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Showing posts from July, 2009

Rumbles of Rambles

Entri Hari Jumaat. Tidak berapa TGIF sebab ini bermakna my week long WFH is about to end. NOOOOO! Its been kinda nice. Days lazing around, in between work watching my series. Dengan ini aku telah habiskan tengok 90210 and today Reaper. At long last aku bole start Lipstick Jungle. Anyway another pointless rambles today. But with pictures. I say it had been long since I posted a round of pics. So lets get on with it. And setelah aku berusaha cari atas bawah on my USB for the phone then hari ni baru la jumpa (rupanye bawah katil jee) and can posted pics. Let me remind you, the reason why my entries so lacking in pics sebab sifat semulajadi yang malas berganda-ganda untuk mentransfer gamba from camera/phone to PC. I don't know why, I am just built that way. So first round of pics is umai! MIL remembered that my family (mainly my BIL) love eating umai the last time they are there. So she brought the main ingredients of umai to us via my husband. Sambal belacan cili tumbuk, limau nipis ...

Merchant of Bollywood

Around last week, went to watch the Merchant of Bollywood musical at Istana Budaya with Gohan terchenta. We bought the ticket monthss back (to get the discount) and almost forgotten we were planning to watch the show. Gamba kelam tatkala intermission And as usual, I am not in a chatty mood so... point forms ahead. The good: Good opening number Incredible dancers with great energy and flair. They can go round and round tirelessly. The cast, especially the female and male lead have great chemistry which make it more enjoyable. Beautiful dance. The classical dance was exquisite. The modern one is just as energetic and fun. The enthusiasm of the cast in lifting up the crowd cries and fervor for MORE!MORE!MORE! And the cast oblige. The meh: The stage sets does not varies nor impress. But the cars prop are cute. The songs are kinda "I never heard that". Maybe I am not that familiar with 70s Bollywood. The first act was a bit of a doozy. Only in the second act things seems to be a b...

Tagged Three

I owed Adek a tag. So here it is, sementara I am bored while watching 90210. Few things to blog, but lazy to type out lengthy ones, so tags could filled the time perfectly while watching an idiotic show. THREE NAMES THAT FRIENDS CALL YOU: 1. Dila 2. Dils 3. La (Ni Gohan je panggil. Gile pemalas nak sebut 2 syllables) THREE THINGS YOU’VE DONE IN THE LAST 33 MINUTES: 1. Watching 90210 2. Trying to find a plastic cover for my books and realizing I had used it all. 3. Reading blog. THREE WAYS TO BE HAPPY: 1. Read a really good book with snacks and drinks right beside you. 2. Watching a great series with snacks too. 3. Going on vacation. THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE SONGS AS OF NOW: Urm none? I don't really listen to songs nowadays. THREE THINGS YOU LOVE IN A GUY: Geezzz.... 3? Its hard to think of one. Heh THREE PERSONS YOU MISS: 1. My husband (sebab die kat Bintulu) 2. My friends 3. My family THREE GIFTS YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE: 1. Books and graphic novels 2. Belanja makan. Hehe. 3....

Concerning Various

Okeh. Mari random rambles. 1. Husband had left for Bintulu. So girls jom jimba-jimba? Ops. Mahu kena panah petir ni. Takpe he said " No jalan-jalan sangat". Jalan-jalan jee die cakap jangan. So MAKAN-MAKAN takpe, OK. 2. This is my last day at the office. In the next 2 weeks, my office would be moving smack in the middle of Midvalley. At the Gardens specifically. I foresee some dire financial circumstances that will befall me. 3. I would certainly missed eating at Krathong, Maju Junction (Sedap gile tomyam die) and gerai bawah pokok (they have some pretty decent kerabu perut). 4. I am pretty bummed that I can't go to Bintulu this weekend for reason that I will tell you girls later. Dah teringat masakan Sarawak yang sedap. In the mean time, aku ulang, mari la cheer up aku. 5. Next week for the whole week, due to office gigih in the process of mempacking, me and several others will be working from home. Wooot! Ini makna, aku boleh kerja dengan memakai baju tidur dan tak paya...

The Historian

Kenapa sudah lama tidak belogging? I was granted MC for 3 days last week. Boring days indeed with my computer not functioning (motherboard lebur) and I can't accessed my series. I did manage to finish watching Angel Season Five finally. So now, for another set of old series rerun. Haven't decide yet on Dexter or The Tudors. Though if I had finished 'acquiring' Felicity, I would surely watch that first. So in between time staying in bed and couch, I immersed myself in the book The Historian. Like any serious novel, I was afraid it is going to be tedious or pointless like The Geographer's Library. But I did enjoyed reading it. The story is about a young girl discovering a series of letters in her father's office. Thus from there she learned her family secret and legacy on a quest for the truth about Vlad the Impaler. So more and less, it is about the history of vampires or Dracula to be exact. Well then, why I like it? I'll make it on point form for me to eas...

I am feeling pissed

For no apparent reason. Actually there is. Tapi malas nak cakap kenapa. BOLEH? Hahaha. Just some silly stuffs. And also I am a little bit worried, tapi sedikit sahaja. So I wished my husband; who is now at Kuantan for training, is here untuk manjakan aku like that... Hikhik (Gelak manja yang saiko). And to push me to do things that I actually should have done instead of procrastinating. My computer rusak and it annoyed me to no end. This means, I can't access my series. Tho I can internet-ing if I am using my work laptop as the wireless seems to be working. But my work laptop sucks! And I can't download True Blood. Actually I can. But it is kinda slow and I obviously can't download it at the office. Tsk. Tsk. Oh. Currently am reading Fables. Happy! Am thinking... Subway for lunch la!

What do I do for a living

Heh, Dila tag on What do you do for a living? Hoh. Her job is interesting, so banyak la gamba2 menarik. I wished my job is something like what Samantha Brown have. Travel sana sini. Stay at the best hotels. Sambil-sambil itu, gi flea market cari buku. MENARIKKKK WOOO. Picture from Or even something as boring as a writer But my job is basically my laptop, viewing these Kalo free, tengok series time lunch hour. Hehehe. Boleh? So itu aje. Tak mnarik pon ok. Hehehe. SAHM pon aku rase lead more intesting days than moi.

Because I am bored

Lalalala. I changed the layout, cause I gotten bored of the old one. Orangish Blackish! Also because I am bored. So the blog list as usual, menyakitkan hati aku. Kalo nak tuka, abes la sume link dikumpul and need to re-add again. Tension aku. So the list will be expanded bit by bit. And I missed my old blog formats of 3 column and this is sorta OK, so I revert to the 3 column plak.

The love affair with the fangs

*thump* *thump* Oh, I was just feeling the vein at my throat and I was suddenly pulled to the scene of past week True Blood when Jessica eyes was peeled on the pulsing veins on Hoyt neck. Her lips open slightly, eyes ablaze with hunger and just at the right moment she gulped down the feeling and asked for Tru Blood. Awesome moment. I was feeling blah about the show on its first season but the second part of the first season and this second season is pretty terrific. Genius even. And Jessica walking into the bar looking like a mixture of sultry and innocence, THAT was the highlight of the show, second only to mimic-ing Bill tone and accent. I had looked through some of the new shows that will be premiering this fall. The only thing that really catch my interest was Vampire Diaries ( a more tone down Twilight-esque series about vampires). Yes, vampires is so IN now thanks to theTwilight mania. But I swear I had always liked them before Twilight, even before Buffy, right around the time o...

The disasters that are Heroes and 90210

Got no idea to blog. So aku curi idea from Watch With Kristin articles on how to fix Heroes and 90210 . We'll start with Heroes first. The best things about it at first: People who have superpowers Geeks factored in and considered cool Sylar Clear defined arc with characters working together to "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" The wonderful HRG complicated character. Hiro and Ando wonderful adventures in USA-land and Hiro-land. The horrible things that start unravelling as 3 seasons past: Sylar. The.Most.Self.Absorbed.Yet.Annoyingly.Boring.Villain.Ever. Sylar sudden Daddy's Issues. Sylar doing good and overcoming murderous impulse and just ... his storylines are beginning to piss me off. Hiro becoming self-power-obsessed and continue to be childish with no character development. Ali Larter keep on coming back after being dead. One time you are back after being dead, its fine. 2 times is pushing it. Mysterious disappearance of recurring characters and how the wr...

Weekend & Games

Start with the weekend post first because, tomorrow is Friday! The girls asked for a get together, and I was dying to try out some briyani at Zahrat restaurant after reading Peej 's entry on her blog. You do not want to read her blog while hungry I tell you. So kami berlima bersama skandal, husband and bf masing-masing (minus two yang tidak bawak plus one), decided to go there last Saturday night. Peej had warned in her entry that it took some time for the order to come in, esp the one we ordered; Maghut Lamb and Chicken, so Sheema came prepared with UNO! The winner = Sheema! Hoh! Ko jampi kad tu kat umah ke sebelom bawak? Hehe. But it does helped passed the time dan buat kami-kami ini kurang pikir lapar di perut. Bile nasik tu sampai harus lah semua serbu Tak sempat aku nak amik gamba extra pon. Ni je yang ade. The kuah sedap, pedas. I like! Like I said we ordered the Maghut Lamb half kg and Maghut Chicken half kg. So the lamb is simply superbly delish. The chicken (pictured abov...
