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Hey you, its Friday night.

Been planning to download me some Grey's but little fuckers that is more widely known as computer viruses had burst into my computer and having a party wrecking through all of my programs. The computer is now a mess and downright unsalvageable. I can't even get into Safe Mode and it changed all of the .exe files in my computer to malicious files.

So haruslah mengformat komputer di malam sabtu inih.

Though actually my husband is adoing it while I am typing this blog entry on his laptop. Theeheee. I am one of those females who are completely at lost when it comes to formatting their computer, walaupon aku adalah kekononnyer system programmer though I am actually kinda handy with eradicating computer viruses. (Percayalah statement aku yang boleh di-vouch oleh lelaki2 macho yang pening kepala nak buang spyware dari computer. Yelah kate dulu keje dengan antivirus company. Kononnye. ). Tetapi these little fuckers is too persistently horrible that we both think the easiest way to get em all is reformat. Bah!

Dahlah I am not good in organizing my CDs and installers. Now di mana jua la aku letak cd-cd for my gadgets ituh.

Anyway, computer problems aside. I was browsing through a list of online shoppings ni. While I am squealing and thinking that perhaps I will give online shopping a try after all, my eyes caught an advertisement for online shopping for books. Ah! It's worth a look. Browsing through, I was kinda delighted. The usual popular items are about RM25++ but then I notice that the postal cost for 1 book is about RM5. Bile dah add up, macam tambah tolak dua tiga ringgit kat Kino je kan. Haih. So takpeler, beli je la di kedai dahulu or even Ebay.

Ho-hum. In the mean time, I am kinda enthralled with this lovable website where you can read about the life of a receptionist in London. It is all in form of an email correspondence. So you will read about her correspondence with her boss, co-workers, friends, boyfriend and families.

Kelakar ok. Sampai dah ade successful novels. Heh. Though if you ask if this Holly is a real person, I very much doubt it. The site is: . Though I do think it its not updated anymore, dan kalo nak tahu seterusnyer kena la plak beli buku yek. Most probably it is a promotional website. Now there is even a text messaging updates from Holly for those in the UK. Macam ala2 Twitter updates. Ah well.

But there are a lot of emails in it for me to enjoy in a while. So it can be a fun light read. Boleh aje time bosan.


you hubby is a manly man

a bloke is not blokey enough if he cant even format a comp. thumbs up. i reformat my comp whenecer i detect lags. ublike you i actually have neatly labelled box called "intaller box". i even have 3 XP cds just in case one of the crapped on me. hahaha...

so anyway.. talking about books i went to PAYLESS at one utama 2 days ago. i missed the warehouse sale because i was moving into a new house. so anyhoo i was pleasently surprsed to see that pay less have the complete work of tom clancy!kino , mph and borders pun takde complete collection ok! so i grabbed one of the books that i needed to complete my clancy collection. the 1356 pages of clancy goodness cost me only.......18 bucks! CHEAP!! not bad lah for a 12 year old book!

i will be looking for treasure there next time around.

on a side note.. how leh kena virus? i read joke once that THUMBDRIVE is equivalent to a penis that infects pc when they fuck the USB ports.. haha.. so true!
Dils said…
Well, Payless is pretty cheap. I usually don't bother with its warehouse sales. There is not much bargains. Much more easier kalau pergi kedai die terus.

I used to buy my Michael Crichton's books there. Popular new authors la die takde.

Heh... I have no idea how bole kena because, bukan I je use this computer at home. I suspect my brother opened some shady websites. Hahahaha.


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