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From Perlis to Langkawi then briefly Penang

Last 2 weeks, we went on a family holiday. Perlis, Langkawi then Penang.

First I went to Perlis for my cousin solemnization. My cousin is the guy there holding the hand of his v.cute newlywed. Congrats to the both!

The wedding went on smoothly and the food is awesomely delish.

Also went to: Padang Besar and I didn't take any photos because I am too busy choosing what I wanna buy and also Wang Kelian.

Material goods manage to acquire by giving a fistful of cash to various sellers:
- Batik
- Tikar
- T-shirt
- Blouses
- Foods
- Brooches
Among other things. Don't think that I bought too many. I think.

Summary of both:
- Padang Besar have more range if you want to buy clothes goods seperti baju or bags and such.
- Wang Kelian is cheaper if you are looking for household things.

Oh and also, on the last day at Perlis we were at Putra Palace Hotel, (If its true.) And there was some event Malam Veteran going on, so a lot of senimans and seniwati there including Aziz Sattar! Manage to waylaid Datuk Jins Shamsuddin and asked him if he would be so kind to take a picture with us. Hihihi. Malu, tapi WTH la kan. I meant, he is a legend !

So after a couple of day at Perlis attending wedding at going to the borders of Malaysia/Thailand, we sailed to Langkawi via the ferry (and I almost threw up. I still maintained that if a genie appeared to grant 3 wishes, one of them would be a cure for motion sickness. )

We stay at Sunset Beach Resort at Pantai Tengah.

The hotel is pretty great actually.

Pros : Right next to Pantai Tengah and the beach is lovely, Set in chalet style where they provide hanger for you to hang dry your clothes outside, breakfast place is right next to the beach where you have an awesome view while munching your bread with eggs, the staffs are super friendly, walking distance to shops and Underwater World (which I didn't go)

Cons: The room can get pretty sandy, a rug would be nice. The family room is big but the Sunset 1 is pretty cramped, no telephone at room so the only way to reach reception is going there itself which is no big deal but can be a pain if its raining, mosquitoes but the room does have ubat nyamuk elektrik .

Among the activities at Langkawi

1. Cable car

Budak kecik yang suke berada on the bridge as its quite cool. And I guess the cable car is worth the knee shaking height in getting view such as these.

Flare aside, the view is very picturesque. The sea looks like it just drop off to the horizon.

2. Mandi laut
The waves at Pantai Tengah is quite ferocious. We had a great time playing and bathing with the strong waves unfurling around us.

Though I guess sometimes it can be quite dangerous if you are not too careful. I read in the news last week that a couple drowned at the same spot we were bathing.

3. Shopping at the Zone and Kuah.
Sempat beli tonnes of chocolates and a perfume. My mom was obsessed looking for Corelle.

4. Some sight seeing / shopping while sight seeing.

5. Makan various seafood sampai berat naik 4kg T_T.
The cendol near the airport tu adalah sangat sedap! Laksa die quite nice also, agak berlemak. And at Langkawi memang seafood galore. Cheaper than Kuala Perlis and we have quite a feast at Alia Seafood. I especially like the Udang Masak Rempah there. Hurmmmm.... *dreaming of eating seafood gluttonishly*

And adalah tidak sempat island hopping sebab hujan T_T and also we ran out of time since we were only there for a couple of days. Bah! Maybe next time. We went there on Monday and went back on Wednesday. Tuesday itu hujan woo. Ah well. Like I said, maybe another time.

We did went to Penang to visit some relatives and singgah at Batu Ferringhi to look for my series. Heh. Sempat la singgah Hard Rock Hotel to buy a shirt. Tapi lupa amik gamba. Haha. Ah well. So, there the trip.

You could say mostly its a shopping trip and tailored to the family needs so not much can be done, but many things are bought. It was fun. 

Hah. So that's that. Nothing much to tell pon. 


FrH said…
pergh jln2 3 hari sampai naik 4 kg hahaha .. xpe mmg bile time jln2 diet smua dah ke laut ;)

island hopping kt langkawi? best ke? kalau kau g bleh gak review ..

haih, dah lama x g langkawi. laki aku ckp tunggu nk g langkawi bile dia masuk ironman langkawi. huwaaaaaaa.
Dils said…
hahhaha.. itu makan dari Perlis lagi tuuuuu... Kat Perlis pon makan sedap2.

Hehehe... well.. betul gak cakap laki ko tu. Bukan langkawi tu banyak ke aktiviti2 marathon. Ko cari je satu, then terus ajak!
Kasapsky said…
waa... jalan2 cari makan... haha dils, rusa2 dan kancil2 dekat cable car ade lagi tak?
Dils said…
Ade, ade. Tapi tak pergi. Tengok dari atas cable car aje.


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