So... I had been reading Neil Gaiman's, 3 books in succession. Good Omens, American Gods and Anansi Boys.
Good Omens was deliciously good. But I will stand in my opinion that my favorite book in his whole collection would be Neverwhere. I am still thinking if I like Stardust more... but I don't like the ending that much. I like the ending in the film though. Heee.
On a side note, I still haven't read Sandman. But I really loathe to part with my money to buy expensive graphic novel. So unless I feel a real need to read it or somebody gonna donate me the graphic novels or if there is some warehouse sales for graphic novels that house this... maybe I will change my mind. Back to the books again.
American Gods was dark, at times disturbing but very interesting. I kinda like to read the short stories about the 'gods'. However because it is dark, it took me quite a bit of a time to finish the novel. A tad bit depressing at times you see. But I like Shadow. Especially the love of Shadow and Laura. There's no one dimensional feeling in that relationship. Love. Hate. Disappointment. Protectiveness. It is one of the more beautiful thing about the book . I would love to see how Shadow goes on.

However I am now reading the 'spin-off', Anansi Boys with great relish. Not too dark, reminded me a bit of Good Omens. Very tongue in cheek at times. So I found myself picking the book up at every opportune moments.

I have to say I really like Anansi Boys. Currently in the middle of the book. So I don't know how the ending would turn up. Love how unexpectedly some of the twist in all of the books came up. So, hush for now. I deduced that I will finish reading the book by the end of this week. I will announce if it will be my favorite.
My next book is .... a romance. Haaa! I think I had tire myself of reading dark, forbidding, disturbing books that currently I kept on having really disturbing nightmares. My fiance said said my nightmares are like Neil Gaiman books, (that I am influenced by him in my dreamland). I say that is absurd as I had been having nightmares as far back as I can remember and as frequently as other people drink coffee every morning.
Anyway, as I feel it had been such a long time since I read romance, I am picking a really cheesy one. Victoire by Clare Darcy. I think this romance novel is kinda like a Georgette Heyer novel.

See. Isn't the cover such classic? Heee. I kinda fell in love with reading Georgette Heyer romance book. Most of it are set in the Regency period. And Georgette Heyer is a romance writer who do not write sex scenes into her book. Ha! See romance writers! You can write romance book without including a trip to the erotica and we would still enjoy it ok!
I bought the lots of Georgette Heyer books that I have currently, at a flea market during my trip in Scotland. So I got it dirt cheap (maybe even free as my sister might had been paying at the time.. ) but the books are kinda in a frail condition and some of the pages had been missing (not missing when I bought it but I read and reread it like 50 times, some must had slipped away unnoticed and lost forever! Sobs! I am not careful enough with books. Trying to be). Been hunting Georgette Heyer's books at Kinokuniya and I kinda yelp when I saw the price. The paperback of 1 book cost around RM50++. Crazy!
So I was looking for chopsticks at a secondhand stores (kinda unhygienic I know, but I am going to wash it and all and not all of em had been used!), I found the above. As it mentioned "Enchanting romance excitement in the GEORGETTE HEYER tradition" (HAHAHA.. enchanting romance excitement.. I just have to laugh but I like this type of book so shut up) ... well... I just have to buy it. And at a price of RM4, apa salahnye test run the book to see if I like it eh.
And no. I didn't buy the chopsticks at the secondhand store. I ended up buying it at Giant.
UPDATED at 15 JULY 2008
Already finish with Anansi Boys last night! That was faster than I myself expected. So starting on the romance novel already.
Favorite book of Neil Gaiman? I will have to say its still Neverwhere but this and Good Omens and Stardust are second favorites. Can there be 3 second favorites? Who cares!
Good Omens was deliciously good. But I will stand in my opinion that my favorite book in his whole collection would be Neverwhere. I am still thinking if I like Stardust more... but I don't like the ending that much. I like the ending in the film though. Heee.
On a side note, I still haven't read Sandman. But I really loathe to part with my money to buy expensive graphic novel. So unless I feel a real need to read it or somebody gonna donate me the graphic novels or if there is some warehouse sales for graphic novels that house this... maybe I will change my mind. Back to the books again.
American Gods was dark, at times disturbing but very interesting. I kinda like to read the short stories about the 'gods'. However because it is dark, it took me quite a bit of a time to finish the novel. A tad bit depressing at times you see. But I like Shadow. Especially the love of Shadow and Laura. There's no one dimensional feeling in that relationship. Love. Hate. Disappointment. Protectiveness. It is one of the more beautiful thing about the book . I would love to see how Shadow goes on.

However I am now reading the 'spin-off', Anansi Boys with great relish. Not too dark, reminded me a bit of Good Omens. Very tongue in cheek at times. So I found myself picking the book up at every opportune moments.

I have to say I really like Anansi Boys. Currently in the middle of the book. So I don't know how the ending would turn up. Love how unexpectedly some of the twist in all of the books came up. So, hush for now. I deduced that I will finish reading the book by the end of this week. I will announce if it will be my favorite.
My next book is .... a romance. Haaa! I think I had tire myself of reading dark, forbidding, disturbing books that currently I kept on having really disturbing nightmares. My fiance said said my nightmares are like Neil Gaiman books, (that I am influenced by him in my dreamland). I say that is absurd as I had been having nightmares as far back as I can remember and as frequently as other people drink coffee every morning.
Anyway, as I feel it had been such a long time since I read romance, I am picking a really cheesy one. Victoire by Clare Darcy. I think this romance novel is kinda like a Georgette Heyer novel.

See. Isn't the cover such classic? Heee. I kinda fell in love with reading Georgette Heyer romance book. Most of it are set in the Regency period. And Georgette Heyer is a romance writer who do not write sex scenes into her book. Ha! See romance writers! You can write romance book without including a trip to the erotica and we would still enjoy it ok!
I bought the lots of Georgette Heyer books that I have currently, at a flea market during my trip in Scotland. So I got it dirt cheap (maybe even free as my sister might had been paying at the time.. ) but the books are kinda in a frail condition and some of the pages had been missing (not missing when I bought it but I read and reread it like 50 times, some must had slipped away unnoticed and lost forever! Sobs! I am not careful enough with books. Trying to be). Been hunting Georgette Heyer's books at Kinokuniya and I kinda yelp when I saw the price. The paperback of 1 book cost around RM50++. Crazy!
So I was looking for chopsticks at a secondhand stores (kinda unhygienic I know, but I am going to wash it and all and not all of em had been used!), I found the above. As it mentioned "Enchanting romance excitement in the GEORGETTE HEYER tradition" (HAHAHA.. enchanting romance excitement.. I just have to laugh but I like this type of book so shut up) ... well... I just have to buy it. And at a price of RM4, apa salahnye test run the book to see if I like it eh.
And no. I didn't buy the chopsticks at the secondhand store. I ended up buying it at Giant.
UPDATED at 15 JULY 2008
Already finish with Anansi Boys last night! That was faster than I myself expected. So starting on the romance novel already.
Favorite book of Neil Gaiman? I will have to say its still Neverwhere but this and Good Omens and Stardust are second favorites. Can there be 3 second favorites? Who cares!
i also have to start reading Palanhiuk just to gross myself! hehe. i heard his new book is very very vile! just the way i like them!
p/s: that book cover is more tasteful that mills n boons ones. the one with Fabio half naked at the front! I hate FABIO!
Ah yes. I stayed away from romance novel that have Fabio in front of em. Haha. When I was small, I always wonder why the heck does the guy in the cover looked the same. But now I know!
Tom Clancy bored me. Haha. I guess its more 'guys' book and women is not put in the spotlight kut (except for being the damsel in distress thing).. I read one book by him, and never care to read another again.
Congratulations for finishing the Gaimans! I also love the short stories in between the plot line in American Gods.
Me also never yet reading sandman. You should demand the Absolute Series for your wedding hantaran ;)
Looked into Lynn Kurland site and found that she seems to obsess on time travel between her heroine and hero. Heh. But it would be an interesting read.. Maybe I'll give it a try when going to 'sewa buku' next. Huhu..
Oh God! Gaiman for hantaran. Wouldn't that be exquisite. But I am holding out for a handphone or camera ( READ THIS FIANCE) ... which I doubt I will get. Haha.
new age hantaran is so groovy!