I got to thinking.. how many peoples changed our life. Not changed it to the profound-i-found-life-is-exciting kinda way. But how our life intermingled with them.. and we find ourselves doing some things the same way that they do.
I remembered this one guy who I absolutely crazy head over heels with. We used to write these letters. Until now.. I still write my "2" as the same way he did. Maybe I used to love him, hate him and then disregard him. But still he had left something permanent on me. His "2".
And how one girl who introduced me to lipstick, mascara and powder and stuffs. We had our tiffs, differences, catfights and hardly talk today.. but still.. She had molded a little bit of who I am today, then.
And how I got these habits on chewing on my knuckles when I am dreaming of particular unpleasant thoughts from my mom... even though most of us vow never to be like our parents.
Peoples may want or force to change us. But they do it unconciously. SO the term. NEVER CHANGE THE WAY YOU ARE. is rubbish. We just can't help it. So.. accept who I am. I am who I am because what all of you had made me.
I remembered this one guy who I absolutely crazy head over heels with. We used to write these letters. Until now.. I still write my "2" as the same way he did. Maybe I used to love him, hate him and then disregard him. But still he had left something permanent on me. His "2".
And how one girl who introduced me to lipstick, mascara and powder and stuffs. We had our tiffs, differences, catfights and hardly talk today.. but still.. She had molded a little bit of who I am today, then.
And how I got these habits on chewing on my knuckles when I am dreaming of particular unpleasant thoughts from my mom... even though most of us vow never to be like our parents.
Peoples may want or force to change us. But they do it unconciously. SO the term. NEVER CHANGE THE WAY YOU ARE. is rubbish. We just can't help it. So.. accept who I am. I am who I am because what all of you had made me.
You are absolutely right. We are what we are because of the influences from the people around us.