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riang ria bersama bulus |
Such a big boy now. Semalam die kena marah sebab main tarik2 baju. Lepas tu tanak tidor. So I marah die and asked him to lie down. Pastu die lie down and pandang aku jeling2 ok. Fuhh.. jeling2 marah rupa die. Tetiba terasa macam.. wah.. macam ni ke perasaan bile anak rase marah kat kite. tantrum tu lain. Tantrum tu is like me against the world... tapi marah jeling-jeling tu.. fuh terasa pedih di hati i tengok his looks of anger directed at me.
So I said to him I am not angry I just don't like it he keep on doing things when I say No. Then I asked him to hug me. Terus muka ceria dan bersinar bagaikan the sun and he hugged me and lie back on the bed suka-suka. Tapi still tanak tidor. Susah betul nak tidur budak kecik ni.
Other development thingies.. I guess it is hard to keep track. There is always new words he adds in nowadays. New way for him to show affection. New ways for him to appreciate food or enjoy playing toys.
His current favorite toy is the one we bought from Borders. Sometimes bookshops, around the counter ni akan jual this weird things that if you put together it will looks like a bug or a car. He loves those. Tapi it is not approriate sebab phase tengok barang masuk dalam mulut tu masih ongoing lagi. So the only things that seems acceptable is those that looks to me if people wants to construct a DNA model, which just consist of 4 sphere and around 8 to 10 sticks that you can connect to the spheres. Susah nak explain laa.. but that is it la. Simple je.. but die sukaa sangat.
His batuk and kahak is back which is super annoying sebab musim hujan kan. Pastu jenis meradang kalau kena selimut. Tendang-tendang selimut tu. Bedungkan baru taw. Hope he gets better soon. Hoping this weekend would be a good weather bawak die so he can run around somewhere.
Oh regarding eating. Sebelom ni rase macam going into war je setiap kali nak bagi makan, tapi baru taw satu mende. He either likes to feed himself which depending on his mood, or makan bersuapkan tangan. Hahaha. Suap tangan rase lagi sedap kuttt. Asalkan makan la anakkk.