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Post tiada tujuan

Oh satu minggu yang amat busy ni, kurang sikit busy hari jumaat. Muehehe. I loike. Tak masuk akal ape aku type ni.
Oh aku dah start main third position in the violin which I like. Ape itu third position? Welll.... mcm mana aku nak explain ni.

Ok. Before this when playing, my fingers are place at the red area, now I am learning to play at the green area.

Perbezaan adalah kecil pada mata pandangan. Tetapi my pinkie finger does not have to suffer much in that green area and I can move my fingers comfortably. While in the red area, kadang-kadang lepas habis lesson tu cramp fingers aku. And aku terpaksa flex my fingers slowly back to its natural straight position.  Obvs. I. AM. NOT. DOIN. IT. RITE.

Speaking of violin, I am thrilled. THRILLED I tell you, that my husband had agreed to rent a lorry from JB to KL for us to get my organ and our wedding bed. Now the organ would not be left languishing gathering dust at JB. And my mom can't wait to get rid of the bed since it is taking a lot of space in the little bedroom below. My mom said all of us bile balik raya can sleep on duvet aje. Hehehe.

Eh. Nak pergi berjalan-jalan kat Midvalley la.


Soraya Zainal said…
tetibe teringat organ lama yg konfem dah rosak kat rumah tu. i stop playing organ after i entered boarding school at form 1...

rugi lak rase sebab x continue. huhu
Dils said…
Belajar new instruments. Walaupon aku malas practice, tapi stiap kali balik dari lesson kepala rase mcm light je. Kira tak rase sgt stress keje the week before that.
iceroll said…
Eh ko still playing? Aku ingatkan ko dah quit it ages ago. haha
Dils said…
Hahaha. Pikir2 balik, aku ni jenis jarang jugak nak quit. Walaupon malas ke ape, aku teruskan jugak.

Lagi pon fun jugak. Cuma tadekle terer, tp asalkan bahagia
Anasfadilah said…
wah main violin and organ! dulu aku adlah berangan pandai main piano..

hentam je tekan lepas tu kena marah pasal sekali sumbang daa..

FrH said…
organ & violin. pehhh. good for u.
aku suke org yg ada passion. hehe.
Kasapsky said…
pergh.... violina.... haha. aku xsuke main violin tapi suka dengar org main violin. Xtau kenape. Kalau main organ saye suka bukak bass mode. haha No 8 3 3 kut rasanye. dah lupe haha
Dils said…
Hahaha.. ala. Ape salahnye nak hentam kan. Dari situ baru kenal bunyi die.

Huhu. Passion tu tak translate kepada practice!

Best kan organ, macam2 bunyi boleh letak. Slalu letak choral. Heh.

Kenkdg rase mcm tak suke jugak main violin ni. Gile susah. Tapi dah dari dulu teringin, rugi nak let go.


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