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Congratulations to Ja and Remy


Gon, Seri and I (and also Seri's cousin) make a day trip to Ja's wedding last Saturday. Fuh. 10 hours in the car. Gon the driver mesti balik weng je rase.

Ja looked sweet but of course she still retain her 'kebrutalan' even on her wedding days. *groans* Everybody during tepung tawar was laughingly asking the pengantins to look ahead and smile and be still for the cameras. Hoho. Bole tak the groom duk kumat kamit kumat kamit mulut membebel while the bride siap angkat2 tangan lagi bercakap dengan orang while on the wedding dais tengah orang nak tepung tawar. Hehehe. Takpe. Sebab itu memang MekJa. Tapi masih sweet ok. Huhuhu.

So after few shots of pics, dapat jugak gamba die org yang ala-ala ayu. Yeay! Anyway the food was delish, daging adalah sangat sedap. Wooo... woooo. *lapar dah plak*


So on the way back we decided to singgah la kejab Ipoh. Sebab semua dalam kereta itu kepingin sizzling mee kat Jusco KC. It is not exactly as what I remembered it. But probably because of my fond memories of this sizzling mee, I just over exaggerate the delish taste in my mind. But last Saturday, I found it a bit cair and the egg ohhhh.... the egg had turned to fried egg. Before this the egg was delishly bubbling merrily whenever we brought the sizzling mee tray to our table. But now its just a boring fried egg. Bah! Takpe. Masih sedap.


Huhuhu, well we were laughing when we reached KC. There are a many bittersweet memories there. Gohan and I were wondering how the heck during uni days, we manage to spend 1 whole day there, without getting bored. Then keep on going back weekend after weekend, frequenting the same shops, looking at the same things. Huhuhu. I also wondered that its a miracle that the whole lot of UTP students are not wearing the same things as everyone else. Though I did remembered that most of the girls are wearing the shoes from Vincci or Nose at KC and we always would spot some UTPian girls wearing the the same shoes we bought there.

Ah well.

Macam la sekarang very shopping savvy pon. Hehe, but I guess we would be hard pressed to find somebody wearing the same shoes that we bought.

p/s: Gamba-gamba selebihnyer ade at my fotopages.


Anonymous said…
jaa look so sweet in this picture... owhh baru je pas mkn sizzling mee gak smlm, time tue teringat2 kt jj ipoh tue...dia nye taste mmg memoriable laa...huhu tp tak tau le sdp lagi tak skrg nie...
Dils said…
mmg pic tu die nampak sweet je. Hehe..

Kurang cedap cikit la sizzling mee KC skang. Tak puas hati ngan telo goreng tu kut. Hahaha


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