Just got back from the warehouse book sale titled above at PJ.
These are what we bought.

Around 24 books. If you rajin enough to count, there are 22 books in there. 2 are not pictured. One of them is a recipe book (OMG! Dils cooked? Horror of horrors! Don't fret, it will be most prolly just for display) and another is a Minnie Mouse cloth book for Abid. I gave that to him and he tossed it aside. He is more interested in MY books.
Overall I am pretty satisfied with what I had bought. Bought 2 Matthew Reilly books,which my husband was looking cause he was hooked on the previous Matthew Reilly's 7 Ancient Wonder's book that I bought. 3 or 4 books in the box (like the Guinness World Records and Jokes book thingies which I would never bought because what the INTERNET are for if not for useless facts eh. Different people, different taste) are his.
Pretty excited because I was hoping I could get Cormac McCarthy book "The Road" and I found it. Bought the Golden Compass series which I was itching to get before, also Inkheart. Also the Undead series where I had been eyeing at Kinokuniya for so long. Though I only manage to get 3 of the series. There are also a few books, that I deigned interesting enough and tossed it into the box, hoping it would be good.
After this? The long hours of membalut each book before reading it. Oh, you should go if you get the chance too. Tomorrow and Monday it is still there, and probably would be even more massive. There are still loads of boxes left unopen for your literary treasures!
I had spoken with a woman who mentioned that today is her 2nd visit (or shopping trip there). There was a husband and wife where the husband eyes bulged when he saw the amount of books his wife had bought ( "You beli semua ni?!!!"). Some old ladies bringing trolley (genius!) in preparation for stock of books! Yeps, pretty hilarious place for people watching too.
Ops. Total damage: RM207. Well, ok lar tu.
These are what we bought.
Around 24 books. If you rajin enough to count, there are 22 books in there. 2 are not pictured. One of them is a recipe book (OMG! Dils cooked? Horror of horrors! Don't fret, it will be most prolly just for display) and another is a Minnie Mouse cloth book for Abid. I gave that to him and he tossed it aside. He is more interested in MY books.
Pretty excited because I was hoping I could get Cormac McCarthy book "The Road" and I found it. Bought the Golden Compass series which I was itching to get before, also Inkheart. Also the Undead series where I had been eyeing at Kinokuniya for so long. Though I only manage to get 3 of the series. There are also a few books, that I deigned interesting enough and tossed it into the box, hoping it would be good.
After this? The long hours of membalut each book before reading it. Oh, you should go if you get the chance too. Tomorrow and Monday it is still there, and probably would be even more massive. There are still loads of boxes left unopen for your literary treasures!
I had spoken with a woman who mentioned that today is her 2nd visit (or shopping trip there). There was a husband and wife where the husband eyes bulged when he saw the amount of books his wife had bought ( "You beli semua ni?!!!"). Some old ladies bringing trolley (genius!) in preparation for stock of books! Yeps, pretty hilarious place for people watching too.
Ops. Total damage: RM207. Well, ok lar tu.
tak kabo awal2.. sobs.. lol
masih seperti dulu.
gile buku
balut buku
Oh. Aku memang akan tetap chentakan buku sampai bila2.
Prolly. They said the sale on Thurs and Fri was even more awesome. But they still left some box unopened.