Start with the weekend post first because, tomorrow is Friday!
The girls asked for a get together, and I was dying to try out some briyani at Zahrat restaurant after reading Peej's entry on her blog. You do not want to read her blog while hungry I tell you.
So kami berlima bersama skandal, husband and bf masing-masing (minus two yang tidak bawak plus one), decided to go there last Saturday night.
The girls asked for a get together, and I was dying to try out some briyani at Zahrat restaurant after reading Peej's entry on her blog. You do not want to read her blog while hungry I tell you.
So kami berlima bersama skandal, husband and bf masing-masing (minus two yang tidak bawak plus one), decided to go there last Saturday night.
Peej had warned in her entry that it took some time for the order to come in, esp the one we ordered; Maghut Lamb and Chicken, so Sheema came prepared with UNO!
Memang patut pegi lagi. But parking is a bitch, and pastikan kereta tak akan diblock oleh sports car pak arab. Hehehe.
Ok, that's that. The pics I promise aku upload this weekend in Facebook okeh? Rugi la Gohan ko tadek Facebook. Muahaha.
So now the games.
The past weekend, we had also been playing Monopoly and UNO. It was fun playing those boardgames and cardgames after I had not touched them for years. It helped that I have a brother yang super obsessed with boardgames and cardgames too. Hehe. Kalau main 2 orang ngan my husband je, gile mandom.
Then a few days back, my husband bought Monopoly Deal. A new game of Monopoly where you can play Monopoly via cards. Monopoly card games!
It was super fun! Like any games, it takes a bit of time to adjust, then after you knew all the rules the games is pretty addictive. And I had won 3 times out of the 5 times we had played this! Woohoo! Because when I played Monopoly the boardgames, I rarely win. I think I won only once kut before. My brother said "Ko memang loser." Hehehe.
This game is best when you are playing with 3 or more. Great to bring along when you are travelling, or when you are simply just plain lazy to spread out the boardgames. Tapi kalo free weekend ni, I think I will still spread out the boardgame.
Now this makes me stoked to buy Cluedo. Tak penah main, but it sure looks fun.
This game is best when you are playing with 3 or more. Great to bring along when you are travelling, or when you are simply just plain lazy to spread out the boardgames. Tapi kalo free weekend ni, I think I will still spread out the boardgame.
Now this makes me stoked to buy Cluedo. Tak penah main, but it sure looks fun.
monopoly,i play it via hp,install dalam hp asben..memang sakit mata tengok tapi best..hahah
ingat nak beli monopoly card ni,tapi asbn didnt know how to play,maybe tunggu Ziyyad besar sikit,will play together with him
p/s::banyak tu nasiiii
where is the restaurant?
lapar la plk..
Explain sket2 je kat husband. Mesti syok pastuh die join main. Hehehe.
Memang sgt sedap. Snang refer to her blog entry. Siap ade map bagai.
Wah. Norish! Jangan majuk! Sorry!
Terlupa hang sebab buat kat KL tgh-tgh malam. Hehe.. lenkali aku include kan skali dalam aktiviti akan datang.
The food looks tempting! Will try! Definitely will try!
Blerghh boardgames is bored. Tp.. kalo ditambahkan letak duit ke, or sape kalah kene strip ke, sure fun. Hell fun. hehe
Memang sangat menarik. UNO tu pon I forgot how to play but a quick explanation from one of my friend, we then get the game started.