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I will rambles about books and Matthew Reilly

I had finished Matthew Reilly Temple. My blog post don't need no introductory lines, so I delved right to the point. 

My husband didn't like it. He said it was boring at first. I asked him again when I was reading the book why he doesn't like it, it is actually because it is too fast and he can't keep up. Right.

Is it too fast? Maybe a bit faster than the Jack West series.

The synopsis of the book goes like this

Deep in the jungles of Peru, the hunt for a legendary Incan idol is underway - an idol that in the present day could be used as the basis for a highly destructive and terrifying weapon.
Guiding the US Army team is Professor William Race, a young linguist who must translate an ancient manuscript which contains the location of the idol.
What they find is an ominous stone temple, sealed tight. They open it - and soon discover that some doors are meant to remain unopened...

Now for point form thoughts because I am much too lazy to think of nice flowing sentences that  mesh together well.

  • The characters in the books are a bit meh. Like I said, so far from what I read in his books, Reilly does not have the talent (or I have yet to seen) in writing a character that he molded well enough for character development. 
  • The action does not disappoint. The plot moves fast and in parallel with the ancient manuscript story, so where one story lagged a bit, the other pick up. 
  • I do not like this hero so much. He started out too naive and innocent and suddenly he is all wise, fast acting and gun wielding pro all? I'm not buying it. I know he wants to make an ordinary man as a hero, but at times when the hero performed incredibly army-special-ops feat that you have to wonder if  it is a bit too much. 
  • Both story in a quest for treasure (or one interpretation of a treasure) is nicely set and remarkable and almost believable. But the government agents/agencies conspiracy theory is blah. I don't pay much attention to it. 
  • Summary: What you will expect of Reilly, good fun action book. Though I find the hero a bit annoying. But at least he is a bit better than cold, android-like Jake West Jr. I prefer the Contest hero (Dr. Stephen Swain) though.

Oh, by the way I was salivating at Borders today and just have to tear myself away from this book. I got my wish! Zombies book! Well, a compilation of short stories on zombies or the undead. Close enough.

Oh yeah, I am bringing out my coupon to Kinokuniya this weekend to see if its there.

Picture credits
Living Dead 


Taqiyuddin said…
whats with the recent reincarnation of zombie arts lately?

Dils said…
Zombies is the new Russians for supervillains.

Yet it haven't achieved the notoriety of vampires and werewolves.
Dils said…
Access to black market nuclear? Didn't know that, but still likely possibilities, but prolly a story worthy of an Oscar. But not as enjoyable as watching zombies eat brainnnssss
Dils said…
Or reading, I might add.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Taqiyuddin said…
OMG! censorship is sailing... toooot ttooooooot~
Taqiyuddin said…
its actually quite ok (to censor your blog comments). but its just that you rarely did it.
Dils said…
Haha. Those are spam actually.

I do censor comments, if someone posted a personal attack on me or said something really fucked up on sensitive issues. But I never have to exercise any of it yet, because I guess, I never really post controversial entries.
saya sedih sama reilly

character dia cut outs only. Taken from other pop culture reference

isn't west just a modern day Indy Jones? but with a metallic hand right? i cant remember the detail. something like that

Dils said…
Nah. West is too cold like. Yups, he does have a metal hand ( I tend to forgot that too)

Indy Jones have more swagger and personality than Jack West.

I think he based it partly on Indy but failed to capture his personality?


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