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First day back

Semalam tadek keje tak sibuk nak blogging. Hari ni ade keje sibuk nak blogging. Apakah penyakit ini..

Yesterday was my first day back to the office, after 2 months ++ of maternity leave and annual leave. Gile liat jangan cakap. Liat-liat pon, sesudah subuh aku dah bangun which is an unheard of things before I have a child. 

Tak kira la before this ko tidur ganas ke, tidur tak kira siang or malam, but once I have little one tu, I can sleep with him next to my chest really close and not move an inch the whole night walhal dulu aku lah champion tidur ganas. Dulu alarm rumah berbunyi macam nak pecah gegendang telinga, I am the only one in the house will not wake up. Ni anak aku dah ekkk ekkk aku dah bangun. Aku pon amazed la. 

Anyway, memula I thought to let the maid mandikan Ajis boy in the mornng. Tapi new maid tu macam kasar sikit handle Ajis bile mandi. Bukan kasar as hurtful, but not gentle, more in a hurry. Aku cakap "lembuttt... lembut-lembut sahaja" .. maid tu sengih je sambil terbalik-balikkn anak aku untuk bersihkan die at the same time anak aku is howling at the top of his lung. (Maid aku tu ada sedikit bengap. Harsh! But true!). Kesian woo. Taknak la baby Ajis terkejut terus dari his mother arm yang aku perlahan-lahan pusing-pusingkan die sambil nyanyi so he won't be startled dari bibik yang dah biasa dgn cara die yang laju terus dimandikan dek bibik hari-hari. At the very least , once a day aku akan mandikan die bile pagi, and only petang je maid mandikan my boy. And bile weekend aku take over. 

I left him around 20 oz of milk, and he drank 16 oz. So in the mean time, harap-harap cukup. In 2 weeks time pon aku akan cuti 1 week, so that time aku akan buat stok jugak. Aminnn.. janganlah rumah aku blackout (kalau ye pon sekejab ajee). 

Anyway the first day for the baby went OK. I sent him, the maid and his buai (dan lain2 brg yg necessary) to my sister house first so my sister maid boleh help out a bit.  I got home bile maghrib and my boy still not asleep. Sampai rumah, maghrib and all...then nak tidurkan die balik, it took me an hour to nurse him. He wouldn't let go. Kesian die but mommy is all tired out! 

As for pumping at the workplace, I was a bit worried because the office don't have that facility. Nasib baik ade new fridge near my cubicle, so that it is easier for me to store the stock. Bile pagi I went to surau (which is empty) for the first pump session. Next is a bit headachey, sebab I dont want to use the surau time zuhur / asar, because the surau is really small and usually it is packed. So I asked around the options are disabled toilet in the office atau toilet at gardens. Ugh, I really do not want that. I went to the Gardens and found their baby changing room, there are 3 rooms. Each have a sink, changing table, jamban and a seat. So that's where I do it. I don't have to be near the jamban and the changing table is the perfect place to lay out all my stuffs while pumping and I can do it while seating (and not sitting on a toilet!). 

So those people yang office die provide those facility, good on ya! 

Today I am really hoping to be home before 7, tapi berangan la dengan traffic. Haha (sobs!)

Ehh.. nak sambung buat keje la.


Cik Kiah said…
Well done you! Must commend your effort in providing bm for your son. At my workplace, my colleagues and i semua ada office sendiri, but sayangnya they just gave up...malas nak pump. Sayang! Some tu bm punya banyak sampai terpancut2! I yg nak dapat 2oz sekali pump pun susah memang geram gila dgn they ols ni.
frH said…
hahaha. kehadiran baby telah mengubah hidup semua ibu bapa! semoga rezeki bm for ajis sentiasa byk & berpanjangan. weekend ni we olz dtg serang ajis!!

di ofis ni aku pump di bilik solat yg kecil. so org xramai xpe la bole gilir2. kadang2 pam berjemaah dgn mariam haha.
tp paling mencabar bila training kat luar .. aku pernah training kat ritz charlton hotel (time hadzim) .. aku pam dalam toilet jek (hotel tu xde surau) .. huhu .. tp apa nak buat .. redha jek la. beda2 ni yg mencabar & tested u. so good luck yaa!
dils said…
Thank you!. Tapi memang kena macam paksa diri jugak everytime nak pumping. Kalau ade office sendiri heaven sungguh!
dils said…
Wokehhh.. datang2.. Ajis selalu happy2 pukul 5 lebih. Haha.. Kalau tidak tengok kat buai je yek.

Haih tu la. Kalau toilet tu bersih ok lagi kut. tapi kalau horrible, tak tergamak kut nak bagi. Huhu.
♥ Izzy ♥ said…
Bravo mommy! Siap pergi the gardens, nasib baik dekat. Hahaha..
dils said…
Naseb baik kerja kat midvalley. Nak shopping2 pon sonang. Haha.
Kak Aidah said…
Bestlah ibu2 zaman sekarang. Senang je nak bagi anak ebm bila gi keje. Akak ni sampai naik muscle kat tangan dok pump manually dgn pam cikai tu. Sudah serupa nenen lembu rupanya. Kelakar pulak bila diingat balik. Take care dik. Dan macam biasa bagi satu kiss kat pipi baby Ajis ya.
dils said…
hehe. quite beruntung jugak la mom nowadays. Akak saya pon beritahu awal, beli yang electric or battery powered sebab kalau manual nanti mesti malas sebab rase penat and lenguh (die tahu sangat perangai saya yang malas tu).

Nanti saya cium lagi, kesian Ajis semalam Mommy mengamuk dengan die sebab die tanak tidur.


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