Muka macam tak ikhlas kena introduce |
I had been wanting to adopt another cat untuk peneman Bobby. Bobby ni suke terrorize Kurap si kucing gemok ni. Kucing gemok ade masa-masanye will layan Bobby punye hyperactivity, but being an adult cat yang menuju ke arah obese... ( ye ye I kurangkan makan die and bagi makanan diet sudah ) she have a lot of downtime. So Kurap got frustrated a lot when all she wants to do is sit quietly by the sliding door watching the view dan tetiba ade seekor kucing berupa bull terrier ni ( I don't know why, but everytime I looked at Bobby I am reminded of bull terrier) datang hurtling down like a hurricane ajak main.
Bobby! |
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Bull terrier! |
Ape??? Tak sama??? Dari certain angle kut.
Anyway back to the new kitteh.
Husband balik hari tu rajin la nak melayan perangai wife die yang mahukan kitten. I prefer adult cats actually, because having kitten ni memenatkan. However I know Kurap won't tolerate an adult cat and she will just barely tolerate a kitten seeing it will be smaller than her so not much of a threat and I needed a young kitten to match Bobby hyperactivity.
Dengan itu aku duduk la scoured PetFinder and KTAJ punye adoption page in Facebook cari mana yang sesuai. So I came upon a post of a tuxedo (black and white fur, where the white is mainly at the underside, hence tuxedo! ) kitten, sms the owner and she said the tuxedo kitten had been given away, but she have another few kittens to give away. ( I do hope the owner will now have spay the mother). It is younger than I wanted, but I guess what the heck.
At first I was interested in another female ( I only want female), however kucing tu macam ade sakit mata and the owner wanted to keep her until she is better first. So she said GollyWolly, (her previous owner called her Demok , tapi sebab die tak gemok, I gave her a new name) should be ok as well. Knowing more of her traits, she is more fierce than the one that I want, that I agreed. I needed a spunky kitten that can hold her ground when Kurap feels like giving a walloping. Kurap memang diva.
When meeting the owner the past 2 Sundays ago, I noticed GollyWolly eyes are starting to get red, probably infected by her sister kut, but the owner tak notice. Bile dah letak dalam carrier on the way home, GollyWolly bersin non stop. Ah pulak. Leceh jugak adopt new kitten ni. Tetiba pulak sakit. I think she is just starting to get the infection. Sunday pulak most vet tutup.
So Monday, husband being on holiday brought her to our favorite vet which sekarang jadi kedai petshop sahaja sebab vet die resign. Huh! So he kena lah brought her to another favorite vet yang harga memang pengsan, tapi bagus. (The other one bagus jugak tapi cheaper, this one likes to be thorough so memang lagi banyak kena bayar ). The vet looked her over and thankfully said, most probably just a normal flu and eye infection, but to keep her in quarantine just in case.
Now, her eyes is OK, which is bagus. 3 - 4 hari her eyes got back to normal but the bersin-bersin persist but not as often as before. However she didn't present any other flu symptons, hidung tak berair, mata tak berair, selera makan dan minum tip top. Will brought her to the vet this Saturday, but she is now partially quarantine. So boleh la main gomol-gomol dengan Bobby.
Nak tunjuk side view die. Very inquisitive kitten and not afraid of people at all. |
How does she gets along with the other?
At first the 2 cats tak suke langsung. Bobby memula la yang paling emo. I dah susah hati. I dah cari-cari teman sepermainan untuk die, kalau Bobby tak suke, it kinda beat the purpose. Everytime Bobby came near her, he will hiss and spit and run away. Weekend first tu, Bobby merajuk tanak tunjuk muka kat bawah. He slept at the tingkat atas rumah tanak turun, sampailah we put GollyWolly ni away in her cage. He wouldn't touch his food and drink for 2 days, so lagi la I susah hati. Haha.
Kurap macam biasalah. Nampak je terus hissing, tapi the reaction is not as bad as Bobby. I am used to Kurap being like this, so I let her be. After all, GollyWolly needed to be friend with Bobby not Kurap. Asalkan Kurap tak attack and chewed her like a toy sudah. So far she didn't do that. I did found her giving GollyWolly a wallop or 2 with her paw but I corrected her and the kitten does not suffer any injury so far. Lagi suke nak nyakat Kurap adalah.
Kurap being wary of the newcomer. Mesti Kurap macam "hellooo, tak cukup jaga aku sorang ke" |
In the past few days I noticed Bobby and GollyWolly is getting along splendidly. At night I still put GollyWolly in her cage to separate them so she would not share the same food dish and sleep near Bobby, but Bobby can now sleep, drink and eat with GollyWolly in front her. Bobby tidak lagi mogok lapar. Sekarang ni seronok2 die org main kejar-kejar dalam rumah.
Kurap kenkadang join in the fun, but bile GollyWolly tu dekat , terus Kurap hisses and spat and stop duduk muka emo.
Why the name GollyWolly?
Sakit nyawa nak amik gamba die ni. |
She kinda looks like an Ewoks, especially part kaki tu. And she reminded me of this Gollywog doll, so I called her GollyWolly. Husband nak panggil Mollie, tapi I vetoo. Die dah namakan Bobby (very unimaginatively). However memang tergeliat laa nak panggil GollyWolly. Kenkadang, OggyWoggy, GollyGolly, UggyWoggy dan ade sekali tu husband tanye I "Where is Aglio Olio"
So while her name is GollyWolly, I shorten it mostly to Wolly okeh. Penat sepanjang post ni duk type GollyWolly. Kalau panggil die dari jauh, akan panggil nama penuh. Kalau marah, memang "Wolly!" sahaja.
Hope she continues to be well and be BFF dengan Bobby.
Hachiko kat rumah pun memang sukaaaa sangat menyakat Aoi. Lagi si Aoi marah, lagiiiii dia kejar sampai menjerit-jerit si Aoi. Kekadang kitorang duk dalam bilik berlari keluar igtkan ada pertumpahan darah ke apa, rupanya kena kejar je. Ceittt!!
Tapi kalau tengok badan Hachiko yang besar tu, memang la Aoi menjerit.