Oh yeah. I changed the layout again. I got a little sick of the blog template that I had for the few months, and suddenly really wanted to change. I quite like it. Clean and simple. So will add the usual widgets later on.

The thing with working in the middle of a huge sprawling shopping complex is the temptation to shop. Never really cave in to the whim before but this week I am sorely, sorely tempted to buy 2 pair of shoes. One is Andre Comfort, a gray, very cute shoes that have little crisscross on top. The other is Zang Toi red heels that just looks so sexy and incredible that I feel if wearing it I would walk sambil flip, flip hair and imagine windfan blowing hair (sebab itu kena flip) and fabrics all around like Gisele Bundchen on a photoshoot. Yes, walaupon, pendek, agak pear shape and have short stubby legs, sekali sekala perasan supermodel tak salah okeeehhhh.
Both cost a few ratus, and I don't spend that much on shoes. But walking past those shoes everyday does not make the heart grow less fonder ok.

My bladders are working against me. I mean I don't know how, but recently I can't hold my pee for long. Its like I had a forgotten gastric bypass and my bladders suddenly shrunk. I mean last week, I felt the need for the no. 1 just before boarding a plane. Nothing to it, as airports got loads of toilets.
Then after boarding the plane and right before takeoff, I feel like I really need to pee. Like right now and then. I wasss dying for the plane to get the fuck off the runway and glide up and leveled so the damn seatbelt sign can turn off, signalling me that it is A-OK to dash into the miniscule toilet. All that process took an agonizing 15 - 20 minutes. Mouthed off to my husband "Realllyyy need to peeeee" and he showed me the barf bag while making a show of peeing in it. That does not help okeh.
This also a problem in the office. The cleaner always opt to clean the bathroom during the time I needed it most. Gah! If that happened I dash off downstairs to the Gardens premiere RM5 toilet and showed my ISETAN card (at least if no shopping is done, the card is useful) since it is complimentary for ISETAN and ROBINSON's card members. Hah! Lagi clean, wangi and got perfume some more.
Ok. Enough toilet talk.

It is for me because esok aku cuti! Yeay!
1st image: from www.blogger.com
2nd image: from graphicfactory.com
3rd image : from bbc.co.uk
4th image : from bluebuddies.com