nak kasik pekerja2 die botak.
Baru taw. Ke die org meant yg paket kerepok cam mee tu? The perencah is definitely not healthy kan?
Hahah.. tah la.