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Not enough of a bargain

So I read that Malaysian Film Producers Association is proposing to up the price of Hollywood movie at the cinema at double the price.

Wow! That is just preposterous.

First of all, I do understand they want to protect local filmmakers. But putting the price at RM20 per ticket is kinda ludicrous.

It would seems like instead of protecting the local filmmakers, they are punishing moviegoers for not making the 'right' choice. There are all kinds of outrage, and some even avowed to avoid local movies altogether if this proposal is being made into reality.

Maybe they just up it to a few ringgit, is a bit OK (not more than half!!). It would give local filmmakers an advantage. Or try to increase their screening time, meaning, usually it is around 2 to 4 weeks that a local movie got its screen time at the local cinema. Some I notice only 2 weeks or less! Words of mouth on how good a local movie is kinda a slow momentum around here... Like I heard about a movie that is good, pastu bile nak tengok, not shown anymore! So they should actually increase it.

And of course the usual argument, make better movie! Which in our local filmmakers defense, they had heard us plea and gave us quite quality film even though with some holes in the middle. Though believe me, some just continue to spurn out nonsense. I watched Cicakman at cinema dulu and regretted it til my dying day for spending such an amount of time and money at such rubbish. And they expect us to go and see that sequel? Ugh. (Tho I don't really hate its soundtrack... kuar topic!)

I read some US study that shows, people are going to the movies while cutting on other leisure or entertainment activities during recession such as in the depression times because it is an affordable entertainment to be had and of course that feel good feeling. Increasing the price when times are getting tough just seems like punishing local viewers who also continue to watch local and Hollywood movies. And it would certainly make the 'underground pirated' clans clap their hands in glee.

Jeeeezzz. There are some movies I would fork out rm20 for Hollywood or not Hollywood, and I notice ramai je duk kelompok at local movie. Sometimes I really doubt it that it is the viewer faults. Kalo camnih, 'acquiring' je la yek.


Anonymous said…
Man, this really make me pissed. Its sounds like, we being punished because we did not go and watch some crappy movies, and make them richer, so that they can make more crappy movies, and they get even richer. We being punished for that? That really make me pissed!

Okay let do something about it. Instead of u pay RM10 for a hollywood movie and RM10 for a local movie, how about u spend the whole RM20 for the hollywood movie and don't spend even a penny for local? How's that? How's bloody that?

Afdlin Shauki used to say, "power to the people" in his blog. Well, this is the right time people! Show them our power!

I'm gonna blog about this.
Dils said…
Huhu.. so mane blog post nyer?

Hehe. Afdhlin Shauki ekceli sokong that idea taw. I didn't post the other links. Tapi he also said that mungkin bole backfired as people mungkin akan ignore terus local movies and save up the money for english one.
Some said…
that is definitely one stupid idea. Raising movie ticket price does not hold people from spending their money on foreign movies. Naik kan la harga tiket, nnti orang start beli cetak rompak banyak2...lagi rugi...try la improve story line and come up ngan more original ideas, better budget, explore technology baru utk buat movie. Baru la semangat nak tgk movie local...takde la balik2 tgk muka2 yang sama je dlm sume movie...prop yang sama pakai kat 4 movie berbeza...
Shu said…
we are going for quality, not just the price kan.. kalo ade local movie yg bagus, org tgk jgk.

kalo harga naik... kita download je. business cetak rompak pun sure makin laris..
Dils said…

hohoho... tu la. Haih. Macam Cicakman, the tech is actually not bad. Tapi die completely lack a good script. Tolong jangan duk letak slapstick comedy in every film Melayu. Bukannye kite orang ni retarded sangat pon.

Definitely. People are looking into quality. Tapi tah la, kenkdgkan I think marketing pon kurang. Marketing banyak kena reach pada usual viewers. No tactic to attract new viewers. Tu yang susah tuh.

Hahaha... Skang pon nak beli pirated pon pk pk jugak. Duit jugak tu.
i will still watch hollywoerd movies even at that price


i only watch one movie per month and i have student card.. leh diskaun

Shu said…
i found my student card back in ukm years.. maybe blh try guna... :P
Dils said…
Hoho... Mine matric card telah ditebuk oleh security campus before getting out.

Cis. Jahat tul.


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