Report: 'Batman' accused of assaulting mom, sis

Well... this do not bode well for the dark knight? I understand the allegations of abuse of spouse (though still I condemn it), but if your own mother and sister make a report of you assaulting them at a police station, you must have a VERY nasty temper indeed.
If its true, and I really hope it is NOT true as I had love Christian Bale ever since Little Women. (And I still maintained that Jo would do well with Laurie), well let's just say... sigh.

LONDON - Batman star Christian Bale was to be questioned by police over allegations he assaulted his mother and sister the night before the European premiere of his film, "The Dark Knight," British media reported Tuesday.
Well... this do not bode well for the dark knight? I understand the allegations of abuse of spouse (though still I condemn it), but if your own mother and sister make a report of you assaulting them at a police station, you must have a VERY nasty temper indeed.
If its true, and I really hope it is NOT true as I had love Christian Bale ever since Little Women. (And I still maintained that Jo would do well with Laurie), well let's just say... sigh.
but he denied it. Probably gadoh je kut.
Christian Bale~
i guess Rachel Dawse made the right decision to marry Harvey Dent!
Harvey transition to 2 Face is a matter of when not if?