Heh, Dila tag on What do you do for a living?
Hoh. Her job is interesting, so banyak la gamba2 menarik.
I wished my job is something like what Samantha Brown have. Travel sana sini. Stay at the best hotels. Sambil-sambil itu, gi flea market cari buku. MENARIKKKK WOOO.
Or even something as boring as a writer

But my job is basically my laptop, viewing these

Kalo free, tengok series time lunch hour. Hehehe. Boleh?
So itu aje. Tak mnarik pon ok. Hehehe. SAHM pon aku rase lead more intesting days than moi.
Hoh. Her job is interesting, so banyak la gamba2 menarik.
I wished my job is something like what Samantha Brown have. Travel sana sini. Stay at the best hotels. Sambil-sambil itu, gi flea market cari buku. MENARIKKKK WOOO.
Or even something as boring as a writer

But my job is basically my laptop, viewing these
Kalo free, tengok series time lunch hour. Hehehe. Boleh?
So itu aje. Tak mnarik pon ok. Hehehe. SAHM pon aku rase lead more intesting days than moi.
perfect job for me
Or be something like TWOP recapper. But most of them are taking TWOP works as part time too.
Owh tu la. Tapi must sucks if you have family. Tapi kalo single mingle, memang menarik habes la.
Hehehe.. tu la kan. Bosan ni. Sangatlah bosan.