So the planning on the previous post, most of it are not done. Go figure.
Nak pergi waterfall itu, but my husband was sick and I am having one of those womanly issues. Tak best la nak berendam. So instead on Friday, we went to KLCC. Blog worthy? No its not, but most things in blog is not blog worthy either. I am however itching to buy Kick Ass graphic novel. RM88++. Not bad. Was initially trying to find The Walking Dead, tapi pengsan tengok harga. But shopping, can only be done later. Bulan ni kena save sikit.
Since my Friday had opened up, I decided to take another spin on baking and try out a recipe of chocolate chip muffins. It was a pain finding sugar though since everyone seems to be stocking up sugar takut harga naik. Ugh. Anyway, instead of just chocolate chip muffins, I decided to put in marshmallows as well. And make the muffin as chocolate as oppose to just plain vanilla in the recipes. Banyaknye la perubahan kan. Patut pon rupa misshapen. Heh..
So the misshapen looking muffins.
Ade besar ade kecik... the first batch tu sebab tak biasa lagi brape banyak nak kena letak telah menjadi giant muffins. Afterwards baru normal sikit. The burnt looking and whitish squarish things on the muffins adalah marshmallows. It does not look nice but those taste the nicest. I made chocolate chip muffins and marshmallows. The chocolate chip muffins tasted a little bland to me then I added some jam in the next batch.
Oven yang diguna adalah pemberian Cik Nai masa my wedding dulu. Terima kasih Nai.(Betul kan Nai ko bagi ni? Hahahha...) Nanti kalo aku rajin aku buat muffins untuk ko pulak.
Oven kecik tu je. Bole muat maximum 5 muffins untuk dibakar, and each batch of muffins must be baked around 25 mins or so. Ade la dalam 20 muffins telah dibakar. Takpe, sempat la kemas dapur, cuci pinggan dan mandi bagai sementara duk bakar muffins ni.
Next experiment. Banana muffins pulak. I still got a lot of sugar and flour left.
nnti aku datang bt yg sedap2 ye...keh keh keh...
nnti aku datang bt yg sedap2 ye...keh keh keh...
Hehehe.. Kalu aku rajin .
By the time sampai, dah stale agaknye. Takpe, takpe, bole buat sendiri nye. Makan panas-panas la paling sedap.
ok kau praktis kasik terer dulu, then u can bring for us for our next gathering ok!