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Showing posts from January, 2006

Fellowship of the Girls

Girls are such catty creatures. You noticed how shows like The Bachelor and America's Next Top Model sells? Through cattiness. I meant yeah its all fine to watch somebody end up with that good for nothing playboy or if the gawky girl really can be a model. But come on. The competition is all the more interesting with a little spice around. The backstabbing unflowering. The 'laser' words thrown in here and there. The oh so mild sarcasm. That's why there are men. To keep us balance and from killing each other. You can see some girls is such a demure little thing. But behind the walls she is the one yodelling away saying 1001 swear words. I swear this kinda girls exist. Fine. Yodell in front of us and go all breathless and breathy in front of the guys. We talked. You can be damn sure we talk. However, if you hurt us as I'll say whats worst than a woman scorn? Another really pissed off woman scorn. I understand girlfriends and all the rules. Dont ever ever take your fri...

A piece of life

There are 2 items in the paper that caught my attention today (well yesterday, but lets set aside technicalities will we). One of them is the dissatisfaction of bank's customer regarding the implementation of a 5 working days a week for bank customer's. Many peoples are writing in expressing their protest for this. Not really a protest but you know what I meant. Some of them suggest an alternate week working or improved in infrastructure or technology. Some of these view do have a point. Some of them are just expressing disbelief on the bank itself in installing the do it yourself kiosk but putting these kiosks inside the bank hall itself. If the bank is close, it is just off limit and served as another decoration in the hall . Kinda beat the purpose, right. Anyhow I guess I do understand both of the sides. The bank staffs and the customers. I used to work briefly at a bank. Have to work on Saturday really sucks. I meant, no happy happy hours in Friday right? You missed preciou...

So Life Goes On

As people says. I wondered. The older we get. The wiser we are? Are we? Or the young one at hearts are the one who really lives? Twice bitten, once shy? Or have a little hope? Which is which. Someone called me a decidophobia. So many things gone wrong when I had decide. So many things goes wrong when I let it happens. I goes on in uncertainty. Rather than face the dread, the horrible realization. I do not want to wake up one day, sinking, thinking I rather died than face this day. Day by day. Yet sometimes I woke up restless. Wishing this would end. The above do not make sense right? Perhaps the right peoples reading it would think it made a whole lot of sense. You want to know what I want? Imagine this. You are had been walking high and low in the hot scorching sun. The heat was unbearable. The thoughts of an ice cold drink is irresistible. Yet you walked on. Left and right. You see peoples around you holding their own glasses. Drinking , sipping , laughing. And you then reached yo...

Where tying the knots... is harder.

Now. Gals. Face it. The older we get, the lesser our circles of admirers are. The pool are getting smaller and smaller, and the guys pool are getting bigger. But hell.. if you want to widen the pool a bit.. be my guest. As to quote Whose Line Is It Anyway , "If you know what I mean". But of course being usually a straight girl, I am of course are facing this reality too. However hold on your horses, if you wanna say that its about time that I realize that since ... hello... I am still in my early twenties. Still got time to shake and make my future before I bid goodbye to singlehood. Most Asian parents felt it is necessary to put a little pressure on their daughters who had just finish studying on the question of marriages. If it do not come from the parents, you can be damn sure to hear it from the other members of the family. The not even close one where you only meet every Raya. Bleurgh. We are young. We are free. So we treat all those to just talks and buzz. But, I also l...

So the sign keeps on screaming..

It is so weird. I always have this gory dreams. What's weirder these gory dreams always is connected with shopping or I am at a mall. Is it like a sign somewhere trying to say I might be murdered by zombies or maniacs while shopping; kinda like Land of the Dead scenes where the zombies are trying to get to the shopping avenues and eats all the peoples there. There you are... picking your choices either you want to opt for the jeans with the cool back pocket design or the jeans that have just the right stonewash color you want and Gahhhhhh! Came a zombie tearing through the racks of clothes, wanting a piece of you. Last night gory dreams was, there is some kind of demon warlike thingies that like to cut peoples head off. I have no idea why he wants to cut my head. I meant he don't necessarily cut peoples head off for fun. But there is a reason for that. I think and think. I forgot. It might be because we resurrect him from his pit or hole or something or I think we are just ther...

Tadaima ~

Got back today. A bit tired. Somewhat numbing. And no pics. Heh. So I don't feel the need to post a long entry. I guess, thats why my sentence a bit short. Or my brain refused to function normally. Nonetheless lets list down somewhat valuable lessons I learn during my trip to Kedah for my sister wedding. 1. Ant bites are particularly painful and leaves a stinging pain and reddish mark. So what do you peoples meant by " Macam kena gigit semut je "? 2. It is not always wise to draw out large amount of money. It doesn't stay large and depleted alarmingly. 3. It is sometimes wise to bring own mother when shopping. She will encourage to spend more (since you are not using her money anymore) . Plus you would not have to heard her exclaimed , "What? Another pair of jeans/pants/blouse/clothes/bag again!" 4. Padang Besar is not that nice as the one in Kelantan. However that do not deter me from buying 3 clothes, 1 bracelets and few other things I forgot. 5. Gold is ...

Hot Gossip Anyone?

I am as guilty as the next girl. I have to confess this. I am sometimes ashamed of it. But heck. A girl have to have a pastime. I like celebrity gossip. There. Its not that bad. Oh and I don't look into those Pancaindera or Mangga or what-other-tabloid-gossip-filled-magazine. I love those Hollywood gossip. There are so juicy and full of spice and human drama. (You won't find our local artist saying they had an affair with his children nanny) . I just loved reading MSN gossip when I get to work. Kinda like a cup of coffee before starting. The biggest drama in our local scene is when Erra and Yusry separated. Full stop. Only that is worth mentioning and it even make it to our frontpage headline of our so called respectable newspaper much to my disgust. Why they can't put the news in a more suitable section? Of course it lack the details or anything. But I guess that is even more informable and gossiper (if such words exist) than the usual gossip column. " Pelakon A ni di...

Hari Raya Haji of a So Called Workaholic Blogger

Today is Raya Haji. Today I worked. Big Deal. New Year also work, Christmas work, Merdeka Day also work and Chinese New Year I will be working too no doubt. No Biggies... I woke up early. Lazily looked at my computer. See downloading progress of TV series and JDo. Looked at alarm system at home and turn it off. Definitely do not need Security Company to call early in the morning and asked if any burglar had ravaged our house or not. Then I curled up on bed, thinking to myself.. EL la today, MC laa.. don't wanna work, wanna be a lazy bugger . Also doing smsing and replying sms on "Selamat Aidiladha ". Yeah.. Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha to you too. Thinking to myself if only I have cornflakes at home. You know, the feast of pagi raya. Cornflakes is enough la. However our neighbour makcik sebelah who is also a Johorean gave us some Nasi Tomato and Sayur Lodeh. Yeah! Eat eat.... My sister was still busily cooking her Chicken Curry even when I had gone to work. Eleh, sis. See...

The smell of roses are sweet..

But ain't the smell of money the most pleasurable. Come now. Agree with me. Even the most unmaterialistic of you all. Don't you just love the fresh smell and the crisp feel of a brand new RM notes piping hot from the ATM. As GK says.. give me RM any time instead of flowers laaa. Now.. I don't meant to be cold and heartless and materialistic and all. Even though some of them do accuse me of that. Hey~ I just like money as the next person might. However, that is not my priority. I think. Anyway. Why am I always off topic? The topic that was in my head is romance. As Iceroll used to post about the most romantic thingies on what he would have done. Why did this topic sprang to mind? Oh it is just that a friend of mine. He wanted to make a video clip of him and his girl. To pujuk her. I cringed inwardly when he told me. I just said "Whatever suit you". He thinks it is mighty romantic of himself. I think I would rather watch a documentary of some insects mating than wa...

From ecstaticness to what?

I don't know where to start. Let me start with the Peterpan concert. Hey did I spelt that correctly? (Got spell checkla Dila, aperaa) Anyway. I went! Courtesy of my friend. Thank you. Again. And his friends.. for going through all that trouble too. And were so kind enough to guide an inexperienced concert goer around. Yes peoples. It was my first time. And hide those sniggers please. Oh I won't go into details on how long the queue and the wait in the queue which turned out false illusion to the peoples, whereas the entrance was right at our back and the queue.. were that long (Show the length of my arm). Nor would I go into details on how muddy was it there or the how the fans of Peterpan looks or smell more like a human version of a kerbau by the end of the concert. Nor does I will observed how many does the peoples in the crowds are. Or how they danced in the rain in circles and laughingly perform some very warlike dance too. Nor would I lament the fact that the sound system...
