I had been tagged yet again by both Shu and Kran on the same tag. Since both are actually the same saved for slightly different topics and all, so this is the combo of it. Here it is:
Four Jobs I've Had:
1) Trainee at BCF
2) Trainee at Petronas Carigali
3) Tech Support thingies at McAfee
4) Babysitter (count eh.. )
Four Movies I Like or Can Watch Over and Over:
1) While You Were Sleeping (Yes , yes I am a hopeless romantic.. moving on please)
2) A Few Good Men (The time when Tom Cruise was considered The Hotness, sigh)
3) Sky High (So I am childish.. yeah so?)
4) Silence of the Lambs. ( Herm, Clarice~)
Four Places I had Reside/Lived/Spent Some Time of My Life:
1) JB, Johor
2) KB, Kelantan
3) Bentong, Pahang
4) Canberra, Australia
Four Television Shows I Loved to Watch:
1) CSI
2) Gilmore Girls
3) Grey's Anatomy
4) Reality Shows featuring beautiful girls (Survivors is out since all girls there are scruffy and dirty and beauty with makeup had been proved exist)
Four Places I Have Been On Vacation:
1) Barcelona, Espana
2) London, UK
3) Sydney, Australia
4) Pangkor, Perak. (Okay, okay I will just add in Malaysia's tourist spot just to show to peoples that I actually do want to boost Malaysia tourism)
Four of My Favourite Dishes:
1) Nasi Goreng Cina - Mom's Style
2) Hotdog: Bought from Giant/Carrefour, in cafe, 1901, Ramly Burgers
3) Spaghetti Oglio
4) Roti Kosong , 1 dengan sambal ye !
Four Websites I Visit Daily:
1) My Blog. Then all the links you see there I went in daily. Well almost daily.
2) Mail.yahoo.com
3) www.hotmail.com
4) www.msn.com -> Latest Gossip (::grins::)
Four Places I Rather Be (Than Here):
1) At home. (KL)
2) At home (JB)
3) Sitting in a restaurant. Eating. Preferably not alone.
4) Somewhere I rather not say but think. ::wink::
Four Albums I Can't Live Without:
1) Soundtrack from Moulin Rouge
2) Soundtrack from Mr and Mrs Smith
3) Peterpan Album (So?)
4) YoYo Ma (Tango ..something can't remember)
Four Vehicles I Own:
1) My little wooden car on my drawer table.
2) My trusty BMX bike which had now probably been recycled to canned goods
3) My little red roller skates. Wheeeee~
4) Okay Okay. Sooo. I never owned a vehicle. The motor kind. Who owns 4 anyway?
Four Bloggers I Tagged (Jeng.. jeng.. jeng):
1) Lee (Just for the hell of it, so you had been tagged twice of the same thing by me and Shu)
2) Snubby (Bcoz I know you don't have anything to do)
3) Yoda (When his port had been opened.. hahaha)
4) Dueng (Bcoz .. I dunno).
Four Jobs I've Had:
1) Trainee at BCF
2) Trainee at Petronas Carigali
3) Tech Support thingies at McAfee
4) Babysitter (count eh.. )
Four Movies I Like or Can Watch Over and Over:
1) While You Were Sleeping (Yes , yes I am a hopeless romantic.. moving on please)
2) A Few Good Men (The time when Tom Cruise was considered The Hotness, sigh)
3) Sky High (So I am childish.. yeah so?)
4) Silence of the Lambs. ( Herm, Clarice~)
Four Places I had Reside/Lived/Spent Some Time of My Life:
1) JB, Johor
2) KB, Kelantan
3) Bentong, Pahang
4) Canberra, Australia
Four Television Shows I Loved to Watch:
1) CSI
2) Gilmore Girls
3) Grey's Anatomy
4) Reality Shows featuring beautiful girls (Survivors is out since all girls there are scruffy and dirty and beauty with makeup had been proved exist)
Four Places I Have Been On Vacation:
1) Barcelona, Espana
2) London, UK
3) Sydney, Australia
4) Pangkor, Perak. (Okay, okay I will just add in Malaysia's tourist spot just to show to peoples that I actually do want to boost Malaysia tourism)
Four of My Favourite Dishes:
1) Nasi Goreng Cina - Mom's Style
2) Hotdog: Bought from Giant/Carrefour, in cafe, 1901, Ramly Burgers
3) Spaghetti Oglio
4) Roti Kosong , 1 dengan sambal ye !
Four Websites I Visit Daily:
1) My Blog. Then all the links you see there I went in daily. Well almost daily.
2) Mail.yahoo.com
3) www.hotmail.com
4) www.msn.com -> Latest Gossip (::grins::)
Four Places I Rather Be (Than Here):
1) At home. (KL)
2) At home (JB)
3) Sitting in a restaurant. Eating. Preferably not alone.
4) Somewhere I rather not say but think. ::wink::
Four Albums I Can't Live Without:
1) Soundtrack from Moulin Rouge
2) Soundtrack from Mr and Mrs Smith
3) Peterpan Album (So?)
4) YoYo Ma (Tango ..something can't remember)
Four Vehicles I Own:
1) My little wooden car on my drawer table.
2) My trusty BMX bike which had now probably been recycled to canned goods
3) My little red roller skates. Wheeeee~
4) Okay Okay. Sooo. I never owned a vehicle. The motor kind. Who owns 4 anyway?
Four Bloggers I Tagged (Jeng.. jeng.. jeng):
1) Lee (Just for the hell of it, so you had been tagged twice of the same thing by me and Shu)
2) Snubby (Bcoz I know you don't have anything to do)
3) Yoda (When his port had been opened.. hahaha)
4) Dueng (Bcoz .. I dunno).
- erk...terbalik???? lesbo ka?
2) Snubby (Bcoz I know you don't have anything to do)
- wrong2. i have so many things in my mind, in the end its end up in my blog. hahahaha.
nice list you have here...btw, do you really go for vacation in barcelona, london and sydney? wah..i wish i could be there someday.
and one more place i wish i could go; in the arm of my love. am.hopeless.romantic. *sigh*.
. Women looks more delicious la. Laki in reality show.. looks ghey.
Dueng - Yups, vacation dulu kat UK masa hols in UTP. Singgah la Spain alang2. Plannin to go there again.. when got money. haha.
Sydney.. dulu2 masa duk kat aus.