1. Hobbits are short
I found that it is hard to find pics of the hobbits and the regular tall people. Prolly my search skills sucks
2. They are short with gross looking hairy feets

3. Guillermo del Toro disappoint me with Hellboy II. But I guess I have big expectations after Pan's Labyrinth. (Tho to be fair.. I am in awe with with Hellboy II, just the plot kinda blah)

5. I couldn't be bothered to read the 2nd and 3rd part of LOTR. Much less Hobbit.

6. I never really like Bilbo Baggins in the LOTR movies.

Why I would watch anyway IF the rumours are true?
p/s the first: I think this is mainly a filler post
p/s the second: Also looking through the scary world of the inter-web, I found this fan-made pics (for wallpaper I guess?)

p/s the third: I found another much much much scarier pic which I think might be someone representation of a hobbit's dick ( I didn't enlarge the pics to peruse carefully). But I am much too ladylike to post it to you children out there.
2. They are short with gross looking hairy feets

3. Guillermo del Toro disappoint me with Hellboy II. But I guess I have big expectations after Pan's Labyrinth. (Tho to be fair.. I am in awe with with Hellboy II, just the plot kinda blah)

5. I couldn't be bothered to read the 2nd and 3rd part of LOTR. Much less Hobbit.

6. I never really like Bilbo Baggins in the LOTR movies.

Why I would watch anyway IF the rumours are true?
p/s the first: I think this is mainly a filler post
p/s the second: Also looking through the scary world of the inter-web, I found this fan-made pics (for wallpaper I guess?)

p/s the third: I found another much much much scarier pic which I think might be someone representation of a hobbit's dick ( I didn't enlarge the pics to peruse carefully). But I am much too ladylike to post it to you children out there.
i've seen a porno comic titled Lord of The Cock Ring. the main character is DILDO BAGGINS!
so anyway.. yeah. Hb2 was kinda blah storywise. i dunno why the critics were kind to Guillermo. the plot is kinda slow and not epic enuff. shame really. But the creatures are awesome! the first 5 minutes was ok. love the kiddie style animation! as a child of the 80's i love The Storyteller series produced by Jim Henson. To hear John Hurt reading a story at the beginning of HB 2 gave me goose bumps! Mr Hurt was channeling his Storyteller character for the first time in decades!! HURRAH!! he is one of the best narrator ever! only Morgan Freeman can beat him i think!
by the way
McAvoy looks like a hobbit in Wanted. he is kinda short eh?
One other thing I love is when the Golden Army parts all rolled around to its places. Its magnificent.
Hahaha. Yes. Effi. He is kinda short compare the usual Hollywood-ish crowds. Which is prolly why there's these rumours he's to play Bilbo Baggins?