Introducing a spanking brand new baby boy that the stork had just brought in today.

Muhammad Abid.
Inherit our family nose, but all else he looked like his dad. Adalah sungguh tembam. Hahaha. And I think he probably inherit our family plump cheeks too.
Eh. He's my nephew.
and masih merah. uh. tak berani dukung. kompem rasa mcm lembik sgt...
Dulu2 pon takut nak dukung new born baby. (skang pon kenkdg)
family nose? hey! we Saharudin's have the family nose also! hahahaha
sekarang::"awwwww!soooo adorable...comelnyeee...gerammmnyeeee"
hahaha...tembamlah abid ni,geram je tgk...cant wait for the stork to bring mine this july!InsyaAllah.
abg effi::saharudin's nose?hidung adik la mancung sekali...huahuahua
Unnatural? Oh come on. I know you must be good with babies. Heeee.
Hehe.. I always like babies. I found it funny when they are crying. At first. (but mungkin different kalo dah jd mom kut... hee) Toddlers are tiring.
And Dila (hehe.. klaka panggil another person Dila also), moga2 selamat.
Anyone yg pergi ke Mekah for umrah, u kirim la air zamzam. My sister found that it helps.
cant beat the smell of a baby with johnson n johnson punye bedak...