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Wish List?

There's a reason why I do not put up a wish list... as it is kinda presumptuous. Something like hoping one of your readers or your friends ( who read your blog) would picked up this thing that you would like to buy but loathe to part your money with and give it to you. Being stingy without telling the world that you are and so forth.

Though after a while, come to think of it, the wish list that they put up is not actually for others. Its for themselves. More of a goal... "I wish to accumulate so-amount-wealth so I can buy this stuff". So I let go of my gripe about wish list and just loosen the hell up la kan.

Because I also want a wish list, damn it! I want to buy thing without any money depleting my sad little bank account. Though material-wise and travel-wise, there's a lot of things that I wish for like " A bungalow with indoor swimming pool" or a "tiny castle beside a lake in Scotland as my summer home with James McAvoy come attached to it, even if he would be my butler". Haha. Ok. Not funny.

Nope my wish list are tiny little things, that I wish I could bought but I need to restrict my spending on books because I am spending way toooo much on them already. But of course I always NEED MOAR BOOKS! Cause I could never get enough of books.

It quite amazed me actually. Once a month I would buy 2 or 3 books, but there are still books that I still want and not yet have. I am thanking God for the creation of online shopping for pre-owned books btw which gave me an option to buy book and save me some RM 5 or RM10 which in turn I used to buy more books. This vicious cycle would never end!

So my wish list of books that I keep on wanting to have but don't buy because I kept on buying other books because they are on offer or cheap are:

1. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
2. The Wolves in the Wall by Neil Gaiman (though this is because I can't find it)
3. M is for Magic by Neil Gaiman
4. Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman (yes, we detect a pattern here. But with the number 4, end the Neil Gaiman books that I want)
5. Holly's Inbox by Holly Denham. (And its sequel)
6. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame Smith.
7. Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
8. Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain
9. Comics: Fables Vol 5 (currently) by Bill Willingham and so forth
10. 1001 Tales of Arabian Night (In Kinokuniya this is selling for RM800++. Insane. But this is the 18th century unabridged one which also made for some painful reading).

So there are 10. I do believe there's more that I can't think of or forgot.

Do I put it beside on the sidebar? Nah. Let just say that this is one of my own reminder that whenever I go into a bookshop for the purpose of book shopping, do not keep veering off course to buy other shiny new books. Tapi........ jika ade orang mahu beli untuk ku pon aku tak kesah. Hahaha. Perasan *blink* *blink*.

Hmmmm. Come to think of it, I got too many books. Still *shrugs* , kate hobby. Which also comes to a question: If I would sell some of my books here, would any of you would be interested? (Though I do love some of my books and read them again and again and again. Of course those books would not be sold)


Mogen Ali Rico said…
aiii..wish list pon semua buku..isk isk iskkkkk
i need to do a wish list too. the last list was fulfilled on my bday last year. the last book in the list masih tengah baca. huhu

need to finish all the Tom Clancy books in the series. tapi MPH nor Borders stock them. Weird eh? oh well..
Dils said…
Mogen Ali Rico:
Uish, tu wish list paling senang untuk aku dapat (atau org lain dapatkan) . Hahaha. Kecuali no. 10.

Heh, you should. You can also always get or Ebay. If you REALLY want those last Clancy's.
FrH said…
wish list pn buku ke? tolonggglah dila. at this age wish list ialah at least gaji 5k sebulan, barulah boleh beli all your 10 wish list tu ;)

aku cadangkan kau jual some of your books yg xberapa disayangi utk beli new books. is that ok? (sukehati aku jek kan)
Unta@Jitra said…
Kalo nk jual, aku rase better put up another blog utk jual. Sebab kalo mixed up dgn personal blog, nnt flow jd xbest. Kt sini pomotkan blog baru... tarik traffic. Aku leh jd co-author kalo nak... since aku ade byk gak buku yg rase2 nk jual. Satu kotak monitor CRT dh koleksi aku...

Marketing eccey... aku baru jek baca Sun Tzu Art of War... jgn main2 :P
Dils said…
Ala.. ni wish list tertumpu kat buku je la. Hahaha...

Hahaha... bole je. Kalo sesape antara kite nk jual buku, guna 1 belog je. Lagi snang. Huhuhu


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