It was my birthday last Saturday and our first anniversary last Sunday. We vaguely planned a mini-break getaway but canceled it because it seems a bit costly and I macam malas.
Thanks for all the wishes. Thanks also for husband for treating me to various eateries that I felt like having on Saturday.
Went to IKEA for the baked salmon (I like the usual salmon better), bought strawberries at the Street, went to KLCC for books.
My birthday gifts! Books! Fables tu tak kira sebab my husband yang sibuk sangat nak beli. At long last I got my copy of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies!
Then Bakin Boys cookies, various windows shopping and salivating on things I can't afford, and then to Wangsa Walk for Secret Recipe because I am in love with their Japanese Soba and Vienna Brownies. Though my husband ordered the Vienna Brownies and I chose Lemon Cheese to try it out (not that great).
Japanese Soba and Grilled Black Pepper Chicken. Setiap kali tengok black pepper chicken ni, teringat kesah Lan dahulu
Vienna Brownies yang heavenly and Lemon Cheese yang kureng sikit.
Dinner went to the newly opened Sri Ayuthayya at Wangsa Maju because I had been dyingggg to go there since forever tapi sebab jauh so malas. And it was subpar. I hate the tomyam, too oily for my taste and the kerabu is nothing to shout about. The sizzling prawns are kinda nice and the asparagus, is asparagus without anything you can add to it.
Not that keen to try it again but maybe will come back to try out other dishes, because maybe we just ordered the so-so ones. I will be staying away from the tomyam though.
Nothing to say much about both event, except I am older and still feels like going nowhere. Hurrah for early onset depression! As for first year anniversary, it feels like we had been together for a very long time and at the same time, it feels like eh sudah 1 year?
And I think birthday girl picture should be featured for this post eh. So ini dia.
Memberi arch look (when expression 'arch' is being used, doesn't it remind you of Elizabeth Bennett) kepada camera.

mengada tau birthday looks itewww ..
btw r u going to fir's wedding?
Hahaha... sekali sekala mengadee takpee.
Yups. yups. Going rasenyer.