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Showing posts from December, 2009

Satisfaction not guaranteed

You know something, I always found myself being jealous. Jealous of people who love their work. I wondered why I never feel this way. Is it because its really hard for me to make friends so making the workplace a more enjoyable place to be in or because I don't have the 'minat' in this industry. To tell you the truth, I don't even know what I want. As you are reaching the big 3.0 your life should be more defined, you need to know what you want or have a good start on your long term career goal. When interviews came, the long term career goals questions is the one I loathe. I take my future week by week. 10 years down the line questions, make me feel like crying in a corner sucking my thumb. It is not even a question of making money. I even envy the salesgirl at a stall who seems to have a good time doing whatever she does when thinking of going to work is making me hurl. I envy my husband who loves his job. I envy my friends who have a good paying job and making d...


So do I need to make a post about reminisce or goals or expectations or what I had done? Reflection is sooo depressing. Lets random rambles instead. 1. Just got back from a cousin (more like 2 pupu's wedding). It was lovely and nice as all of her big family had come together and tried to make everything from scratch. Also a shout out to Yoda's and Rozie's : Selamat Pengantin Baru. Sorry I can't make it to Kedah, as I need to be at JB at the time. Housewarming jangan lupa ajak aku. 2. Kinda glad that Christmas is over because I gotten a bit sick of all the Christmas songs playing over and over again. There was this really horrible rendition of 'Santa, baby' I heard just yesterday at a shop that at first I thought I was going insane because I thought I had heard a disconnected sounding voice talking nonsense out of nowhere, but it turned out to be that song sung by a woman that sounds like a man trying to be sexy. Really weird and disconcerting. 3. I need ...

Mewayang and a book

For a couple of weeks had been watching movies with my husband... and many of those I like. But hey, I even like Legally Blondes (with the S), so my taste in movies can also be questionable. The Hangover Image from  Manage to watch it last week and it was HILARIOUS. I was laughing out loud many, many times . The jokes were spot on and even the most wildly inappropriate one doesn't feel inappropriate. And I hate movies like Click, Ace Ventura, Pink Panther, and the likes. So this comedy feels refreshing, funny yet not slapsticky. I wonder how Hangover 2 is gonna play out? Avatar Image from The story is kinda cheesy and cliche. I can basically know what is going to happen before it happened. But the visual effect and all those CGI thingies is really lovely. However how cheesy or cliche the story is, it is pretty watchable and worth your money for the blu ray or whatever new tech it might come up next. 500 Days of Summer   Image...

In association with my past self

Currently I am listening to some old songs. The few back years songs. Specifically the Indonesian songs. I used to ban Indonesian songs. Not because I hate the Indonesians. Nope. Those who follow this blog from the beginning, will perhaps have a vague memory or notions why I don't listen to Indonesian songs anymore. Those who don't, let just say most Indonesian songs are just too painful for me to hear. Why did I begin to listen again to these songs? The songs that when I heard before make me feel like my heart is breaking little by little. I honestly don't know. To gauge if it's still painful I guess even after I am married. And you know, being married does not make your past disappear. I resent the perception of being married, that you have to be a dutiful, perfect little wifey without baggages. Or that your life is complete when you have a perfect family. Or the fact that you chose to wear a hijab, you need to be unmarked in sins. Isn't life about improvement...

short post on things I am excited about

except this tuna sandwich I bought from Cold Storage that I had just eaten. I gagged a bit when I'd taken the first bite, but you can give me a maggot sandwich and I would eat it because I had paid money for it. Urgh... No. 1 thing that I am excited about. Coraline is nominated for a Golden Globes! I like the book, and love the movie. It have an eerie charm about it and shivers me timbers! Great news for Neil Gaiman and filmmakers everywhere whom will now be interested in making movies based on Neil Gaiman works. Pleaseee do a film on Neverwhere, pleaseee. Also the other thing that make me bite my tongue to prevent me from squealing out loud and at the same time gagging from the horrendous tuna sandwich I am chewing is the awesome, awesome teaser poster of Chuck for Season 3. Really awesome. It would be even more awesome if Adam Baldwin is also there looking bewildered while glowering (because I loveeee, loveeeee, looooveeee him especially when he glowered). I know some of ...

Aini and Zaki's Wedding

Promised the girls that we will attend Aini's wedding at Melaka on last Saturday, but at the last minute I changed the plan to go to Zaki's side of the wedding instead at Air Molek yesterday since on the same day there was also another kenduri potong jambul at my brother in law's kampung at Rembau. We manage to reach there around 15 mins after 1pm just before the pengantin berarak. Nice timing indeed. So alang-alang2 tu aku join je belakang rombongan pengantin masuk while my husband duk ambik-ambik gamba. Anyway the food was yummeh (sambal sotong!!! My Fav!) and the wedding is really traditional-like with gamelan music and silat. Aini looks really prettyyy and Zaki's sooo happy and jovial-like. Selamat Pengantin Baru to Aini and Zaki. The pic above is from my husband camera taken by tah sape and I will upload most of the remaining gambar kenduri in Facebook, sooner or later. Gamba kat Rembau tu, tanya Shamani die nak upload kat mana as the pics are at his camera too...

Good God, Its Friday Y'all!

Ya know country is makin' a comeback and talkin this way is the shits! Right. Aku bangkrap bulan ni sebab kena bayar insurans kereta. My husband said I should save more. Bah! Tapi maseh ade hati nak membeli hadiah-hadiah kahwin kepada mereka-mereka yang kahwin bulan disember ni. Its procreation month y'all. This week got a wedding which supposedly I should go to on Saturday, but made a last mins decision to go to the kenduri at Melaka right after a kenduri at Rembau on Sunday. Sheeesh. Next week got 2 weddings, naseb baik both in KL. And the Christmas week got 2 more weddings! And because one of them is in JB and the other in Kedah, we can only choose one kenduri to go to. I think by next year, kurang sikit kut membe-membe mahu kahwin ini. Was thinking to watch Natrah teater, but my pocket funds are reallllllyy lowwww like I said above and I couldn't even find a time to watch it as kalo weekdays jalan nak pergi Istana Budaya tu boleh turn me off to watch anything ...

Meandering along

I said to myself ... this could work, but it doesn't. And I turned to food for comfort. ... no more supermarket food, but its so easy to eat in front of the computer and cheap. Even if its taste weird. ...should have bought things that are low calorie, but it ain't filling. time for blog, but I opened it up anyway because it is addictive to read what people thoughts and events. ...ok, time for work. Oh, I bought Atonement book online RM10, with free postage. Such a great deal. 

Hadeeja Cafe

The post on what I ate. My husband noticed a newspaper article mentioning that Deja Moss had opened a kedai makan in Ukay Perdana and beria-ria mengajak aku untuk test. The kedai makan is also co-owned by Anuar Zain ( a fact that I like to highlight to Sheema and Seri. Hehe) We went on Sunday for some lunch. Was a bit impressed to see how chic the kedai look from outside and confused when I pulled to open the door, it wouldn't budge. Seems you need to ring on the doorbell then the door can be opened. Ok. The menu is not extensive. From what I can see written on the board the options are, Laksa Sarawak (special or biasa), Mee Kolo, Nasi Daging Hitam and Nasi Ayam Hitam. The drinks are the usual and nothing fancy about it. I ordered Teh O Ais (tak perlu review teh o ais kan) dan Laksa Sarawak, but the orang kedai misheard me and gave me the Laksa Sarawak Special instead. Ok, Laksa Sarawak Special is ok also. The price for yang special is RM8++ and the biasa is RM7++. The spec...

Kesah Kurap Pulak

Its now Kurap turn to be neutered. Its seems time because she had begun to be interested in exploring the back alley which is filled with hormonal tomcats.  First day balik adalah agak mandom, then esok tu dah mula la 'menginja' sana sini main kejar-kejar dengan Fasha tak sedar diri perut tu masih lagi freshly berjahit. And makin manja pulak, sibuk nak tidur sebelah manusia. Tak penah jumpa lagi kucing semanja die. Wherever there is anyone in the house, she will follow them and stay with them and sometimes forced us to scratch her ears or pet her head by mewing loudly and persistently. Very the mengada. She does not make much of a fuss with the big cone on her head as I had thought she would be. Mungkin sebab die ni jenis tak kesah nak jilat bulu sangat. Fasha is the one yang obsessed with cleaning herself, which is why I am not at all surprised to find some clump of cat vomit or hairball which is solely courtesy of Fasha. Dulu geli, sekarang sudah immune. Hahaha. We...

Random Reviews

Book: Contest Pic taken from  I thought I wouldn't enjoyed it. It is a book about aliens! I hate any stories about aliens. I don't even enjoy E.T. But Effi might complained that the book is dumb down, I say its fine the way it is, because if it try to act anymore clever, I will not enjoyed reading it. Its a kinda like Aliens VS Predators, plus more aliens! Except for the human participation in it. Light action read I should say. Reels: Zombieland. Pic taken from Yoda is right. It is lulzy. The rules ala-ala Zombie Survival Guide is awesome. Beware of bathroom! Double Tap! Not as funny as Shaun of the Dead but it have its funny moments. The Bill Murray thing, was equally funny but on the other hand rather stupid. My fav is Woody Harrelson. He is such a badass! I kept on getting him confused with Matthew McConaughey throughout the whole movie because they look kinda similar and McConaughey always played the macho western wi...

Ring Marks on tables are EVIL

Let me count the ways on how I like Dila/Erni . 1. I think she's kinda an awesome blogger. Opinionated mummy blogger who doesn't follow trend, but make up her own rules and ways. 2. Even dengan ade Ziyyad (son) and family, a job that I don't quite get what she really do, she makes time to do her crafts and even set up her own part time entrepreneur projects on her free time for extra income. 3. Sebab die bagi aku free coaster and even thrown in a felt hair clip for moi. (Aku treat hair clip itu as my birthday present sebab I got it 2 days before my birthday, teehee). Hehe. Ok tak introduction 2 point di atas itu untuk mengipas orang yang bagi barang free? So, Erni had kindly gave me the coaster, which is easiest the prettiest thing on my bare desk because I had not decorated or put up anything remotely nice at all on that desk for the past months. The coaster is made of cloth so its washable. The design is pretty, my one is ala-ala Japanese blossom gitu.  The...
