Wahh... I had been so busy. Ade sekali tu sampai cam bergenang2 air mata sebab stress sangat. Kerja lagi and Ajis being more fussier than possible! Sekarang ni die akan tidur bebetul nyenyak pukul 11.30. And he slept all the way till 6 am for his morning susu. Then bangun lagi around 8 am.
While at night he is a sound sleeper, he is a crybaby the other half of the time. Constantly nak berdukung. Sometimes I let him be and he will be angry and he will be cry shouting. If your baby does the same you probably understand what I mean by cry shouting. Last weekend I lock the room and carry the baby monitor, as I was busy scooping out taik kucing, didnt hear my baby crying, by the time I dengar die dah melalak tahap bunyi macam budak kena dera. Naseb baik I simpan the kunci bilik somewhere around nearby. Sekali terbangun jeeeee. He likes to sleep bawah ketiak mommy. So if he wakes up and no mommy around, memang waterworks plus vocalization laa.
Anyway masihhh tidak berguling. Everyone else is stressing out. Except moi. Haha. Eh banyak la lagi mende dalam my day to day untuk aku stressed out. Paeds cakap ok je. Die memang malas. So let him be la. Kalau dah setahun tu layak la kut aku stress out.
You know I missed my time alone at home. It was me and the kitties. I have all the time in the world. Sekarang my time is only 11 pm until what time I think I should sleep before being fully awaken again at 8 am tomorrow. My maid? Tak payah la. She scooped out the litterbox tapi sebab I am a thorough person, I will do it again every night to make sure the pee got scoop out too. Scooping out pee from a litterbox memerlukan skill ok. You have to know exactly how to korek it and shake it so it wont fall back to the box in a smelly ammonia inducing mess. If I missed out a night mesti esok litterbox tu akan disaster. The kitties wont like it.
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Menunggu dengan penuh eksaited untuk makan |
Oh and I already start Ajis on solid. He likes it. Intro him to basic rice cereal first. 2 minggu gak la rice cereal. Seminggu sehari sekali dulu, then now baru ade petang makan sekali. Breakfast tak lagi. Lambat sikit la breakfast, maybe when he is 6 months. So now slowly I introduced him to vege and fruit puree. selang selikan la the vege and fruit. First vege was sweet peas which he likes. Tapi yang siksa adalah mak die duk shell sweet peas tu. Then mak die baru teringat mak die ade maid kenapa tak pergunakan. D'oh. Then I introduce him to sweet apples puree. He likes it. I think after this it is probably sweet potato puree and pear purees. Nak kena beli bekas ice cube kat Giant je. Giant got those instead of a double row, a single row of ice cube punye bekas with cover. I need to buy 2 more so I can store more stuff.
Though I did risau a bit bile die tak berak for 2 days, so I lessen his rice cereal and increase the fruit purees. And bagi di probiotic. The next day die berak. So yeah, lessen the rice cereal and oat cereal once in a while I would think.
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Icky greenish stuffs tu is sweet peas. Surprisingly sweet and mild and creamy. And I blend it without milk ok. I dont understand why people said baby food is icky. Sodap je. |
Gollywolly tengah sibuk check ade ape tak untuk die.
Apart from the starting solids. Well he is starting to get to know his mommy. Crying when I left for work. Sometimes la. Most of the time, he is having the time of his life with his cousins. And walaupon tak reti golek, tapi bile he is on top me he can golek sampai hujang kaki, lepas tu gelak2.
Penat. Am now pumping because my stok susu is really merundum. Maybe because I am tired and all stressed out from this project. Yeah. Dont get me started on work. Anyway. Later. Banyak je things to update. Ade masa ke tak je now. Hehe.
Senanglah nowadays nak buat baby food. Akak dulu kan, rebus kentang, lepas tu sila lenyekkan pakai wooden spoon. Lepas tu setiap pagi dan ptg itu je lah keje akak. Naik muscle sudah.
Haa mata die tu ikut saya la tu. Haahah. Kalau ikut bapaknye sepettt. Tapi lain2 memang ikut bapak die.