Aku suke. The top one is the one I bought at Forever 21 ( rase remaja sangat ) before I bersalin. Bawah tu baru je beli dari one blogshop RM 45 aje few days back. Mulberry inspired alexa bag. Beg forever 21 tu I bought sebab macam ala2 Mulberry la.
So I have 2 macam sama sebab I love that style and nak bagi kat orang satu tapi HOIII, I love all my bags, the one yang I bought rm 10 mahu pon Rm1k. Forever 21 punye bag in the pic is 69rm aje. Ehem, setakat ni tadek lagi beg cecah ribu riban. Paling mahal pon I bought RM 300++. Tapi I am trying to extort Prada/MiuMiu untuk my birthday. Muahahahaha (gelak syaitan). I figured my husband totally owe me one.
Mulberry punye tahun ni macam tak cun, tahun lepas punye jugak yg lawa esp the style macam I bought ni. So I am not buying label because of just label dapat 'inspired' pon jadikla ye. Angan2 Prada pon macam ye tak ye je, sebab once bile masuk kedai rase macam nak jerut diri je bile pikir how much money one spend on a branded bag, that in that amount you boleh beli berpuluh bag pelbagai saiz dan warna dari Zara, MNG dan kedai cokia kat Sg Wang.
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