Work kinda sucks at the moment cause I have to program things I don't know how to program. Anyone can teach me how to 'programming' using 'pattern search'? God! I hate programming and I dread my performance appraisal next week. I know I'm a moron in my job and I am afraid my boss may suspect I am a moron too. Yes, yes. I have low self esteem but somehow people who have this low self esteem problem does have valid reasons why their self esteem so low kan?
Gah! Lets not think about work. Absolut dreadful. Think about the lovely 4 days off free from work! Celebrate good people. Oh! Joyous dayssss, indeeed!
Anyway, the purpose why I blog today is to ramble on books! Whee! I haven't done that in ages! (Stop putting exclamation marks Dils!!!)
Ok. Let start with The Other Boleyn Girl.

I thought it was gonna be long winded, filled with unnecessary details and dull. But it was good. V.good indeed. It was gripping and the scenes are lovingly described. I love how Anne is depicted here through the eyes of Mary. She is portrayed as a villain. I may agree with some of the writer assumptions here that Anne is ambitious and can be devious, but if you aim for the top spot when you are not born into it, you must need to trample a few heads kan? But I still have a soft spot of that doomed Queen of England. I remembered standing in front of Traitor's Gate at the Tower of London and hearing our guide informed us this is the where Anne Boleyn had to pass through when she was herded in as prisoner.
I remembered reading a critic dismissing the book as trashy. Herm. Maybe the critic is right. My reading list is not that literary. But book critics does sometimes seems to have volumes of Britannica stacking up all into their arses. (Still I perhaps will take a peek through Twilight and see if its really as bad as it sounds)
However I enjoyed reading it, and I can now remember which queens from first to 6th and their names and also all the other supplementary characters that are involved at the times. Though I am still somewhat baffle on why Kinokuniya put up that book in the young adult fiction. I kinda doubt most young adult I know would enjoy reading it, but probably me myself at 16, would enjoy it. Who knows. So I am now interested to read her other Tudors work. Nanti la singgah lagi at Book Xcess as that place sold her books way cheap!
Now am reading Bill Willingham 1001 Nights of Snowfall.
The gist about the book is:
This is a late birthday present from my husband after I complained a lot that I didn't get any birthday present. Anyway, I'm not totally loving that the illustrations are more compare to wordings (I am still relatively new to this graphic novels business ok) but I like this Fable one off series. I am thinking of trying out the first Fable series to see if its any good. Tapi macam expensive hobby dah pulak if you start to collect graphic novels ni. Herm.
And you know y'all, I think I am giving up trying to kumpul all of Buffy 'graphic novel'. Its too much for me to continuously search for it and buy it. I give up. And heck! It's not even a graphic novel. It's a comic ok. Graphic novel is this 1001 Nights of Snowfall-like.
This also makes me yearn to have 1001 Arabian Nights Tale. Complete with beautiful illustrations. My husband found a collection of 1001 Arabian Nights Tale at Kinokuniya and pointed it out to me. He knows I am searching for it, but you know what... gile mahal that volume. RM800++ . Perghhhh... Ah well. There is always the children's book or the online version. ZzzzZZzzz
Oh and I am also currently reading the last book of Harry Potter. The last time I read it, I was kinda in a rush to know all the juicy tidbits and the wraparound of the story. So I decided to read it again more slowly to enjoy the book.
p/s: cilakak betul. Dah pukul 9pm, aku still lagi kat opis. Takpe, takpe. Cuti 4 hari. Cuti 4 hari.
Work kinda sucks at the moment cause I have to program things I don't know how to program. Anyone can teach me how to 'programming' using 'pattern search'? God! I hate programming and I dread my performance appraisal next week. I know I'm a moron in my job and I am afraid my boss may suspect I am a moron too. Yes, yes. I have low self esteem but somehow people who have this low self esteem problem does have valid reasons why their self esteem so low kan?
Gah! Lets not think about work. Absolut dreadful. Think about the lovely 4 days off free from work! Celebrate good people. Oh! Joyous dayssss, indeeed!
Anyway, the purpose why I blog today is to ramble on books! Whee! I haven't done that in ages! (Stop putting exclamation marks Dils!!!)
Ok. Let start with The Other Boleyn Girl.

I thought it was gonna be long winded, filled with unnecessary details and dull. But it was good. V.good indeed. It was gripping and the scenes are lovingly described. I love how Anne is depicted here through the eyes of Mary. She is portrayed as a villain. I may agree with some of the writer assumptions here that Anne is ambitious and can be devious, but if you aim for the top spot when you are not born into it, you must need to trample a few heads kan? But I still have a soft spot of that doomed Queen of England. I remembered standing in front of Traitor's Gate at the Tower of London and hearing our guide informed us this is the where Anne Boleyn had to pass through when she was herded in as prisoner.
I remembered reading a critic dismissing the book as trashy. Herm. Maybe the critic is right. My reading list is not that literary. But book critics does sometimes seems to have volumes of Britannica stacking up all into their arses. (Still I perhaps will take a peek through Twilight and see if its really as bad as it sounds)
However I enjoyed reading it, and I can now remember which queens from first to 6th and their names and also all the other supplementary characters that are involved at the times. Though I am still somewhat baffle on why Kinokuniya put up that book in the young adult fiction. I kinda doubt most young adult I know would enjoy reading it, but probably me myself at 16, would enjoy it. Who knows. So I am now interested to read her other Tudors work. Nanti la singgah lagi at Book Xcess as that place sold her books way cheap!
Now am reading Bill Willingham 1001 Nights of Snowfall.

In the story Snow White has been sent to negotiate with the Arabian fables. The sultan, considering it an insult that a woman was sent to negotiate, holds her hostage. Snow White tells him a story every night to keep him from beheading her.It do not have 1001 tales in it, a few of familiar tales retold with a twist. So far, I love the Snow White telling of her supposedly happy ending and I feel sad reading of the Frog Prince.
This is a late birthday present from my husband after I complained a lot that I didn't get any birthday present. Anyway, I'm not totally loving that the illustrations are more compare to wordings (I am still relatively new to this graphic novels business ok) but I like this Fable one off series. I am thinking of trying out the first Fable series to see if its any good. Tapi macam expensive hobby dah pulak if you start to collect graphic novels ni. Herm.
And you know y'all, I think I am giving up trying to kumpul all of Buffy 'graphic novel'. Its too much for me to continuously search for it and buy it. I give up. And heck! It's not even a graphic novel. It's a comic ok. Graphic novel is this 1001 Nights of Snowfall-like.
This also makes me yearn to have 1001 Arabian Nights Tale. Complete with beautiful illustrations. My husband found a collection of 1001 Arabian Nights Tale at Kinokuniya and pointed it out to me. He knows I am searching for it, but you know what... gile mahal that volume. RM800++ . Perghhhh... Ah well. There is always the children's book or the online version. ZzzzZZzzz
Oh and I am also currently reading the last book of Harry Potter. The last time I read it, I was kinda in a rush to know all the juicy tidbits and the wraparound of the story. So I decided to read it again more slowly to enjoy the book.
p/s: cilakak betul. Dah pukul 9pm, aku still lagi kat opis. Takpe, takpe. Cuti 4 hari. Cuti 4 hari.
Alan Moore wrote a twisted book on the heroine from the Victorian era. he wrote an alternate story in the future when they got older. so alice in wonderland start telling about her sexual exploits and stuff like that. pretty mature stuff
can't find them. but knowing Mr Moore work i bet it will be twisted as always
btw,kenapa ko kat ofis lg kul 9pm? hiihhihihihi
I read that wiki entry. Huhu, interesting. He was saying its not pornography but art. Hehe...
I also read a very interesting interview from the creator of Fables series. Seems like he is pro Israel and are writing his story with pro Israel politic in his mind.
(Boikot jugak ke?) Huhu...
Kena wat keje ar. Ekceli malas wat keje. tp kena tunggu mende2 settle. Buhsan~
huhuhu.. ko banje ar kite org ramai2 ticket kapal terbang
Itu la kan. But Harry Potter buku kenkadang seronok gak baca banyak kali. Especially the first 3 books. Ni pon baca macam rushing. Duk paksa diri selow down sikit baca. Huhu.