Oscar Fevers all around. Don't feel like commenting on a whole lot of it. I am only excited that The Duchess does deserved its Best Costume awards. I think this is probably also because I only manage to watch that film of all the films nominated (Dark Knight is expected to win on its win and also of course la Wall.E) walaupon film itu hanya dapat 1 nomination. Tapi bile I watch it movie I was actually really amazed with its costume design. The wigs are really monstrously gravity defying high and the clothes are really lovely. While watching Keire Knightley cried her eyes out, I was also thinking "Oh God. Her dress fabric designs of little blue roses is really lovely. I would love to have those as my curtains or sofas. I would even love it as a blouse.Heck! I could even wear it in sync with my sofas and curtains."
Now. With thoughts like that don't it deserved its own Oscar? And I still would love to have that fabric of blue roses for a blouse.
Ho hum. Anyway. My computer is somewhat clean now. I think the virus may lurk around somewhere but I will hunt it out bit by bit. Seems like it infected not just the C drives. But ALL drives. Gah! But after my husband fixed it somewhat, I can now watch my series yet again! Yeay!
Manage to watch eps 2 of Dollhouse. I was thinking of giving my thoughts on the show. But I will wait til next week to watch the 3rd episode. So later. Kena test Danish language pulak.
Now. With thoughts like that don't it deserved its own Oscar? And I still would love to have that fabric of blue roses for a blouse.
Ho hum. Anyway. My computer is somewhat clean now. I think the virus may lurk around somewhere but I will hunt it out bit by bit. Seems like it infected not just the C drives. But ALL drives. Gah! But after my husband fixed it somewhat, I can now watch my series yet again! Yeay!
Manage to watch eps 2 of Dollhouse. I was thinking of giving my thoughts on the show. But I will wait til next week to watch the 3rd episode. So later. Kena test Danish language pulak.
Berkenaan virus komputer, mula2 aku nak kasik tips kt ko, tp memandangkan ko penah keje ngan company antivirus, so for sure ko lg expert dr aku. hahaha
Ah well, Dark Knight is ok la. Wall.E actually should deserve a nomination.
Hehe..tips2 utk viruses ni actually sume sama je kan. Tapi jaga camne pon chance nak kena ade je. Especially kalo ade org lain guna PC ko. Haha.