It is Thursday today. Hermmm.. only at this exact moment last week I was jumping up and down because I am going to UTP. How far back that moments are. Anyway.. continuing....
I woke up the next morning for the rehearsal with a sore throat and heavy eyes. My friends keeps on barging to our rooms and asking us to wake up. Quickly take a shower.. brrr... am pampered with showering with hot water every morning , it is almost refreshing to wake up with a cold shower. We quickly made our way to Pocket D (where it have all the lecture halls). The akak there is damn fierce. We were ushered around like a bunch of kiddies asking to go here and stand there. When they read out the name for IS students to line up, then I realized.. yippeee.... I am a 2nd class upper. Someone tell me I am paranoid because of course I am. But since who knows, if UTP might had upped the grading level... I am a lowly 2nd class upper. But who cares, at least I am in the same level as my sis.. hehe.
Then we went through the dress rehearsal. Sounds weird. Dress rehearsal. Not like we went out and in changing different dress. A wedding should call a dress rehearsal. But I dare say not so much anyway. Perhaps a Bollywood dance sequence rehearsal. Anyway.. all we need to do is just to sit around and watch a buncha peoples walk. How to walk properly, dress properly, dress our robes... We are all just put our graduation robes like a group of badly dressed darkly garb scarecrows.

After it had finished, we went to eat at V3 cafe since our last residential college cafe had changed. The kakaks and makciks there remembered us with fond memories! One of them remarked:
"Rasa macam dulu-dulu plaks" (Felt like old time)
Of course since we are among the first students living there! Anyhow.. I just ate a little and gone into my friend's room to just have a lil bit of UTP MIRC again. Alas, there's no one there ( no one I knew la...) A couple of person but thats all. I did not stay long since I was horribly feeling sick ; flu and fever at the same time. So on the way to my friend's car, notice my ex housemate and her beau.. Thank God she stopped.. since I was famished~
Getting back to the hostel, everybody is asleep. Me being in my natural habitat, felt wide awake even though my throat felt like somebody had pulled a rake through it. So we went and talks and planned for tonight events! Noo.. not dinner. That is tomorrow night. Girl's night out !
Went to ride with Kai and Lini(ex roommate) since I knew I would be hearing the latest gossip by going into that car. Hehe.. Kai commented on my newly required macholike manly voice. So as usual sitting in their car, I talk less and hear more. Got to Jaya Jusco Ipoh. Damn.. can't believed this used to be the highlights of our week. But hey.. what matter is not the place, but the company.
So I roam around to shop and conquer. Found..nay! Told ya I had exceeded my budget. Got a coupla of decent clothes. I guess I just doesnt have the heart to hand my money to a decent looking thing. Bought myself a Gokusen 2 J-Dorama instead. I blamed the cutest sales assistant. She looked just like one of those Japanese actress... and if I am smitten by her.. imagine the boyss...
Helped my friends to shop around for books and clothes. Look around and seen ghost of myself walking around..with.. well.. I am becoming a sentimental... Anyhowww, while I am trying to browse through my favorite section , I believe one of the patron there who is leisurely browsing through the books let out the most horrible smelling fart. I abandoned my idea and fled the contaminated scene.
Later on we went to watch Charlie and the Choc Factory. Thought it was gonna be boring and full of goody over the rainbow feelings. But nooo... it was delightfully sombre with dark humour and just a right touch of morality to not feel nauseous. And Johnny Depp.. does not look like Johnny Depp!!
Our plan was to haunt convo fair under the starry night.. but then how we managed to go to Tesco.. completely eluded me. I was dragging my feet by that time. Remembered? I was horribly sick, have no voice and have a fever, yet hey.. I am in UTP, there's no time to waste. Got back around 2am.
But hey.. my heart not yet contented. Since I got back to UTP, I had been missing my supper buddies... Phone em up. Now it truly felt like old time again.... almost.
I woke up the next morning for the rehearsal with a sore throat and heavy eyes. My friends keeps on barging to our rooms and asking us to wake up. Quickly take a shower.. brrr... am pampered with showering with hot water every morning , it is almost refreshing to wake up with a cold shower. We quickly made our way to Pocket D (where it have all the lecture halls). The akak there is damn fierce. We were ushered around like a bunch of kiddies asking to go here and stand there. When they read out the name for IS students to line up, then I realized.. yippeee.... I am a 2nd class upper. Someone tell me I am paranoid because of course I am. But since who knows, if UTP might had upped the grading level... I am a lowly 2nd class upper. But who cares, at least I am in the same level as my sis.. hehe.
Then we went through the dress rehearsal. Sounds weird. Dress rehearsal. Not like we went out and in changing different dress. A wedding should call a dress rehearsal. But I dare say not so much anyway. Perhaps a Bollywood dance sequence rehearsal. Anyway.. all we need to do is just to sit around and watch a buncha peoples walk. How to walk properly, dress properly, dress our robes... We are all just put our graduation robes like a group of badly dressed darkly garb scarecrows.

After it had finished, we went to eat at V3 cafe since our last residential college cafe had changed. The kakaks and makciks there remembered us with fond memories! One of them remarked:
"Rasa macam dulu-dulu plaks" (Felt like old time)
Of course since we are among the first students living there! Anyhow.. I just ate a little and gone into my friend's room to just have a lil bit of UTP MIRC again. Alas, there's no one there ( no one I knew la...) A couple of person but thats all. I did not stay long since I was horribly feeling sick ; flu and fever at the same time. So on the way to my friend's car, notice my ex housemate and her beau.. Thank God she stopped.. since I was famished~
Getting back to the hostel, everybody is asleep. Me being in my natural habitat, felt wide awake even though my throat felt like somebody had pulled a rake through it. So we went and talks and planned for tonight events! Noo.. not dinner. That is tomorrow night. Girl's night out !
Went to ride with Kai and Lini(ex roommate) since I knew I would be hearing the latest gossip by going into that car. Hehe.. Kai commented on my newly required macholike manly voice. So as usual sitting in their car, I talk less and hear more. Got to Jaya Jusco Ipoh. Damn.. can't believed this used to be the highlights of our week. But hey.. what matter is not the place, but the company.
So I roam around to shop and conquer. Found..nay! Told ya I had exceeded my budget. Got a coupla of decent clothes. I guess I just doesnt have the heart to hand my money to a decent looking thing. Bought myself a Gokusen 2 J-Dorama instead. I blamed the cutest sales assistant. She looked just like one of those Japanese actress... and if I am smitten by her.. imagine the boyss...
Helped my friends to shop around for books and clothes. Look around and seen ghost of myself walking around..with.. well.. I am becoming a sentimental... Anyhowww, while I am trying to browse through my favorite section , I believe one of the patron there who is leisurely browsing through the books let out the most horrible smelling fart. I abandoned my idea and fled the contaminated scene.
Later on we went to watch Charlie and the Choc Factory. Thought it was gonna be boring and full of goody over the rainbow feelings. But nooo... it was delightfully sombre with dark humour and just a right touch of morality to not feel nauseous. And Johnny Depp.. does not look like Johnny Depp!!
Our plan was to haunt convo fair under the starry night.. but then how we managed to go to Tesco.. completely eluded me. I was dragging my feet by that time. Remembered? I was horribly sick, have no voice and have a fever, yet hey.. I am in UTP, there's no time to waste. Got back around 2am.
But hey.. my heart not yet contented. Since I got back to UTP, I had been missing my supper buddies... Phone em up. Now it truly felt like old time again.... almost.