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Shorty One

Going back to JB this weekend (eh tonight!). Woots!

Jumpa Fasha di belakang rumah pagi tadi cari gaduh dengan the new cat at our back alley. They are spitting and hissing kat umah sbelah. Hish2. Suke tul buat perangai kat rumah orang.

I hate those Nuffnang innit popup thingies, too. Naseb baik, I taken off the Nuffnang ads from the blog before those annoying thing pervades. And there are some that you can't minimize. Thanks a lot for creating new pop-ups, just when I thought they are now almost obsolete.

During lunch, had some Nasi Kandar from the Kudu restaurant. Supremely sleepy.

Its 5 pm. And its Friday. And I am itching to go back home.

Sometimes people take things for granted and it is pissing me off. A simple thank you pon susah ke? Or do you think you are so special that you are entitled to 'certain' things without any form of acknowledgements. Lantak la.

Aku mahu balik.

I am seriously considering in buying a portable DVD player now. Ramai sangat guna komputer kat rumah, susah la haku maw tengok my series. Tapi, itu bukan alasan ye, as I am also spending my time main game pulak.

Selamat Pengantin Baru to Syukies and Mar, and to my Boss (though he is not reading this) and to my 2, 3 pupu. All whom would be getting married this weekend.


syukies ngan kasab kawin.. stealth gile!


btw. welcome to the former NN-er club. damn thing didnt work anyway unless u r a celeb. for unknown sods like us we are lucky to get 1 buck a week!
Anasfadilah said…
i think pun nak buang la NN..masih tak capai RM3 pun dah setengah tahu..lepas la beli nasi lemak RM1 dengan teh ais RM1.20...bleurghh!

the pop up thingy memang anoying..gonna cabut that thing later...ahahaha
Dils said…
Man. You are popular. it should work for you. Hahaha.

Hehe.. untung lagi dengan kedai chomel kan. Btw dila, see Comel gile barang2 die... if only la ade talents like her. Untung haku takyah beli floaty tops mahal2.


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