Not in the mood for blogging. But here I am anyway. What's up with that eh?
My husband is now at Labuan for I don't know how long. Hurm. No one to teman me breakfast. Ah well, like I have time for breakfast anyway.
I, like Sheema would like to recap my weekend activities. But nothing particularly interesting comes up except one incident that I will talk about later in a few paragraphs down yek. Though before my gfs got all riled up, yes ... yes.. us friends held a picnic at the taman layang-layang (WTF is it called anyway?) on Saturday petang and the picnic that we had is rather memorable. Tapi kite pegi picnic/air terjun lain kali pagi2 boleh? Tadek masa nak bercerita sangat la.
My husband is now at Labuan for I don't know how long. Hurm. No one to teman me breakfast. Ah well, like I have time for breakfast anyway.
I, like Sheema would like to recap my weekend activities. But nothing particularly interesting comes up except one incident that I will talk about later in a few paragraphs down yek. Though before my gfs got all riled up, yes ... yes.. us friends held a picnic at the taman layang-layang (WTF is it called anyway?) on Saturday petang and the picnic that we had is rather memorable. Tapi kite pegi picnic/air terjun lain kali pagi2 boleh? Tadek masa nak bercerita sangat la.

The pics as above. Banyak gile makanan. Gile kenyang taw.
Well before heading to the the picnic, my husband and I singgah at Ikano for some chores not worth mentioning about. Sebab dedua dah macam kebulor, we decided to choose the nearest restaurant around and my husband decided upon Sushi King. Which is weird because he never chose Japanese. Mesti moi.
Anyway, we seated ourselves and ordered and do the all usual things any other people do. Though my eyes alight on 6 teenagers seated opposite us, their plates are already empty but they are energetically talking to each other. They look young, secondary school age range to me. Kinda like a snobbish, upper middle class looking teenagers too from the way they dressed and speak. Bercerita about movies and friends and theatres they had and want to see. All of that conversation are in fluent english with no stumbling y'all. Moi who is currently writing this entry (and most of her other entries) in English pon cakap BM pasar je with ma frens. Occasionally sprinkling our conversation with some English jugak la kan.
After some considerable time, the server gave me my cold soba (not that nice pon). While he was putting the dish in front of me, I noticed 2 of the teenagers are giggling maniacally while jalan terbongkok2 keluar from their booth like how nenek kebayan in theatres are suppose to act and in their glee, they kinda ran into our server who kinda jolted a bit. Nasib baik makanan tak tumpah atas aku. I kinda jeling and the server looks kinda annoyed, but they were oblivious and went on their way.
A while after that, my husband and I then notice that the teenagers are suddenly gone. Several of the Sushi King employees were now standing around their empty tables complaining that rich kids are the worst customer. Seems like the noxious teenagers had left without paying. Little brats indeed.
It must seems like a good joke to them and most probably they had laughed about it and told their other friends on their lil 'adventure'. Most probably too if their other friends heard their story, they would think the same too. Spoilt little brats. But who knows, probably they are little brats too. Orang-orang yang kerja kat Sushi King hari tu mesti rasa nak cekik-cekik je that brats kalo jumpa lagi.
Well before heading to the the picnic, my husband and I singgah at Ikano for some chores not worth mentioning about. Sebab dedua dah macam kebulor, we decided to choose the nearest restaurant around and my husband decided upon Sushi King. Which is weird because he never chose Japanese. Mesti moi.
Anyway, we seated ourselves and ordered and do the all usual things any other people do. Though my eyes alight on 6 teenagers seated opposite us, their plates are already empty but they are energetically talking to each other. They look young, secondary school age range to me. Kinda like a snobbish, upper middle class looking teenagers too from the way they dressed and speak. Bercerita about movies and friends and theatres they had and want to see. All of that conversation are in fluent english with no stumbling y'all. Moi who is currently writing this entry (and most of her other entries) in English pon cakap BM pasar je with ma frens. Occasionally sprinkling our conversation with some English jugak la kan.
After some considerable time, the server gave me my cold soba (not that nice pon). While he was putting the dish in front of me, I noticed 2 of the teenagers are giggling maniacally while jalan terbongkok2 keluar from their booth like how nenek kebayan in theatres are suppose to act and in their glee, they kinda ran into our server who kinda jolted a bit. Nasib baik makanan tak tumpah atas aku. I kinda jeling and the server looks kinda annoyed, but they were oblivious and went on their way.
A while after that, my husband and I then notice that the teenagers are suddenly gone. Several of the Sushi King employees were now standing around their empty tables complaining that rich kids are the worst customer. Seems like the noxious teenagers had left without paying. Little brats indeed.
It must seems like a good joke to them and most probably they had laughed about it and told their other friends on their lil 'adventure'. Most probably too if their other friends heard their story, they would think the same too. Spoilt little brats. But who knows, probably they are little brats too. Orang-orang yang kerja kat Sushi King hari tu mesti rasa nak cekik-cekik je that brats kalo jumpa lagi.
freebies..... actually when i was in high school i was tempted to do this JUST ONCE.
but then i realised that i only eat fastfoods. how can?
ok la..meh aku reveal sket..dulu ms dajah 3 kot,balik skolah agama, singgah kedai mamak Stor Maryam kat TSG ni teman membe beli ape tah, then aku kan comel dan ramah-tamah..haruslah mamak tu layan aku sembang2..then dia leka, aku pon selamba cilok sebungkus chewing gum wrigleys kaler kuning..pastu selambe,blah...
sampai luar kedai..aku tunjuk kat membe, dan aku lupa membe aku tu anak ustazah..hahahaahahhha..then aku pon lari2 pegi kedai mamak td, layan dia sembang skali lg,then slow2 letak balik chewing gum td tu..hahahaahaha..seri memang budak baek..jangan cakap kat mak akuuuuuu weiiiii hahahahahahaahahah