Tuka template sempena new year! Which is why I tutup jab blog.
Though, I don't particularly like this green color. Tapi it is clean and simple and I like its retro pic. So perhaps I will test it out a while. And if my eyes just can't stand the green, I will change it. Took it from a lovely site, that have all sorts of beautiful templates. Though I did change the girl sitting coquettishly at the header from blonde to brunette. Because I'm a brunette! So its kinda like me, sitting in front of a computer, minus boobs that big.
So in the mean time, the link list will not be filled out yet. As penat la nak duk add satu2. Tunggu confirm and by then bits by bits.
Yesterday decided to go to KLCC alone and catch a UK movie called "Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging". I always like UK movies, they have a fun sense of humour. And their movie is not too preachy. And I was right, it was hilarious. This movie is basically a tween movie about girl (Georgia) like boy, but boy like someone else but kinda like her too. You get the drift. Its kinda like Mean Girls, UK version.
Though I do think at times I feel way too old to watch this kinda movie (it is produced by Nickelodeon! Gad! I felt old when I saw that!), but the movie had its high moments. It was hilarious to see the kissing lessons. By the end of the kissing lessons the girl and the boy are covered by saliva. Saliva-ville!!! Yeuch!. And of course the sorta silly moments usually made by girls trying to impress boys.

I also like that the 'heroine' is just your typical girl next door. And when she turned gorgeous, it is a very stunning transformation. Tak la macam "She's All That", masa tak lawa because only she is wearing some frumpy clothes and glasses. Gah!
Also, I finally watched "Shaun of the Dead".

What? Yes, yes. I know as someone who loves zombie movies, your freakness is not complete without watching the hilarious "Shaun of the Dead". Oh and I was laughing and jumping. Yeah yeah. I still have that weird habit of jumping up and down whenever I watch a particularly..... what's the word? Exhilarating, spine tingling? When you know the monster is right behind that door and the girl is opening that door. Ah! So usually, that particular moment makes me jump up and down.
Oh, but I love this movie. Though it does have a lot of reference to British humour which I don't know, but its so side-splittingly funny. Favorite scene is that acting lessons on how to be a zombie as I like Di character. When watching, I kept on thinking, she is sooo familiar. Movie over and few clicks at IMDB.com makes me realize she is the droll Sara in Reaper. Heh. No wonder.
Well, this movie makes me all excited to watch for Simon Pegg other movie "How to Lose Friends & Alienate People" The trailer looks fun. Though I do hope they would not make it preachy la yek. Eh, but it had been released yek?
Though, I don't particularly like this green color. Tapi it is clean and simple and I like its retro pic. So perhaps I will test it out a while. And if my eyes just can't stand the green, I will change it. Took it from a lovely site, that have all sorts of beautiful templates. Though I did change the girl sitting coquettishly at the header from blonde to brunette. Because I'm a brunette! So its kinda like me, sitting in front of a computer, minus boobs that big.
So in the mean time, the link list will not be filled out yet. As penat la nak duk add satu2. Tunggu confirm and by then bits by bits.
Yesterday decided to go to KLCC alone and catch a UK movie called "Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging". I always like UK movies, they have a fun sense of humour. And their movie is not too preachy. And I was right, it was hilarious. This movie is basically a tween movie about girl (Georgia) like boy, but boy like someone else but kinda like her too. You get the drift. Its kinda like Mean Girls, UK version.
Though I do think at times I feel way too old to watch this kinda movie (it is produced by Nickelodeon! Gad! I felt old when I saw that!), but the movie had its high moments. It was hilarious to see the kissing lessons. By the end of the kissing lessons the girl and the boy are covered by saliva. Saliva-ville!!! Yeuch!. And of course the sorta silly moments usually made by girls trying to impress boys.

I also like that the 'heroine' is just your typical girl next door. And when she turned gorgeous, it is a very stunning transformation. Tak la macam "She's All That", masa tak lawa because only she is wearing some frumpy clothes and glasses. Gah!
Also, I finally watched "Shaun of the Dead".

What? Yes, yes. I know as someone who loves zombie movies, your freakness is not complete without watching the hilarious "Shaun of the Dead". Oh and I was laughing and jumping. Yeah yeah. I still have that weird habit of jumping up and down whenever I watch a particularly..... what's the word? Exhilarating, spine tingling? When you know the monster is right behind that door and the girl is opening that door. Ah! So usually, that particular moment makes me jump up and down.
Oh, but I love this movie. Though it does have a lot of reference to British humour which I don't know, but its so side-splittingly funny. Favorite scene is that acting lessons on how to be a zombie as I like Di character. When watching, I kept on thinking, she is sooo familiar. Movie over and few clicks at IMDB.com makes me realize she is the droll Sara in Reaper. Heh. No wonder.
Well, this movie makes me all excited to watch for Simon Pegg other movie "How to Lose Friends & Alienate People" The trailer looks fun. Though I do hope they would not make it preachy la yek. Eh, but it had been released yek?
shaun of the dead was brilliant!
Shaun of the dead was brills!
last weekend i went for YES MAN. sesuai ditonton sorang2 ketika suami out station ;)
salam maal hijrah & happy new year...
happy alwiz.. ;)
dem. iyayy kompem teruja.
elo. Hehe.. Hepi new yr too.
tu la.. memula tengok site name die. Gelak2 jab.