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The Generation Y tag

1. They spend around RM300-RM500 a month on entertainment and leisure
Hoh. Kaya tul. I never keep track of my expenditures, but I am pretty sure it is around RM200 a month. Lebih sikit je mula la kena ikat perut time lunch.

2. Their love for shopping has earned them the label of "dream consumers"
Maybe maybe. But I am not too excited on shopping ever since this whole getting married business. Sekali sekala when the mood strikes eh.

3. On a good day, they hang out at designer coffee outlets and indulge in good food, which easily comes to RM15 per meal
My boss likes to pay for our coffee at Starbucks. He usually held meetings there, so 'designer' coffees for free! But I never really like coffee so I don't frequent this place. But I do like to indulge in good food occasionally and it does surpass RM15 per meal. (Helllo... nasi ayam for 2 pon dah lebih RM20 ok sekarang)

4. Many own the newest handphones, equipped with the latest technology. Doesn't matter if they are not technologically savvy enough to utilize all the functions; what is important is that they own something at par with what their peers have.
Not really. I just like the design of a phone. I never care about 3g ke, bluetooth ke, because honestly, I don't use it. So I choose the cutest phone with the most affordable price.

5. Two-thirds know the price of an iPod, but three-quarters have no idea what a carton of milk costs.
I know how much milk cost OK. And I do know somewhat the price of an Ipod too.

6. They have hundreds of illegally downloaded songs

7. One in 20 spends more than RM200 a month on mobile phone bills
Nope. I spent about RM30 - Rm50 per month. For prepaid. Yeah, people don't call me much nor I call them.

8. A number of them have more than one phone
Hoh. 1 handphone pon asik tertinggal and rarely by my side. If 2? Ish ish ish.

9. Many do not read the newspapers, or watch the TV news
I like to read the Star on Sunday sebab ade cartoon strips and ruangan advise, hehehe. I watch news only when there are some things that piqued my interest such as watching the Taj terrorist attack live.
10. They are heavily dependent on 'helicopter parents' who hover protectively over their offspring
Ar? Ye ke? I don't think so. Though I do think sometimes I depend on my husband too much. Die la rajin nak service kereta and bayar insurance and whatsnot. Which remind me of my car insurance that I need to renew.

So, now I will officially start the tagging game. Hereby, I tag:
Sheema Aku taw ko bosan
SeriAs Kamon seri jangan malas.
Adek. Hehehehehe
Dueng (sebab Dueng and Adek mesti ade strong views about this also...)

Ah 4 je la.


that means i am in generation C

dont spend much.. mayeb less than 100 on entertainment. ha ha. i duduk bilik je most times and watch illegally downloaded movies! save money!

i dunno how much and ipod cost. i know susu cost coz i buy them toe at with my kellogs frosties! yum!

but i have a helicopter parent! gawd!

i read the newspaper and also reads online ones. tv pun once a week jek. maybe if kalau ada grizly death i would be watching buletin utama

i have one phone. the other 2 does not work. having multiple phone adalah keji. its a sign of infidelity. no one needs multiple working phones at the same time. beware

i hate shopping. i only shop for books and ocassionally baju. i pity mrs weiland. her balak is so tak fashinable.

as for the mp3. i have loads. but mostly i rip from my own cd. then i share it with people.. hohoh. so what does that make me?
Anasfadilah said…
RM200-RM300 on leisure and entertainment?

hoh!how i wish!

overprice cofee?

no lah...saya minum neslo kat mamak baru RM2.00...lagipun tak paham apesal org nak minum kopi mahal2...

equipped with the latest technology?

lagilah tade pon..

duit tade nak indulge sangat...banyak abes kat anak.

helicopter parent tade,helicopter grandparent for my son ada...hahahah
Dils said…
Maybe when you start working, the answer will change? Hehehe...

Huhu. Skali skala ok la I think Starbucks or Coffee Beans tu. Tapi kalu hari2 macam gile bazir duit. Someting like once a month luxury.

Tapi memang prasan la. Bile adde anak priorities change. Esp bile shopping. Huhuhu..
Lady Dayana said…
haha..mmg genrasi muda mudi skrg ni suka membuang duit untuk benda ntah pape..aku nak kuar duit lebih makan lunch pun berkira..they are all spoilt..tpi hairan kan? mana la dapat duit bnyk sgt kan?? most of your answer serupa je mcm aku..mungkin pasal kita xdak duit kot??hahah..
Dils said…
Hehhehe. Probably true. Bukan one of the fortunate yang gaji besar kut. Kalu tak mungkin tingin jua.
Anonymous said…
oh baru pasan. will do. :)

nah link siap2 :P


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