On the Saturday morning after Saif was born, the 7th day, I said to my mum that kalau kat JB I would asked my mother to call Ustazah Masyitah who used to do cukur rambut for the cucu babies in my mom circle of kelas agama friends to come and do Saif. Not a big thing, just a few people and just some simple makan-makan after.
But my abang ipar friend who is an Ustaz is here on KL so he called the young Ustaz up ( ustaz ranggi.. ) and mentioned my intention. My mom decided to cook nasi lemak and we just invited very few people for the makan.
So on the 8th day, Saif punye rambut cacak2 tu dah tadek.
I pump milk the night before so budak kecik will lessen his fussing time tu |
My baby memang suke buat duckface |
Abang Aziz kat belakang tu berlari sana sini, tak kesahkan adik die kena cukur. |
I think the young ustaz kurang sikit pengalaman cukur so lama sikit nak habis cukur. Rambut Saif pon banyak. Afterwards Saif was a bit freakout die kena manhandle camtu so it took some time to calm him down, but he was ok je. We kumpul2 the rambut afterwards dan laki aku I think maseh belom bawak timbang to kira the weight in gold. Nanti kena ingatkan.
Ni rambut die nak tumbuh balik dah in weird fiery pattern. Laki aku cakap macam dalam watak anime.
Latest photo of budak botak yang you can see rambut tumbuh di atas je setakat ni. Hehe.
In term of growth I think it is ok. He feels heavier, seluar masa die mula2 pakai keluar hosp no longer muat, the last checkup his weight naik tremendously and the pediatrician could not be more pleased. Yesterday pon baru bawak Saif for follow up check die punye circumcision. Like Aziz we decided to do the circumcision masa die umur 3 hari. We know how easy it was to care when they are that young so which is why we do it. Tali pusat die tanggal on his 12th day and the circumcision ring tu lagiii lamaa. Almost hari ke 17 ke 18 baru nak tanggal. Laki aku dah risau. My sister advised to soak in the bathtub masa mandi tu lama than usual kasi anu die kecut sikit and ease the ring off. And by easing it off, meaning mende tu sendiri tanggal sendiri la, the extra effort needed from our end is just soaking him. And memang masa tengah die berendam tu la the ring came off. Sekian protip untuk ibu2 yang tidak tahu.
Oklah. Ape nak blog lagi pon dah tak ingat. Baby tengah menjerit.