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Everyday penattt. 

I think I may need to buy FM for Ajis. Can't keep up with pumping and try to pump in the middle of the night still tak cukup. The thing is during office hour I can only pump at 12. Then another session bile otw balik keje. I don't have any time to do much else during office hour woo. Penat. At the very least I got him to only BM for the first 6 mths. Well, Ajis tak sampai 6 bulan la lagi tapi seminggu je lagi. 

Then bile husband balik la macam2 mende rosak, my usb player tadek sound. Astro saiko. Roof leaking. Gollywolly found a way to get out. 

USB player tu takleh buat ape la. Tengok most of series dekat computer, Astro tu kena tepuk bile die buat perangai, roof dah ok. The grill still needed for me to add the wire mesh ke ape tah tu, tak beli lagi. Litterbox kucing pon I cleaned in the middle of the night. Semua mende buat tgh malam la. Huhu. Now I totally get why so many opt to be a housewife. While things may not get much easier, but it must lessen the workload and stress line a bit. 

Kurap tengah pengsan depan mata. So kiut my kitteh ni, all the cats tengah selsema. Kurap bile bersin, bersin hingus hijau ok. Kesiannn. I try to pasang humidifier with vicks, tapi tak working pon. Dah la semua ni jenis payah gile makan ubat. Kenkadang rase nak je jentik sesekor bile taknak makan ubat tu. Geram. Dah la sakit. Degil lak tu. Pastu kite lak cedera. I bought a pill popper tu. tapi cam konpius lak camne nak guna. Sebab selalunye nak kena ade dua tangan bukak mulut kucing, while 2 jari tu pegang pil. Ni mcm kena bukak mulut 1 tangan je. Hurmmmphhh.... 

Ohh I had also change my skin care from Simple to Neutrogena. Had been using Simple since tah bile... tapi sejak 2 menjak dah makin meningkat usia ni... EHEM, I think I may need something milder sebab it make my skin so dry. So now I am using Neutrogena, been using the ageless ape tah Neutrogena but then couldnt find it. It was ok, smell amazing. Now bought another one, sekarang ni ok. Neutrogena ni setakat ni very nice, does not make my skin oily, nor dry and skin rase supple and bouncy. Cuma yang tak best ni is the smell. Bau macam paint. Ade macam hint of soy and some other chemical thingies punye bau. Bole gag. If I was using it masa pregnant memang kena buang. 

Ahh dah habis pumping. Nak tido.   


kak aidah said…
Sorry dik. Akak kalau nak tinggal komen kena pakai tablet, laptop tak leh pulak. So komen dua post sekaligus. Hehe.
Kesian akak baca.....workload makin bertambah. Nanti bila ajis dah start menapak lagilah mak dia ni penat.
Kalau nak guna pillpopper tu mmg susah sikit sorang2. Akak kalau sorang2, akak kepit kucing tu dekat dada. Pastu tgn sebelah bukak mulut dan sebelah lagi masukkan pill dalam mulut dgn pillpopper. Oh, before that, balut kucing tu dgn towel tebal. Tapi mmg sakit jiwa bagi makan ubat kat kucing ni. Kat rumah akak yang paling suka baham tgn org, sape lagi, milo lah.
Take care, dik. Jgn stress sgt ya.
dils said…
Susah betul kan nak bagi kucing makan ubat tu. Saya try pakai syringe pon silap besar laaa. Hihi. Lupa ubat tu pahit kan. Berbuih2 mulut die orang. Kesian pon ade.

Letak kelepet2 antara treat tanak sentuh pulak. Gerammm. Dulu pernah berjaya, letak kelepet2 dengan isi ikan rebus. Haha. Nanti kalau jadi balik gitu, nampak gaya try la balik guna isi ikan rebus.

Fuhh.. ni stress je. Cuti 3 hari, tapi duk risau pikir kerja.
Izzy said…
Aku kalau bagi sookie makan ubat, pill popper ke apa, semua tak jalan. So aku kepit badan demok dia dengan kaki kat mana2 sudut dalam rumah, supaya dia takleh lari ke belakang dan kiri kanan. Depan dah kena kepung dengan aku, hahaha. Pastu kena suap pakai tgn jugak masuk mulut. Baru berjaya. kuikui
dils said…
Kurap ni cepat sangat katup mulut. Takut aku cedera parah. Gollywolly pulak limber gileee. Sepit camne pon mesti lepas. Nak train utk acrobat sarkas kut.


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