(A warning: A really girly long post about nothing funny nor wise nor experience worthy. Wheeeeee~~)
And its not news.
Last week had been pretty hectic. My project was going live, so we had to stay at office up till 11pm to meet the target. (that is nothing compared to some people who I think gone back at 4 am). My poor fiance had to pick me up cause I have a phobia against muggers and dark night. Hahaha. Well... all is not lost to him because in return he got a proposition from a pondan-pro and a KFC chicken and burger from me. (Leftover from the dinner provided from the company). Heee. I am indeed a cheapskate.
So it seems the target was not met. (Bah for that but it's not our fault. Really :P) So I had to work on Saturday too. I usually am against working during hols days but this can't be avoided, and I can claim the extra day as holiday. There's nothing to be done anyway. Also don't really mind as I got free lunch of pizza and Starbucks breakfast of green tea latte and biscotti (I brought back the biscotti, as a biscotti without a hot tea or coffee to cicah in is kinda bland to me). Or is my drink actually green tea blended? But its bloody good!
I don't devour too much of the pizza as my mouth was salivating after the nasi ayam and kerabu mangga at Bukit Bintang. Simpan perut yaa. And its even better than I last remembered.! But the last time I went, its kinda crap anyway. Guess they had upped it a bit so its as delicious as from way before. We ordered the BBQ and roasted set. Kerabu Mangga lagi banyak daripada dahulu. But that perhaps is because the price had also naik quite considerably. Sigh.
I overly mentioned food in this blog eh for today? That's because I am fasting today. I got another 2 days to 'ganti' the puasa and another extra 9 days for the puasa nazar I set for myself. Better to start doing the nazar puasa as well as eh. But I didn't put any time limits in my nazar but I can die anytime too, so might as well start now and informing other of my nazar. (Updated: Argh... Period la plak kan. Takpe takpe. Consider as diet. Lalalalala) Huhuhu.
This is the fourth paragraphs and I still haven't start a word on bags! Well, eating nasi ayam is my 2nd purpose to the most jam-congested road ever. But I am also interested in buying a bag.
My old bag frankly is old. (Its one and half year old! Gasp!).
The lining is beginning to tear. I can't put anything in the pocket anymore. Everything I drop into that bag. And as there is so much rubbish in there, its beginning to resemble a black hole. It took forever for me to find my keys at a time. Kalo tak tahan nak pee tu kan, mula la terlompat2.
I think my next aim is to buy an extra little bag in there. (Don't worry, that is going to come out from my own pocket ) My friend is amaze at my bag collections. I have a pouch to hold my mp3 player. I have another pouch to hold only my lipsticks. (But I lost one and the other I had to use as a makeshift envelope for duit 'gifts' at a wedding) I also used a bag to store my minyak angin and tiger balm. Also sometimes I have an extra bag inside the big bag as so if I malas to lug around a big bag, I lug around the smaller one. So they think I am tad bit insane. Bags-crazy maybe the words.
So it is only natural I would want to buy a new bag. (Don't worry old bag. I won't throw you away just yet) Actually its a treat from the fiance. I requested for a cheaper meal and a bag instead of a big meal at a pricey restaurant. (Don't gnaw your fingers, my pricey restaurants is prolly somewhere along the line of Chillies. Hoho. )
We walked around Sg Wang from 1 shop to another until all shops beginning to look the same to us. I discovered one bag I really like. An imitation of Miu Miu. However, the logo looked like it was about to fall off. Then I found another Miu Miu imitation which is very very nice, which I have to ask the sales assistant twice for the price.
Insane. I put back the bag and said not interested. I was floored for a moment. Guess I am not one of the person who think it is wise to fork out more than a RM100 for a fake imitation good. We went to another shop, and found a Jimmy Choo imitation going for RM800. Sorry la weh. If I have RM800 to waste, I won't spend it on an imitation good. Type A or Type Z, I rather buy a no brand or a lesser one than buy imitation. I guess I just don't like it. My fiance remarked that Sungai Wang had raise its standard. I think its more like high end version of Petaling Street kut.
Well... it then comes to a choice of that really cheap fake MiuMiu which is around RM60++ (a price I do not mind paying but as I said, I don't really like imitation if I have the choice), and another bag which I love that have loads of pockets but kinda have a shoddy look about it (benang terkeluar sana sini), another bag which is nice but really don't know why I am not into it and this bag from Nose.
Shiny new bag! You are here! I dreamt about you! Plastik pon tak bukak lagi. Malas punye pasal. Thought of doing the "Karen Cheng pose" but my camera + shoddy lighting in my room make my reflection on my full length mirror looks blurry, so not clear. This will do.
Guess if I have the picture then I bought that one.
And its not news.
Last week had been pretty hectic. My project was going live, so we had to stay at office up till 11pm to meet the target. (that is nothing compared to some people who I think gone back at 4 am). My poor fiance had to pick me up cause I have a phobia against muggers and dark night. Hahaha. Well... all is not lost to him because in return he got a proposition from a pondan-pro and a KFC chicken and burger from me. (Leftover from the dinner provided from the company). Heee. I am indeed a cheapskate.
So it seems the target was not met. (Bah for that but it's not our fault. Really :P) So I had to work on Saturday too. I usually am against working during hols days but this can't be avoided, and I can claim the extra day as holiday. There's nothing to be done anyway. Also don't really mind as I got free lunch of pizza and Starbucks breakfast of green tea latte and biscotti (I brought back the biscotti, as a biscotti without a hot tea or coffee to cicah in is kinda bland to me). Or is my drink actually green tea blended? But its bloody good!
I don't devour too much of the pizza as my mouth was salivating after the nasi ayam and kerabu mangga at Bukit Bintang. Simpan perut yaa. And its even better than I last remembered.! But the last time I went, its kinda crap anyway. Guess they had upped it a bit so its as delicious as from way before. We ordered the BBQ and roasted set. Kerabu Mangga lagi banyak daripada dahulu. But that perhaps is because the price had also naik quite considerably. Sigh.
I overly mentioned food in this blog eh for today? That's because I am fasting today. I got another 2 days to 'ganti' the puasa and another extra 9 days for the puasa nazar I set for myself. Better to start doing the nazar puasa as well as eh. But I didn't put any time limits in my nazar but I can die anytime too, so might as well start now and informing other of my nazar. (Updated: Argh... Period la plak kan. Takpe takpe. Consider as diet. Lalalalala) Huhuhu.
This is the fourth paragraphs and I still haven't start a word on bags! Well, eating nasi ayam is my 2nd purpose to the most jam-congested road ever. But I am also interested in buying a bag.
My old bag frankly is old. (Its one and half year old! Gasp!).
The lining is beginning to tear. I can't put anything in the pocket anymore. Everything I drop into that bag. And as there is so much rubbish in there, its beginning to resemble a black hole. It took forever for me to find my keys at a time. Kalo tak tahan nak pee tu kan, mula la terlompat2.
I think my next aim is to buy an extra little bag in there. (Don't worry, that is going to come out from my own pocket ) My friend is amaze at my bag collections. I have a pouch to hold my mp3 player. I have another pouch to hold only my lipsticks. (But I lost one and the other I had to use as a makeshift envelope for duit 'gifts' at a wedding) I also used a bag to store my minyak angin and tiger balm. Also sometimes I have an extra bag inside the big bag as so if I malas to lug around a big bag, I lug around the smaller one. So they think I am tad bit insane. Bags-crazy maybe the words.
So it is only natural I would want to buy a new bag. (Don't worry old bag. I won't throw you away just yet) Actually its a treat from the fiance. I requested for a cheaper meal and a bag instead of a big meal at a pricey restaurant. (Don't gnaw your fingers, my pricey restaurants is prolly somewhere along the line of Chillies. Hoho. )
We walked around Sg Wang from 1 shop to another until all shops beginning to look the same to us. I discovered one bag I really like. An imitation of Miu Miu. However, the logo looked like it was about to fall off. Then I found another Miu Miu imitation which is very very nice, which I have to ask the sales assistant twice for the price.
Me: So lawa. How much is this bag eh?
Sales assistant: Just arrived. Wait arr *she conversed with another shop assistant/owners in Chinese*
Sales assistant: 500 ringgit.
Me: *falter a bit* Arr... Sorry. How much it is again?
Sales assistant: 500 ringgit.
Insane. I put back the bag and said not interested. I was floored for a moment. Guess I am not one of the person who think it is wise to fork out more than a RM100 for a fake imitation good. We went to another shop, and found a Jimmy Choo imitation going for RM800. Sorry la weh. If I have RM800 to waste, I won't spend it on an imitation good. Type A or Type Z, I rather buy a no brand or a lesser one than buy imitation. I guess I just don't like it. My fiance remarked that Sungai Wang had raise its standard. I think its more like high end version of Petaling Street kut.
Well... it then comes to a choice of that really cheap fake MiuMiu which is around RM60++ (a price I do not mind paying but as I said, I don't really like imitation if I have the choice), and another bag which I love that have loads of pockets but kinda have a shoddy look about it (benang terkeluar sana sini), another bag which is nice but really don't know why I am not into it and this bag from Nose.
Guess if I have the picture then I bought that one.
too girly that i can't really say anythingw ithout sounding fake
but i always read your blog first every single day and leave a comment at the end
its a ritual. i am afraid that if i stop i won't be able to write anything for my blog
yeah i know.. superstitious crap right?