Something baffles me.
I want McDonald Milkshakes.
But am afraid of weight gain.
My head still feels woozy.
I also want Tomyam.
I think I kinda stupid.
Wonder why somethings are different.
Don't feel like driving aggresively today.
I don't feel thin enough.
My cat is cute when she is nipping my fingers at early morning.
She is not cute when she is nipping at my feet when I am in a rush.
I sometimes hate a person
I don't care to elaborate who.
Hurm, I wonder if I did something correctly.
I will write more later.
About something else. Obviously.
I want McDonald Milkshakes.
But am afraid of weight gain.
My head still feels woozy.
I also want Tomyam.
I think I kinda stupid.
Wonder why somethings are different.
Don't feel like driving aggresively today.
I don't feel thin enough.
My cat is cute when she is nipping my fingers at early morning.
She is not cute when she is nipping at my feet when I am in a rush.
I sometimes hate a person
I don't care to elaborate who.
Hurm, I wonder if I did something correctly.
I will write more later.
About something else. Obviously.
i still feel fat
i need to buy a scale
back hurt due to moving into my new house
my bangla housemate is a dick
hows that?
Good enuff. Simplified bloggin!
Ala.. macam ko tak lantak big mac every week.