Okeh. Pictorial post ahead.
Because last week is my brother birthday, haruslah my sis beli kek sebab die paksa. Heh. Well sebab Alisha nak tengok gamba kek ni, and I forgot to put it up earlier, so I bundle gamba2 ni dalam 1 post.
So the kek.

Then sebab birthday boy memang jenis takkan tiup lilin, haruslah si kecik di rumah tu stand in untuk meniup.

Expression cheeky sungguh bile dapat pegang pisau potong kek. So the cake was cut and everybody eated. Very the nice cake, bought from Bread History.
That was on Wednesday kut. Or Tuesday? Can't remember.
Then on Saturday, menemani Gohan terchenta for our unimates wedding (Napie)at Muar. We bring along wide eyed Iyayy right after he had finished his night work shift.
The wedding is at Parit Besar, Muar. Tho I am a Johorian, I have never been to Muar. Heh. So kami sesat mesat di sana sini mencari direction ke Parit Besar and we had almost given up hope ever finding the house. Setelah resigned to our fate and mahu berenti mana-mana makan goreng pisang, we found the correct route and found our way in to Napie's house.

Selamat Pengantin Baru Napie and wife. I like the white and red combination. Nice. Oh, and during the kenduri feast, the ayam golek was heavenly. Rugi aku tak amik banyak-banyak.
After melepak at his house for the sanding ceremony and memotong kek, we headed back to KL. Singgah for a while at Simpang Ampat for some goreng pisang with kuah kicap cili, and cendol.
Esok tu pulak, pergi ke Chamang which is at Bentong with the whole family. Plan kuar rumah kul 9 am. Last-last almost 10.30 kut baru kuar. Hehehe.
Our family used to live at Bentong for a few years when I was around 6 and 7 years old. Before headed to Chamang, we drive past our old home at Sungai Marong to see how much had changed. Not much changed in the neighbourhood as I recognized some of the houses still, though our old house had changed a lot. From a little bungalow, it had now been renovated to monstrous mansion of a house. Aku lupa pulak nak tangkap gambar. Well after that, we drove the highly berliku-liku road to Chamang.
There were quite a lots of people there due to the school holiday, so our spot was less than perfect. We make do though. My mom and sis had cooked nasi lemak and bihun for the trip, so foodwise we are all settled.

The waterfall was just like what I remembered, though they had changed quite a lot in the surrounding. Yelah, time kite orang pergi dulu we are the only people there including a few army person. The view of the waterfall was beautiful, though people are not allowed to climb upwards those rocks above. Few tried when I was there then keluarlah satu pakcik ni bawak keluar siren die and megaphone out loud "Jangan melepasi kawasan larangan!".

Nice place actually. Lain kali datang awal sikit amik spot okeh (planning2 yang aku utarakan earlier kepada Adek). There are a few dangerous spot on the waters marked on a signboard. Many people do not take heed on such things though and just blithely swam around the dangerous areas.
Oh, bawak budak Abid ni masuk air. At first muka berkerut, bila masuk lagi dalam mula la meraung. Though he didn't throw such a fit compare to the other toddlers there, he was more content to only have a lil bit of his feet wet, thank you very much.
Muka before masuk air. Tidak mensuspek auntie die akan memperkenalkan air sungai yang sejuk untuk rekreasi die tengahhari itu. Not his idea of fun. Tak sempat amik gamba die melolong. Hoh. Also, I didn't manage to capture loads of pics pon of other family members. Ye la kan. Having fun in waterfall and eating delish foods vs capturing pics? Akak dan Alisha bole head to Some nye Facebook for more pics galore though.
Inching towards late afternoon, we packed up and pergi to the Kem Tentera where our father dulu pernah based at untuk mengusha-usha.

We were surprised to find that the barracks and camp tengah dirobohkan. Rupanye dalam proses of major 'renovation'
Sign pon dah tadek
Then, after my mom duk bertanya kat guard tentera tu we went to pekan Bentong for ABC. Dulu kedai kopi ini ade ABC picture on their signboard complete with a cherry on top. Sekarang dah replace with gamba Mickey Mouse. Hoh!

It doesn't look much, but a lot of people frequent there. The owner remembered my mom and she pointed out her children to him. He smiled widely and said he had opened this shop for 36 years . When we were living in Bentong, we used to go this shop frequently for the ABC.
We ordered the ABC special and we got this.

Suspect. Something like Cendol with Ice Cream. It is delish of course and the ice cream is exquisite, tapi tadek rupa ABC? Hurmph. Oh well, next time pergi lagi, try order balik ABC and Cendol Ice Cream to see ade different ke atau kite org silap order?
Oh at the front, there is a freezer for ice cream which you can choose. All of their ice creams are home made (or shop made). So when my brothers after finishing our cendol ice cream, beli another round of ice cream to go, they opted for Peanuts and Banana. The Banana tasted something like Pengat Pisang.
Apo with ice cream banana die
Jan dengan ice cream peanut. Abid rase ice cream Apo and like it so much, so his father bought another ice cream pisang for him which he later refused to share.
Heh. And the Peanuts macam grounded ground nuts. Unique tasting I say. Even the Ice Cream Coffee taste a bit bitter, compare to the usual supermarket variety. Oh those ice cream and cone is RM2 a piece.
Afterwards back to KL and semua kepenatan.
p/s: Ok. Panjang dah post ni. Penat.
Because last week is my brother birthday, haruslah my sis beli kek sebab die paksa. Heh. Well sebab Alisha nak tengok gamba kek ni, and I forgot to put it up earlier, so I bundle gamba2 ni dalam 1 post.
So the kek.
Then sebab birthday boy memang jenis takkan tiup lilin, haruslah si kecik di rumah tu stand in untuk meniup.
Expression cheeky sungguh bile dapat pegang pisau potong kek. So the cake was cut and everybody eated. Very the nice cake, bought from Bread History.
That was on Wednesday kut. Or Tuesday? Can't remember.
Then on Saturday, menemani Gohan terchenta for our unimates wedding (Napie)at Muar. We bring along wide eyed Iyayy right after he had finished his night work shift.
The wedding is at Parit Besar, Muar. Tho I am a Johorian, I have never been to Muar. Heh. So kami sesat mesat di sana sini mencari direction ke Parit Besar and we had almost given up hope ever finding the house. Setelah resigned to our fate and mahu berenti mana-mana makan goreng pisang, we found the correct route and found our way in to Napie's house.
Selamat Pengantin Baru Napie and wife. I like the white and red combination. Nice. Oh, and during the kenduri feast, the ayam golek was heavenly. Rugi aku tak amik banyak-banyak.
After melepak at his house for the sanding ceremony and memotong kek, we headed back to KL. Singgah for a while at Simpang Ampat for some goreng pisang with kuah kicap cili, and cendol.
Esok tu pulak, pergi ke Chamang which is at Bentong with the whole family. Plan kuar rumah kul 9 am. Last-last almost 10.30 kut baru kuar. Hehehe.
Our family used to live at Bentong for a few years when I was around 6 and 7 years old. Before headed to Chamang, we drive past our old home at Sungai Marong to see how much had changed. Not much changed in the neighbourhood as I recognized some of the houses still, though our old house had changed a lot. From a little bungalow, it had now been renovated to monstrous mansion of a house. Aku lupa pulak nak tangkap gambar. Well after that, we drove the highly berliku-liku road to Chamang.
There were quite a lots of people there due to the school holiday, so our spot was less than perfect. We make do though. My mom and sis had cooked nasi lemak and bihun for the trip, so foodwise we are all settled.
The waterfall was just like what I remembered, though they had changed quite a lot in the surrounding. Yelah, time kite orang pergi dulu we are the only people there including a few army person. The view of the waterfall was beautiful, though people are not allowed to climb upwards those rocks above. Few tried when I was there then keluarlah satu pakcik ni bawak keluar siren die and megaphone out loud "Jangan melepasi kawasan larangan!".
Nice place actually. Lain kali datang awal sikit amik spot okeh (planning2 yang aku utarakan earlier kepada Adek). There are a few dangerous spot on the waters marked on a signboard. Many people do not take heed on such things though and just blithely swam around the dangerous areas.
Oh, bawak budak Abid ni masuk air. At first muka berkerut, bila masuk lagi dalam mula la meraung. Though he didn't throw such a fit compare to the other toddlers there, he was more content to only have a lil bit of his feet wet, thank you very much.
Inching towards late afternoon, we packed up and pergi to the Kem Tentera where our father dulu pernah based at untuk mengusha-usha.
We were surprised to find that the barracks and camp tengah dirobohkan. Rupanye dalam proses of major 'renovation'
Then, after my mom duk bertanya kat guard tentera tu we went to pekan Bentong for ABC. Dulu kedai kopi ini ade ABC picture on their signboard complete with a cherry on top. Sekarang dah replace with gamba Mickey Mouse. Hoh!
It doesn't look much, but a lot of people frequent there. The owner remembered my mom and she pointed out her children to him. He smiled widely and said he had opened this shop for 36 years . When we were living in Bentong, we used to go this shop frequently for the ABC.
We ordered the ABC special and we got this.
Suspect. Something like Cendol with Ice Cream. It is delish of course and the ice cream is exquisite, tapi tadek rupa ABC? Hurmph. Oh well, next time pergi lagi, try order balik ABC and Cendol Ice Cream to see ade different ke atau kite org silap order?
Oh at the front, there is a freezer for ice cream which you can choose. All of their ice creams are home made (or shop made). So when my brothers after finishing our cendol ice cream, beli another round of ice cream to go, they opted for Peanuts and Banana. The Banana tasted something like Pengat Pisang.
Heh. And the Peanuts macam grounded ground nuts. Unique tasting I say. Even the Ice Cream Coffee taste a bit bitter, compare to the usual supermarket variety. Oh those ice cream and cone is RM2 a piece.
Afterwards back to KL and semua kepenatan.
p/s: Ok. Panjang dah post ni. Penat.
serious.. never seen a RED wedding for malays. cina ada lah
so ....... weird
But it is good.
The ABC is cendol aiskrim. Can't agree more.
And shit...now I remembered with your suggestion! Need spammers holiday planner gak lah kot for executing a plan. Tunggu yong balik dari cina and own up the responsibility... (IF and only IF she want to - provided her bodyguard doesn't consume her time)
Haha.. spammers ade banyak holiday plan tahun ni. Takpe takpe, at least ni snang je nak gi. Unless plan nak bbq skali as die ade sediakan tempat bbq-ing there.