Nah. Post untuk Dila. Heh. Eh for y'all too, tapi especially for her sebab die mention die suke post Fasha. Haha. I think I need to have a separate labels for Fasha now.
Back to the tale. Fasha cirit birit smalam. Yesterday bile tuan die panggil dari kat belakang, "Fasha, balik!". Die buat tak endah je and just duduk melanguk di tangga rumah belakang. Kucing durhaka. Huhu... So malam tadi, instead of sleeping in our room as usual, die berjaya melepaskan diri dan berjimba-jimba di belakang rumah sepanjang malam.
Then pagi tadi dengar my sis memekak kate Fasha cirit birit and her ekor is full of taik. Hunting her down pagi tadi, she is lazing on top of my sis shoes and her smell is... well.. as you would expect what taik kucing would smell like. I think die gi berak bersepah tah mana2 outside. Blergh. Picking her up, I saw the poo smears on her tail

Back to the tale. Fasha cirit birit smalam. Yesterday bile tuan die panggil dari kat belakang, "Fasha, balik!". Die buat tak endah je and just duduk melanguk di tangga rumah belakang. Kucing durhaka. Huhu... So malam tadi, instead of sleeping in our room as usual, die berjaya melepaskan diri dan berjimba-jimba di belakang rumah sepanjang malam.
Then pagi tadi dengar my sis memekak kate Fasha cirit birit and her ekor is full of taik. Hunting her down pagi tadi, she is lazing on top of my sis shoes and her smell is... well.. as you would expect what taik kucing would smell like. I think die gi berak bersepah tah mana2 outside. Blergh. Picking her up, I saw the poo smears on her tail
My MSPAINT skill is infinitely better than Perez Hilton, thank you very much.
I have half a mind to put her in the middle of the lawn and hosed her down. But that would only leave the grass wet and my cat out of sight, terrified for her life. So terpaksalah I picked her up and with the maid, we close the door and proceed to wash the dried poo out in the bathroom. Had to use my fingers to pry some of the poo out of her fur ok. Ugh.
And the puss is not grateful at all. She scratched and meowed loudly throughout the whole ordeal. Oh, I had given her bath before, she scratched and meowed too but this time as we need to really scrub her, she protested way more harder I guess. At one time she even gripped one of toes painfully with her claw.
After an invigorating bath and some scrubbing from the towel, I put her in her cage so she will not run off into the nearest sand or dirt.
So there. After that I just scrubbed clean my hand and bersiap to go to work pulak.
p/s: Heh. Aku tak kuasa nak amik gamba la kan so I drew this for fun to add more colors (walaupon gamba itu tidak berwarna).
lawak boleh...i tot fasha in a box....cage rupenye!
and yes
ewwww!apa la fasha berak cirit,habis kotor ekor semua...hahaha
p/s::gambar pertama,adakah fasha gembira berak cirit?hahaha
Hahah... Muka rilek ceria tanpa bersalah bile jumpa die. Siap nak berlari nak berebut masuk dalam kete lagi.
Hehe. Gamba untuk menambahkan ceria.
I think today she would be a bit more sober after her vigorous bath. Though she might still be angry and shun us to lepak at the alley.
Anyway I'm imagining the cat giving you that disgusted look. Haha hilarious. Cats are naturally snobbish aren't they?
As a friend once pointed out, Persian cats are the most snobbish of all cats. I agree! LOL
Dah sihat tak fasha?
Heh, it is kinda like ... bersuka ria or berpoye-poye. Some like that.
She's ok aje now. But I agree that cats are snobbish creature. I remember reading in a book that cat is gloriously human because they are so nice and selfish. Heh.
Haa bole je. Tah hape2.
Ops... racist di situ!