My convocation was last weekend but I went early to UTP to be there for every events. By Wednesday last week, I was bubbling with excitement with the thoughts of seeing my beloved campus ground again. Even the the peeling paint of Propana is a sight for sore eyes.
Thursday morning came. My friend, Gon picked me up, I was still running around picking things up to be pack. It was raining as if revenge for all the peoples that had asked for rain earlier on during the haze. We can't see anything driving to Gombak. Got to my friend house. Hate to come out of the car... but knowing my friends I will probably run out of oxygen by the time they came out from the house. So there I was dripping with rain except my tudung which are holding the rainwater like I had put candle wax all over it. (behaviors found among weird schoolgirls when I was at school). And then I went inside for some breakfast since I did not have any meal yesterday. Only 1 sandwich since I was freezing with cold and just want to walk around. When it was time to put in all my friend's clothes in the car (still raining), Gon's car door somehow cannot be closed, the latch is stuck. Great.. not only it rains but it pours as well. We got the car to the workshop in the rain, and the Ah Beng there helped us and tried to persuade us to leave the car at the workshop. Of course we can't, we just leave but leaving many thanks for being able to temporarily fix the car door.
Then comes our trip to UTP. Along on the way, I was looking for changes. It had been 8 months. Wow. Noticed that Lagenda at Batu Gajah is no more. I had some sweet moments there. Celebrated my birthday there once with my housemates and friends. Along the way, nothing much changes, some houses had improvement, more shops had been opened on the long deserted row of shops at Mamak Tronoh. Tronoh, the town where time stand stills.

Got back to UTP ...and then ...woo the changes. The Pak Guard little 'pondok' had been changed to something looking like a lavish isolated hotel lobby. And the road going to UTP campus, it is .... Ridiculous with all the roundabout being added. My friend remarked that it probably reflected our UTP much emphasized and wearied upon motto of 'well-rounded'. Anyhow the mosque is spectacular, but it could do with less pillars. Went to the Chancellor Hall to get our robes. Then I went to pick up the frame for my graduation day. I was horror struck. It is SO big. I do not much fancy looking at my own face at the compact powder mirror. This is the size of a frame where usually peoples hang their wedding picture. I am even doubtful I would make my wedding picture this big. I shrugged since the damage had been done. I would just hang my wedding picture in that frame if my graduation picture comes out as ghastly.
Then we go to our lil hotel of Metana and Etana. Now this are actually our first dormitory when we got to UTP in our first year. It is small and looks like a factory stay for workers and the facility sucks. But.. the memories here are all sweet memories and downright laughable too. Maybe I will make a post about that later. We all went to sleep or so we thought. All of us updated each other gossips.. all the boyfriends and exes updated. Who going out with whom. Who still dating whom. Who still going out with whom and still dating whom.
We went to dinner at our favorite haunt. Mami's place we called. It's official name is 'Restoran Deli Planet'. Sadly it changed for the worse, the place is not well kept clean, the waitress is just too damn lazy to even fetch a measly limau nipis (saying instead they had run out of limau nipis). Yeah right... liked we believed that. And the cashier instead of handing my change back beatifically, bang down the change. Horrible. Felt good that I am leaving the place. But looking around at the place near the Tmn Maju where the Pasar Malam and Pasar Ramadhan used to be held. It brings pleasant, lovely yet painful memories too. Every nook and cranny of the place seems to make me remembering him back vividly again. But then.. I pushed the thoughts away. Fun , fun days.. I admonished myself.
Went back to our sad-looking but now lively 'hotel' of Etana. Seems like I am almost back during my 1st year studying in UTP. The little cupboard, no computers so no one was glued at their seats typing, everybody moving around at everyone else rooms, the sounds of laughing, people sitting at bed /reading. Deja Vu all over again. We moan and groan that we needs to be at the hall at 7.30 am to be for the convo rehearsal since everyone wants to go out and have fun, yet I am the last one staying awake since each and every one of us are tired from the journey.
Before I closed my eyes.. I looked at my phone beside my pillows and sighed~