Ingatkan sejak pregnant ni kurang baca, but not bad at all eh. Though, I don't know why the interest is not so overwhelming cam dulu.
Adakah baby ni will not be an avid reader?? Noooo...
The Wonder Spot by Melissa Bank
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Like it well enough. It was different. Most definitely not chic lit, and not about love. It is more about relationships. Your relationships with family, friends, potential love in different stages of life. Interesting, but not compelling.
Glimpses by Adibah Amin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Adibah Amin is one of Malaysian great writers. Not in the likes of other literary author that is infamous, but almost there.
I have the privilege of knowing her personally as she tutored me in English and BM at one time.
Thus when I was reading this compilation of articles, in my head, it was in her voice. Her gentle soothing voice, that seems to always have a tinge of humour in it.
It is must be very appalling for her to to see my state of English grammar nowadays. Anyway, I am digressing.
I don't love this book, but I never love compilation or short stories anyway. Writing a review on them is even much worse. So, I'll just say, some I love, some I chuckled, some bristled me and some I just passed through. But always her gentle voice vibrates very loudly throughout this book.
So my review maybe biased. :)
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll
My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Would I be called as ignorant if I sai... I hated it.
I thought I don't like Alice in Wonderland, but I enjoyed Alice in Wonderland, somewhat, somewhere along the pages, in part.
This book, I didn't. I can't wait to finish it.. and not in a I want to know the ending way. Maybe it is just not my cup of tea.
How to Be Popular by Meg Cabot
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Like the story. The heroine was cute. The story is a bit too simplistic for me. Same argument as I made with Jinx (other book for YA).
I think I should remember that perhaps the book is aimed at tweens instead of teens. However, it does not distract my enjoyment of it, a lovely cute simple story of a girl trying to fit in. I think maybe I'll be only sticking books by Meg Cabot that is aimed at an older demographic as I really enjoyed Queen of Babble.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Like it well enough. It was different. Most definitely not chic lit, and not about love. It is more about relationships. Your relationships with family, friends, potential love in different stages of life. Interesting, but not compelling.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Adibah Amin is one of Malaysian great writers. Not in the likes of other literary author that is infamous, but almost there.
I have the privilege of knowing her personally as she tutored me in English and BM at one time.
Thus when I was reading this compilation of articles, in my head, it was in her voice. Her gentle soothing voice, that seems to always have a tinge of humour in it.
It is must be very appalling for her to to see my state of English grammar nowadays. Anyway, I am digressing.
I don't love this book, but I never love compilation or short stories anyway. Writing a review on them is even much worse. So, I'll just say, some I love, some I chuckled, some bristled me and some I just passed through. But always her gentle voice vibrates very loudly throughout this book.
So my review maybe biased. :)

My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Would I be called as ignorant if I sai... I hated it.
I thought I don't like Alice in Wonderland, but I enjoyed Alice in Wonderland, somewhat, somewhere along the pages, in part.
This book, I didn't. I can't wait to finish it.. and not in a I want to know the ending way. Maybe it is just not my cup of tea.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Like the story. The heroine was cute. The story is a bit too simplistic for me. Same argument as I made with Jinx (other book for YA).
I think I should remember that perhaps the book is aimed at tweens instead of teens. However, it does not distract my enjoyment of it, a lovely cute simple story of a girl trying to fit in. I think maybe I'll be only sticking books by Meg Cabot that is aimed at an older demographic as I really enjoyed Queen of Babble.
Tapi Adibah Amin punye writing ni macam sweet. Saya lagi suke compilation buku die yang As I Was Passing