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Showing posts from July, 2010

Post tiada tujuan

Oh satu minggu yang amat busy ni, kurang sikit busy hari jumaat. Muehehe. I loike. Tak masuk akal ape aku type ni. Oh aku dah start main third position in the violin which I like. Ape itu third position? Welll.... mcm mana aku nak explain ni. Ok. Before this when playing, my fingers are place at the red area, now I am learning to play at the green area. Perbezaan adalah kecil pada mata pandangan. Tetapi my pinkie finger does not have to suffer much in that green area and I can move my fingers comfortably. While in the red area, kadang-kadang lepas habis lesson tu cramp fingers aku. And aku terpaksa flex my fingers slowly back to its natural straight position.  Obvs. I. AM. NOT. DOIN. IT. RITE. Speaking of violin, I am thrilled. THRILLED I tell you, that my husband had agreed to rent a lorry from JB to KL for us to get my organ and our wedding bed. Now the organ would not be left languishing gathering dust at JB. And my mom can't wait to get rid of the bed since it is taking a ...

Putting in word verification

Because the spam is getting a bit ridiculous. Before this it was once a week, which I can deal. Now it is around 2 or 3 times a day.  And honestly? Does any of the spams really work ? Especially now? It boggles the mind.  Very, very busy this week. No mood to blog. But still feeling like adding a couple of words in.  I read recently about some bloggers calling Nuffnang racist. Personally I don't think so ( the winners are deserving of their prize because the quality and thoughts put into it clearly shows) , though I do think that Nuffnang is a bit bias in term of the people they keep on handing exclusive invites to. But hey, I don't care. See Nuffnang in my blog? No. I tried it once and just felt like I can't blog. Sekarang pon rase cannot blog jugak, tak boleh blame Nuffnang jugak kan? Heh.  It is a personal choice what kinda things you want to do with your blog and if you want to generate money from it. Sure thing. But if the purpose of you blogging is to get m...

Tuesday, I write What can I say, I am redundant in making list regarding tvs and films stuffs. The day seems to go by so fast nowadays.

Good things must come to an end

Re: Manga Onemanga is shutting down or at the very least deleting most of its content. It distressed me HUGELY. I had just started reading again manga. Before this I am just confining myself to a couple of mangas and recently I am curiously trying to read as many as I can find and this have to happen. Gah! Am currently reading Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai. Ok enough lar. To be honest it is boring. I have no idea why I am still reading it though. Must be a habit where if I started reading something, I MUST FINISH IT! Re: Book I have not been posting book reviews because I am still trying to finish the Inkheart trilogy. Though I did manage to sneak in and finished few other books in between reading Inkheart. I think the next time, I will not be buying a 3 in 1 kinda books again. It is a pain to bring the book even downstairs to read. Hence the 'lembapness' in reading time. While Inkheart is kinda like a bore, Inkspell is getting to be interesting. Probably since I had seen the movie befo...

Post yang membebel-bebel pasal tah hape

And its Friday, and aku macam tak happy je. Amacam? I think its more on the list of neverending defects in my list. Tak ke down kalau tak boleh solve defects tu sebab issue2 remeh2 (e.g. kenot access the page). Anyway, yesterday I was off sick for half a day. Around lunch hour got back home, eat my sandwich, down the medicine, then kemas-kemas sikit dapur yang macam tongkang pecah, do some laundry ( unfortch I love buying clothes that needs hand washing) dan gosok baju while watching SATC. Gile productive time MC. Cuba weekend, mesti nak comatose atas sofa. The cats pon nampak je I balik terus meluru masuk rumah untuk lounging di atas sofa. It does feel good taking a sick day off, considering for this year, I had not taken an MC yet. I am rarely sick enough for an MC usually. If I do get sick, tu macam dah nak kena hospitalized dah tuh. By the way I found my cloche hat, Yipeee! Tapi kat mana aku nak pakai topi ituuuu. Ini nak buat overseas trip ni. Tak ke gatal nak gi overseas ...


I will parrot what others had blogged. Go in there blind and you'll be blown away. Each and everyone one of the cast is incredibly GREAT in the their roles and it is hard to think of a single bad thing to say in this movie. And can I also add, how incredibly awesome Joseph Gordon-Levitt in this role. I am just a little bit in love with him. Go watch it!

Hari ini tadek Tuesday Post

Actually ade, tapi serupa macam tadek. Babai. Edited : Also the decision to drop Edward Norton from The Avengers, make me vowed not to watch The Avengers (at the cinemas at the very least. Teehee). Which is not much of a loss since I never watch Iron Man (both movies) anyway. And the only reason I was midly anticipating The Avengers is the addition of Norton. I heart you Edward Norton! But I would still not watching you played a crackhead.

Emmy noms are in

And most people don't care a hoot. I generally do not care. But I get pretty excited when I heard the leads in Friday Night Lights finally getting some recognition and Archie Panjabi is nominated. She is the best thing that happened in The Good Wife. What I most excited about is that Dylan Baker is nominated in the guest star. I loved his story in The Good Wife. That story is gripping, incredibly acted upon and just make me sway wildly throughout the whole hour. Guilty, no, yes, definitely guilty, but he can't possibly be too cliche and guilty, but he can be guilty just look at his eyessss!!!! Awesome episodes. That's all I wanna say. It is Friday and I am contemplating either to buy a hat or a jigsaw puzzle. It's really a very hard decision to make upon. p/s: Herm.. I am loving my new Sony Walkman. TQVM.

Hormones on the rise today?

I was buying a Sony Walkman a few hours back, ( I think having a wish list is dangerous, it keeps on reminding you of things you want to buy. I am not doing it again! I think). The the salesperson who attended me, went to the computer to check if the model I want is available while I walked slightly further away watching "Disaster Movie" (God, that movie is horrendous) on play in those new TVs, then I glanced back at the salesperson who now have another salesperson sitting on his knee and both are giggling. Oh yes, both salesperson are guys. I quickly averted my eyes, as if macam I am watching something private. Which of course, yes. Tapiiii... perlukah berlaku di dalam kedai time you tengah working and a customer is waiting? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Was driving to work today and in front of me is a couple on a bike. I usually hate couple on bike because usually they are slow especially kalau orang yang bawak a...

Tuesday, the usual.

Some thoughts on other form of lit: Talking about that, I remembered that my husband is picking the The Walking Dead Vol 1 & 2 at Kino today, and I had bought Kick Ass. Have not had time to read it yet, but will. Sooner or later. Tralalala. Boleh buang 2 mende dari wish list dah. Hah! Updated : Seems like there is a problem with Blogger comments. Hoh. So I received your comments in the email, but it does not come up in the blog. Hurm, that seems to bring down the fun in blogging and commenting eh. Anyway Effi re your question, yeah, I went to Kino on Sunday still got a few copies left. Comments working now.

From Perlis to Langkawi then briefly Penang

Last 2 weeks, we went on a family holiday. Perlis, Langkawi then Penang. First I went to Perlis for my cousin solemnization. My cousin is the guy there holding the hand of his v.cute newlywed. Congrats to the both! The wedding went on smoothly and the food is awesomely delish. Also went to: Padang Besar and I didn't take any photos because I am too busy choosing what I wanna buy and also Wang Kelian. Material goods manage to acquire by giving a fistful of cash to various sellers: - Batik - Tikar - T-shirt - Blouses - Foods - Brooches Among other things. Don't think that I bought too many. I think. Summary of both: - Padang Besar have more range if you want to buy clothes goods seperti baju or bags and such. - Wang Kelian is cheaper if you are looking for household things. Oh and also, on the last day at Perlis we were at Putra Palace Hotel, (If its true.) And there was some event Malam Veteran going on, so a lot of senimans and seniwati there including...

Wish List

A new MP3 player. 512MB MP3 player will not cut it anymore nowadays. (yes, I am still using it). I am leaning towards Sony because I have no interest in joining the Apple bandwagon. (I gave away my lucky draw prize 1GB Ipod Shuffle to my sis since I am not interested in using it). Kick Ass graphic novel. The Walking Dead graphic novel. Its a bitch to find the Book 1 or Vol 1. A cardigan. New jeans. New pants for work/casual. That can work for both. Hair treatment. Gustav Klimt painting. Ok. I am just settling for the jigsaw puzzle of the painting. A new cat. ( Improbable, but I'll just throw it in the list) Baju baru. Tsk. Tsk. Its a woman mystery where, your almari is almost bursting with clothes, but you still don't have anything to wear. Lining untuk baju kurung. Need to do this ASAP untuk tempah baju raya.  Medium Season 6 DVDs. Damn it pirate sellers in KL, you disappoint me! Cloche hat. It is insanely out of place, but I do so yearn one! And if I find one, I ...
