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Tuka gambar to dusk in Tokyo sebab epilepsy aku tengok gamba sebelom ni. 

It had been an eventful year. 

For the world. The Gaza terror ( war is too bias because only the Gazans suffered the most), the Sewol South Korea ferry where a lot of school teens are the major  casualty, the Peshawar school massacre where a lot of children died needlessly on some misguided ideas of revenge, also the year most of the world are introduced to Boko Haram and their despicable acts of kidnapping school girls, the Sydney cafe siege where Muslims every where despaired when one lone man tarnished the name of Islam and the death of two innocents. 

And I am not getting to Malaysia yet. Of course MH370 and MH17. Even remembering it is painful, I can't imagine the pain of family and loved ones of the passengers.  The loss of Air Asia plane recently while it is an Indonesian plane, but it still hit too close to home. Cameron Highlands ravaged lands. The floods in East Coast that is still ongoing. The water crisis in Selangor.

In short it was a bad year all around. 

Personally it have its ups and down. 

The birth of my second son. Rezeki enough to have 2 renovations in a year. Our Japan trip. The addition of the 2 cats. 

My resigning from the company after close to 7 years. Kurap gone from our lives. 

I dont know what 2015 will hold. I am not sure where my career will head or if I will have any in light of this economic downturn. Aziz starting a new playschool. Juggling 2 kids. So much uncertainties and for someone who hated change I guess I feel as if I am in a limbo. 

Lets hope the best for us and Malaysia. 


alwayzzcitra said…
Wow, you've been through many important event in 2014, it seems like. How does it feel to resign from your job? is it scary?

How are your two little ones?
dils said…
Very scary. Have to refrain from shopping T_T

My littles one are ok though the school holiday is making me feel insane a bit


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