I am reading Neil Gaiman again. Smoke and Mirrors. A collection of his short stories. I never really liked short stories. I prefer to read short stories online. But his are particularly delicious and also sometimes scared me a little whenever I am tucking myself into bed. (Note to self: Don't read scary books before going to bed) . I might just buy another Neil Gaiman short stories M for Magic (is that right Jannah and Gon?)
Also there is not a writer in the world that can inspired me to write something down. He did tho. I am afraid I might unintentionally copied his style as am too amateurish to have a particular style (or perhaps talent). However.... the writing is all up in my head. I can't seem to find the time nor the heart to really sit down and write out the events that transpired through my head.
Thus I am convinced that I can never be a writer. Too pemalas and it takes such times and various brain waves (Let's not forgetting talent yar).
My days are spent gazing at computer for far too long that the thought of plunking down somewhere and typing... well it makes me just long for bed. Oh. Today I am not feeling that sleepy compared to yesterday and the day before that. I am however grumpy.
Idle chat is so not me so early in the morning. I will usually grunt with eyes half close whenever people talking to me.
What's the point of the pic above? The cat or the motorcycle? Or would I came up with some witty LOL line KITTEHZ WANT RIDE (what is the dratted site the one Zye like to go to :P) ?
I don't know but I just find it cute. Shoot me. I'm a girl.
Also there is not a writer in the world that can inspired me to write something down. He did tho. I am afraid I might unintentionally copied his style as am too amateurish to have a particular style (or perhaps talent). However.... the writing is all up in my head. I can't seem to find the time nor the heart to really sit down and write out the events that transpired through my head.
Thus I am convinced that I can never be a writer. Too pemalas and it takes such times and various brain waves (Let's not forgetting talent yar).
My days are spent gazing at computer for far too long that the thought of plunking down somewhere and typing... well it makes me just long for bed. Oh. Today I am not feeling that sleepy compared to yesterday and the day before that. I am however grumpy.
Idle chat is so not me so early in the morning. I will usually grunt with eyes half close whenever people talking to me.

I don't know but I just find it cute. Shoot me. I'm a girl.
I heard that one way to get out of your writer's block, is to just write. Sounds kinda counterintuitive, but apparently the best thing to do is to just pick a time slot and write. Write random thoughts, write garbage, copy some other writer's writings if you must, just as long as you write. I know there's a novel somewhere inside of us yet. Come! Let us put pen to paper, and together we shall open up worlds beyond our wildest imaginations!
Let's write those rambling haphazard stories down. Literally! Putting pen on paper.
Do it the old fashioned way as such Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf... staining our fingers with ink. Writing at inappropriate places when the mood strike!
Buy cheap buku latihan and start penning or penciling. I rather hope not marker-ing. Those thing smell.
staining our fingers with ink... good ideas. but u know what?
NO PEN AND PAPER when the mood strikes.
LOL. to me.
"i haz your bike eatin your seatz"
as for traditional writing. i wish i can do that. but my handwriting is atrocious! might end up not being able to read whati wrote!!
That's the use of handbags to ladies! Big handbags! For bare necessities as this.
Fear that... but you can always get the gist on what you wrote.. and improve it!
Writers block or not, me thinks when you're blogging you're indirectly honing your skills what.
Stephen King once said, write what you know, what you are. Something close to your heart.
Gambate. Will be the first person in line at your book signing :)
belom lagi maa... huhu.. one book at a time... one book at a time.
LOADS of books tak baca lagi... from the warehouse sale I bought last year.
You meant some of the stories from M for Magic is kinda like a sequel from some of the stories in Fragile Things?
Thanks for the heads up! Heh.
I can't remember who say it.. but they say one of the hardest thing is to write the story which is closest to your heart since it is a hell of a brave thing to do.
(yeah.. not to mention a many hateful glances from some family and friends)
Canna waita for that one :)