Am going to spew nonsense.
- I kept on thinking that my husband is going to be back to Malaysia on next month, but actually he's only going to be back in March. Lama okeh. In the meantime, I am still ronery with the 2 cats, but weekend had been busy. Ni baru je buat plan shopping with office mate for the upcoming holiday.
- Since CNY celebrations is upcoming, there had been a lot of Yee Sang consumed. And I loved Yee Sang! I love those onions bits, the crunchy bits and tiny bits of carrots and whats not. A Yee Sang session had just finished and I had already tapaw the uneaten ones in a bekas to be eaten at home tonight. Hehe.
- Also what is happening with Lindsay Lohan face? She is younger than me but her face now looks old and busted. Why do people think that fat lips looks great on them. It obviously looks weird on her. The only person who have some success plasticfying herself I think is Ashlee Simpson. For the simple reason that she knows when to stop.
- And tomorrow off to Penang for a girls weekend trip! Am so excited! Even if we don't get to do half the things that we planned, the journey alone is worth it.
- Oh (topic entry terlupa pulak) was out lunching and shopping with the office mates time Friday lunch hour. As usual, Friday nye lunch mesti lagi panjang dari biasa. Bile tak banyak keje rase seronok je jalan-jalan bukan? So we went to see the MNG and Zara clearance sales. Jacket yang dijual adalah sangatttttt lawa dan tempting, however I deferred from buying just because, there's a lot of things I need to buy first! Buying things for trip that I may or may not go to, macam tempting fates. Tunggu ticket di tangan! So only bought things for my sis, (and 1 thing for me) for cosmetics for Stage since they are currently selling lipsticks, foundation, lip gloss and various for only RM18. And tudung Arzu. I like Arzu. Ariani terlalu mencekik darah for me .
- I'd been reading the Parti Kita matlamat and so forth and not exactly impressed yet, but when I saw who's the president I am intrigued. When I was stranded in The Curve without money at one time and no place to go, I parked myself at Borders and manage to finish I Am Malay, Too by Zaid Ibrahim at one go. I like what the book says since what I suspect of what Mahathir really was and Abdullah Badawi parallel with his thoughts and perception. If he manage to stay classy and not go through the PKR path, he might get my vote. Both PKR and BN antics these past 4 years had been really nauseating to watch, so we'll see.